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Messages - iceheart999

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Night was easily knocked against the ground, letting out a yelp in pain. Her terrified eyes watched the pidgeot for a moment. She slumped to the ground, letting herself dwell in thought as she began to black out. Why did the bad things happen to her? First her mother, then her older siblings, and now this. She would most likely be caught. Now, she lie on the ground, knocked out. She hadn't even wanted to fight.

((Note- Nights eyes are a small shade darker than a regular zoura. Will be added to Extras later on))
Night's ear flicked as the voice of a male human, her strangely darker azure-blue eyes opening to watch a human walk past the patch of grass she had been sleeping in. Noticing the eevee tagging alongside him, she stayed still, hoping they wouldn't notice her, whether trainer or ranger, but that was highly impossible for her. There was a direct patch of sunlight on the grass, and with her black and red fur that stood aloud on almost anything but black, there wasnt much, if any, of a chance on her not being spotted.

The Zoura sniffed around, not caring much for the humans that noticed her. The pendant was her main form of defense against being attaked by trainers. She had found it not too long ago, it was most likely dropped by an absent minded trainer. Finally finding a berry, she began to much on it. Stupid humans and their strange ways, she thought to herself. They just drop stuff and fight pokemon, drop stuff and fight pokemon. Stupid pokemon, for wanting to always fight humans. I dont really care if i get stronger or not. Once she was finished with the berry, she curled up a patch of sunligt-warmed grass, soon falling asleep.

Name (opt): Nightshade
Sepcies: Zoura
Gender: Female
Age: Only about a few months
Level: 2
Extra: Pokemans! Anyways, she wears a small red amulet.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Digimon
« on: April 13, 2012, 02:11:32 am »
((Either that, Draco, or Dobermon could pick up a new scent. Poor Akari if Dobermon does))

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Digimon
« on: April 12, 2012, 07:21:55 pm »
The young girl sighed, watching the sun set from her house. A small, stuffed-toy looking animal was in her arms. "I wanna go outsi-i-ide!" The small round fluffball complained. "A-au! It's dangerous outside!" The girl said in slight defense. "I dont care! I wanna go outsiiiiide!" The fluffball.. leapt from her arms? It raced to the door, the young girl, named Akari, following. "Comeoncomeoncomeon!" The enegetic Dodomon said, bouncing up and down. Akari sighed, it was practically no use. She walked out to the backyard, to a small club-house like place. Inside, there were quite a lot of cards. She mostly had gotten them for her birthday, and had them neatly in little stacks, in little shelves. This was her small relaxation place, which Dodomon seemed to love. She casually sat in one of the chairs to her table, lifting Dodomon up and placing the small digimon onto her lap. "There must be other digimon with tamers out there, i can feel it!" Akari looked down at Dodomon. "Well, whatever you say." Akari blinked, looking out the one window.

((Can at least one trainer be close to akaris house? I dont wanna leave her out the fun.))

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Digimon
« on: April 12, 2012, 12:28:39 am »
Name: Akari Hana Aiko
Gender: Female
Age: Seven
Personality: She is shy and often sticks out of crowds. She is scared of almost anything, thus winces a lot. She usually stays at her home once school is over. She often treats Dodomon like a younger sister since she has little to no friends
Digimon: Dodomon

Digimon aplication
Name: Dodomon
Gender: Female
Ability: Little Iron Beads
Evolves: Dodomon-Dorimon-Dorumon-Dorugamon-Dorugreymon-Dorugoramon
Personality: Dodomon is a very enegetic Digimon, and usually has her tainer racing after her. She is very feisty and unpredictable, but ready to defend her trainer at all costs. She's not afraid to fight, and will often be seen as a small stuffed toy in her bookbag.

((XD you probably will. Poor Finian. *insertnomnmhere*))

((I will be getting involved in that case *-*, that doesnt mean Akari won't be glomping Finian's head.))

((Not call as in phonecall *facepalm* as in speaking call (Like ones mother/ father/ grandfather/ grandmother used to do). If you noticed *points to page 2* the servants called for Sebastian as he went to the meeting. Now don't get me confused or the whole rp will be in a mess @.@))

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