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Messages - Wolf}

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I wanna Join!
Description:Grey tabby she-cat with white stripes and blue eyes.
Rank:Leader please but if not i can be warrior
Skills:Is swift, Clever,and Smart
Age:32 moons (about 3 years old)
i can change her name if she can't be leader.

If you Rp in Feral Heart here
Age:1 and a half years
Pack:Lighting Pack please ;D
PositionInPack:Lead Stalker (That sounds kinda creepy though oh well :D))
Friends:none so far if that's for the Rp
History:Lila was also ment to be some type of spy she would spy on her brothers and sisters she was a well behaved pup and also loyal to her pack but you could never tell if she was going to be loyal or not (but she is mostly loyal)

Can i join? if you Rp in Feral Heart
Age:1 and a half years
Descrip:black wolf with  white eyes (he's blind)
history:Koda was once a good and well behaved pup untill everything changed, one day he was walking minding his own bissnuss then he was hit in the head by a hunter, he survived but he couln't see he became blind and then his personality chaged. But every once and a while you can get him to show his old self.
parents:Lakota and Kima (they arn't real i made them up)
likes:water, looking at the moon (even if he can't see) being with his family and sometimes being alone
dislikes: mean wolves that make fun of him for being blind and most of all hunters (well humans in general)
personality:Koda is a strong wolf he is also caring and sweet but not alot and he is protective.
(I added this)
Other:Koda may be blind but he can still see unlike other wolves he sees with his feet (i kinda go that off of avatar) and other sences. And he has to trust you alot to show him-self as a pup when he was diffrent.

Age:1 a half years
Gender: Todd[Male]
Rank Desired:Tyto if possible ;D
Species:Red fox
Personality:Ace is a  clever fox he is almost never tricked he's calm, kind, strong, and caring for his loved ones.
History:Ace had a good childhood he was raised by his fox family and was loved much he went off for a clan when he was old enogh to.
RP Sample: Ace sat at the egde of his clan territory, He heard a sound in front of him. Ace growled at the unknown animal he couldn't see. "Come out to where I can see you" he said. He sighed in happyness finding that is was only a clan member far away from the den.

Picture:(I dont know how to but if someone tells me ill post it a.s.a.p.)
Age:1 and a half years
Species:White german shepard
Personality:Jay is a strong male. he usually sticks up for others. Jay is also not afraid to fight.
Background:Jay had a bad history he was left and taken to the dog fights and had to fight his way to freedom.
Misc:He dosen't trust easily (?)
Do you agree to the rules?:YUSH (YES)
Clan rank:Loner (If that's possible if not i don't really care)

If you play in a map in FH here
Ingame username:Wolf}
Desired rank:Loner (but then can i join the pack? i dont care what that position is though)
Wolf desc:a gray wolf with black markings and mane
(and can someone tell me how to get pictures on this thing?!)

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: ~**FOUR PACKS**~
« on: January 07, 2012, 04:37:22 pm »
Nickname:Bre (but she prefers Breeze)
Age:1 and a half years old
Description/picture:A white wolf with ice blue eyes and markings.
Personality:A little shy but very kind and caring, also strong for a girl.
Powers:Can disapear into thin air, and can see the past and future
Other:Likes water looking at the moon and hanging out with friends (if she doen't disapear first.)
Also after she uses her powers to see the past or future she almost faints.

If you see one that's exatly the same it's because this the same account or maybe only i can see it.

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