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Messages - Arkayy

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  These objects, for the majority, are in .obj form.

Torii Gate:

   * Needed this mesh for a Japanese map. I may re texture in the future.



   *Two fairly similar Greek temples. One looks like the Parthenon and the other, i really don't know. I use it as a swimming pool or cage in my maps.


Willow Tree pack:
    *Moving realistic willow meshes. To end the controversy, I got the meshes from a dead tree pack on DA and was testing out textures i arranged. The meshes are indeed not mine and I give credit to the creator. I'm sorry to anyone if I didn't make it clear.


Stalactites/mites pack

     * Requested Mesh. I may add more to the pack later on.


Furniture Pack



   I think I've moved my main focus to maps just because, well... The normal maps are way too laggy for me! Plus, how many games do you get to create your own private realm for you and friends? I'm currently working on a lot at the moment, slowly switching from each.

Shikokori Desert:

   * A barren desert map i made a while back. It's HUGE!!!! No seriously... I made the map and even i get lost!! Anyways, My friend wanted a desert map like this. I know, its kinda thrown together, but deserts don't have much of anything but sand in them anyways, right? This map is full of dens and bones, almost like a wasteland but also has a few campsites. Wings are aloud in the map, and if you do get wings try to see if you can find my hawk in the sky.

Hairo Isle:

   * Another vast and simplistic map. One of my firsts. The isle is covered with giant acacia trees and has a few den and rock formations. All of the items are in-game, no outside meshes.

Amemori Forest:

   * A pretty huge, warrior based map. Took a lot of effort into making it but its finally done. There are 4 main campgrounds and two outside islands near the mainland.


    I used to make them all the time. I won't really anymore though because my computer is crap and its hard to see colors on the monitor. I plan to start taking them again though so don't worry! :D

  *Renamon Model: My first model. I think it turned out okish.

  * Wolf Link Model: Kinda a rushed model i did a while back if you ask me. It's still kinda cool to play as, especially if you download Tetsu's Items to go with it.

  *Akatsuki Model: This one I really ended up liking. What can i say? I'm a narutard and I'm proud lol. This one is modelled after itachi and it even has his ring on one of the paws. :3

  * Kurama Model: My last for a while. It looks weird since he doesnt really have nine tails X3 I tried though.

((Sorry, im not taking pictures of all 27 eye sets right now. All the ones above are in the pack though.))
  * Humongous Naruto Eye pack: All i can say about this one, is that it took me forever but im proud of it. There is a total of 27 different eyes and you can mix and match them however you like. Be sure to read the instructions if you are not sure how to get the eyes in-game.


Arkanis's Creation Junkyard

   Sup everyone. Welcome to my creation page. I thought i would share some of my works with everyone. I spent a lot of time on some of this stuff and I'll update this page whenever i can. I hope everyone enjoys this stuff. NOTE: DO NOT CLAIM ANY OF THIS STUFF AS YOURS! I'm very lenient and you can edit whatever you want, but dont take my original work and say you made it. I'll probably stop making stuff period of that happens. So yea... let's get on with the downloads!

***Update: Screenies and Willow Pack added!***

Another note: I will not directly take requestions (my word for questions and requests) but feel free to pm me or check out this link if you want to request a mesh or something:

I have a life so it may take a while to get back to you if you do.


Request/Find Meshes / Re: Arkanis's Wish List
« on: December 25, 2012, 07:31:54 pm »
Thanks! All this stuff does help. :D i actually really do like the dead tree mesh. I did see a willow mesh under glave's stuff, but its looks too roundish at the top for me.

Btw, your siggy's epic! i cant stop laughing. heheh butterfingers.

((Er... sorry for not being on. im still stuck being sick and well, enjoying a few games i got. *nervous face* heheh sorry... so addicting.
I understand Azara, same here lol. the good thing about the holidays is that I get to eat as much as i want. Honestly, probably the only reason i like this time of year. X3
And cool, new member. :D The wolf's cool and the human form reminds me of cloud lol. ))


(( X3 I couldn't help myself. It fits so perfectly with his character. I had to look all last night for the bouncy pokemon avy. Think its worth it. Ninetales is beast. Wish there was an absol one though T.T))

   He kept running and blinked a bit surprised when Kaze passed the rest of them towards the staircase. Kira started to run faster but slowed down scenting Accalia's scent fall further behind. As the wolf glance over his shoulder about to ask if the she wolf was ok, his eyes widen with his jaw dropped a bit. The maiden they had come to seek was rubbing Accalia's shoulder, miracolusly healing.  "Did you see that?" she asked Kira as he paused in amazement. There's definitely something with this girl. Some girls can act like witches but I've never seen one do magic.

   He shook his head still in disbelief still but froze after smelling the air. A growl echoed from the back of his throat when he recognized the kind of scent. " Why is one of there filth here?" he spat under his breath," Shouldn't they be in there castle playing princess?" Kira tried to piece together what was going on in his mind but the alarms made it difficult to concentrate. "They know were here.." Accalia growled quietly.

   For a brief second, he felt his heart sink with anger boiling in him soon after. He might not know about the maiden as well as the others, but he was certain that this noble would want her. I'm sick of these people posing as the center of the universe, wanting everything that will give them more power... He glanced down at the floor, rage sparking in his eyes, curling his lips back into a snarl of frustration. Kira glared up through the darkness ahead and lept forth into a sprint towards the stairs, passing Kaze to the scent of the noble rashly.

    Kira stopped and looked up at the glass case ahead of him containing the maiden. His head tilted innocently to the side. This is what was drawing me here? Hmph... never thought a women would lure me like this... (XP) He shook his head and glanced around, just now realizing Kaze was at his side. "Great of you to finally join us. Have a nice time playing with the lights?" the wolf spoke teasingly as he grinned.

    Kira turned his attention back on Accalia as she approached,"I can carry her, but it won't be easy getting back down. I'm sure they are sending guards up this way as we speak." He took a second to examine the blood splotches on her pelt. "I'm fine, let's just get out of here." She made her way down the dark hallway. Kira's face displayed some worry still but he shook his head. There right... If we don't get out of here, guards may catch us. I don't think we need the violence.
    As he watched the she wolf take off into the hall, he tagged along after as fast as he could. His back leg ached as he ran and the sirens from the alarms above start to spurr up a headache in him. Kira attempted to throw away the pain for the moment because he knew it couldn't slow him down. Whether he liked it or not, he knew he threw himself into this whole mysterious maiden mess. Questions were bursting in his mind and he wanted to ask the others why he had this strange sensation, a connection the the maiden. The only way he knew he could find the answers is if the three escaped with the maiden.

((Sorry i didn't post sooner. I felt too sick last night to... I hate winter, i always get sick with something.))

((Hopefully not. D: im still here though.))

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