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Messages - Zarienai

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Characters / Animus Vene Pride ( "Soul Magic")
« on: July 04, 2011, 11:54:00 pm »
   Animus Vene Is a pride built on the baises of family, lead by a previous outcast and a wandering male. The two saw light within eachother and became eachother strangths. The male,Aryvix, is quiet and unsure of many things having no memory of his own past and not having trusted in things before meeting his mate Lunastra. He is a loyal lion, a trait retained from before the loss of memory and a strong since in his personality. Aryvix may not understand pride life completly but he is deturmined to make a home that can be there for any lion of lioness in need, it was Lunastra who showed him he didn't have to be alone and now he wants to do the same for others.
   Lunastra, a sweet lioness chased out of many prides and hunted down by a past mate for inner conflict teamed up with Aryvix for his soft soul and gental heart. She found shelter in him and a guard that would always protect her no matter what. Lunastra and Aryvix are searching for members to join them, any out casts and wandering lions are welcome within the pride built for misfits.
If you have any questions or wish to join, whisper Zarinthya or find Aryvix in game. Thank you.

Discussion Board / Re: Just Curious
« on: July 04, 2011, 11:37:41 pm »
Oh thanks, sounds cool. If the therd one is like FH I might wait for that. Truthfully I think if Kov ( that is the creater of FH's name right? I can't remeber.... XD ) really wanted to and had the time he/she could make an awesome site like that. I mean take FH and its baises and what ever but take the Feline and Canine and make them like Dragons and Gryphons. :D that would be AWESOME! XD I do love FH though. But I would play both!!! :DDD

Discussion Board / Just Curious
« on: July 03, 2011, 02:07:39 pm »
I thought about how cool this site is, and wondered if there was a nother like it that had dragons. >.< *nerd moment* Any of you know?

Characters / Zarinthya, the Night Gazer
« on: June 30, 2011, 04:42:43 am »
("Zar" is one of my two main characters :D)

Zarinthya and her twin lived most of there life alone, being left at a young age by their mother and pride becauase of an odd incadent. This may seem tragic but it gave Zar and her sister a wonder gift, "Gazing", in witch each holds a power over memory. Zar holds the power to restore and bring forth blocked or forgoten things through the help of the stars, its for that reason she believes the stars speak to her. This power is strongest at midnight when the moon is at it's highest and can be more of an influance, when used during the day she can become weak from the strain.
  Her sister, however, has the power to remove and block out memories others wish to no longer have. As well, her strangth comes from the sun and is strongest at noon. Each has its difficuties though, the memories can fade quite quickly if the owner gives up on it's meaning and a memory can be returned if the clues are there to trigger it.

 These two sisters used there gifts to get by in life, the stars feeding Zar memories of the past gave them lessons and the memories forgoten by her sister kept them strong and close. The two are inceprable and have only ever parted once in there lives.

((this bio is still being developed :D but I really like it so far! please excusse any typos. ITS LATE XD lol ))

Introduction / Re: New, and confused ;)
« on: June 30, 2011, 03:43:24 am »
Hello and welcome to FH!! I am still newish myself but I have figured out a lot and know the maps pretty well now :DDD I hope you have gotten a chance to explore them!! I don't have any fox characters :/ since I normaly do fox or wolves I focased more on the felines this time :D.

Introduction / Re: Hello ^^ I am new
« on: June 06, 2011, 08:04:50 pm »
Welcome to FH.
Don't worry if you don't get it right away. It's pretty easy to learn how to play. (:

thank you for the welcome. ^^ can you at least tell me what the objective of the game is?

Introduction / Hello ^^ I am new
« on: June 06, 2011, 07:37:36 pm »
Hello, ^^ I am new here to FeralHeart and actually found out about this game through another player. Though I still do not understand really anything about this game since I am used to games like Mabinogi that take you through a whole tutorial and what not. >.< Lol.

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