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Messages - evelynn

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'Hawke likes grass between her toes' "in cadet blue!"
Character Name:Galen

User name: evelynn


Species: Lion

Gender: male

Age: 2 years

Description:  Galen is a dark African lion.  His massive hulk is covered by thick rich dark fur, so dark it looks like the blackest and richest chocolate. His rich kingly mane is raven black and soft as rabbit’s fur. His underbelly and chin are a dark carmel color.  His piercing green eyes appear to glow against his dark fur.

Personality:  Beneath Galen’s big hulk lies a heart of gold. Tenacious loyalty and kingly strength shine through his eyes. He is quiet and sure yet proud. Possessing a commanding presence, its hard not to recognize when he enters the room.

History: His father was Lorn king of the Bakran. Galen was the prince of that kingdom and soon to be king, until the unending drought came. Although Galen and his family always got along, hunger can turn the closest of friends into the worst of enemies. Overtime the pride became divided into two factions those who wanted to stay and wait out the drought and those who wanted to leave, tensions became fierce. Galen and his father lorn insisted that the pride stay, and wait out the drought. King Lorne forbade them to leave, even on their own accord under punishment of death. Rhonen united the lions that wanted to leave against his father and won. Thus the winning faction departed, leaving the remaining survivors to flounder on their own.

Mate/Offspring: None

Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Looking for a pride to join

Your character is best at?: Leading/fighting

RP Sample:

Galen's eyes scanned the strange lands before him, He had no idea where he was. at least there was rain. It had been so long since the last rainfall that the lake in his homeland had completely dried up. Now he took shelter under a stone slab from the torrent of rainfall that plummeted down from the heavens, and cascaded over the rock like a waterfall.

He quietly brooded over his lost loved ones. He often wondered what became of them. Since the war, He and a small group of lionesses struggled for survival, he was the only survivor. After Rhonen's new pride left in search of food and water, the remaining lionesses began to die off due to disease, infection, hunger and thirst. Galen was the only survivor, the remnant of a broken pride. He felt it sometimes, when the rains fell, he often paused to wonder what could have been. Yet, he knew he needed to let go of his past. Until he found out what happened to his family, he knew he never really could. Until then he hoped to join a pride, maybe he could be of some use there. Slowly and surely the sun broke through the clouds and warmed Galen's face, somehow he knew everything would be alright.

Can I have a grey wold that got dumped in africa by humans???

Game Help / how do I create new objects for feral hearts?
« on: September 22, 2011, 11:47:51 pm »
How do I Make new objects without the object maker?
I want to be making trees ferns rosebushes, logs, mushrooms, antelope and other animal meshes. Not to mention rocks and other such things.
Is there a program I use?


Characters name: Sabine
Forum/In-game Username: Evelynn
Rank being requested: Council
Role play sample:

The meeting room was abuzz, as the council members took their seat. Sabine tried to maintain composure. She didn't like to try members of her own pride, especially her loved ones. Betrayal was a serious matter, and this incident was certainly no exception. No matter How much I hurt, I must see that justice is done here. How could the most respected council member, her very sister, befriend and aid a wolf? It was the enemy! She sighed, perhaps this was a mistake, but what ever the outcome, surely right would be done. The chief clapped his paws, signaling the start of the meeting. She snapped her thoughts in, the trial was about to begin.

(I do literate, and "illiterate" Rps without preference, I am not concerned with how others spell nor will I correct them, because it's rude. I am a good person to be around and I get into character very well.)
I am in the eastern time zone.


Characters name: Rhonen
Forum/In-game Username: Evelynn
Rank being requested: Warrior
Role play sample:
He stared out at the plains aghast. Smoldering heaps stood where his beloved pride once stood. He forced himself to step forward. This had to be a terrible dream! surely this was a dream! No, this wasn't a dream Where as only this morning his loved ones played wrestled and slept on these charred rocks, All that left of his home his family, his land was ruin. Desperately he ran amongst the rocks crying for someone any one! "Hello! Are you here! Father! Mother! Sabine! Where are you? Answer me Please!" Alas, he was alone. He ran until he could run no more. Frustrated tired and alone he collapsed on the blacked rubble. All he had lived for was gone. Rising with strength he never knew he had, He sat upright, "I will find what happened here. If any of you are alive, I'll find you!"
(I do literate, and "illiterate" Rps without preference, I am not concerned with how others spell nor will I correct them, because it's rude. I am a good person to be around and I get into character very well.)
I am in the eastern time zone.

Introduction / Hello Everyone!!
« on: September 17, 2011, 09:55:46 pm »
I'm new to Fh and so far am liking it very much I look foreward to seeing you all soon! ;D

Game Help / Re: whenever I try to set my map texture, it keeps freezing!
« on: September 17, 2011, 09:52:24 pm »
its 640 by 600

Game Help / whenever I try to set my map texture, it keeps freezing!
« on: September 17, 2011, 08:42:15 pm »
Does nay one know how to solve this problem?
when ever I try to load my map texture onto the game, it freezes, then crashes, I am using windows 7, I have new computer no my memory, (RAM and C: space) isn't used up and yes every thing ELSE works just fine without hitch.
 I would great;y appreciate any help. Thank you!!! ;D

Game Discussion / How do players create wings in the game?
« on: September 17, 2011, 04:51:31 pm »
I've seen vids where people added wings to their feral hearts characters, one looked like a flying zebra one looked like a  wiged rainbow. If there is a way to add wings to the game, how do we do it?
Is there A file I have o download? Do I have to edit meshes and save over the basic lion file?

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