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Messages - Arkayy

Pages: 1 ... 76 77 [78] 79 80 ... 82
(( I know how ya feel. :/ that's why I just don't do mine.))

((man, hope theres an elevator. hate stairs :P. And i completely forgot about the electricity thing. *face palms* Whether they do or not im fine with it.))

 "So, you decided to come play with us kids, hm?" The she wolf retorted as he grimaced with his golden gaze narrowed. It took him a lot of strength not to comment but he held his tongue, not wanting to blow his chance to find out what was in the building. Kira was almost completely oblivious to the presence of the darker she wolf to his side. "My name is Accalia. And that sounds good. Shouldn't be too hard to get them to look away," she said, laughing. "Humans can sure be fools. I'll meet you inside."

   His gaze followed her as the black wolf that announced herself as Accalia leapt of towards the men. Automatically, he shifted over to look at the other wolf. "I guess you can play hide and seek with us. My name is Kaze," she said nonchalantly, moving forward and looking out in time to see Accalia lead away the guards.  Kira took a brief moment to watch the guards leave then returned his stare back at Kaze, only now noting she was the seemingly only would not larger then him. For some reason, he felt for some reason this wolf could be trusted.

   As Kira began to open his mouth, having dozed off in his thoughts a bit, he was cut off the she wolf's "Let's go." and hastily trailed after her as she ran out of the alley, through the streets to the entrance of the building. He slid through the door way and flinched. That was it... the scent... he thought to himself. He felt the urge just to sprint off to it but held his spot, turning around as he saw the other wolf that led the guards away.

    "Hey!" she whispered as she quickened her pace "There ya are. And who is this?" she gestured at Kira. He stared at Accalia suspiciously for a moment but knew there was no time for any sort of trust test. "I'm Kira..." he mumbled quietly as he averted his gaze back to the hall ahead of him. He trailed a bit behind the two, keeping up with the quick pace as best he could.

   They arrived at the end of the hall and peeked into what looked like a testing room. "What's the plan?" Accalia said in a whisper, shuddering a little. It took him time to think, but Kira raised his head a bit as he began to spoke. "If we go in there, we will have to distract whatever humans are in there. Someone should lure them out of the room then turn around, locking them out. It would save the effort and time of fighting them. The other two can find the source of the scent in the meantime."

   He had know this tactic like the back of his paw. It was the strategy he used to do when trying to get some of the human food for himself. Kira studied the two briefly, trying to judge who should lure them out in his head. I doubt Accalia would want to do that again. And Kaze acts like she knows a lot more about this thing that's drawing us, it would be better if she stayed. That only leaves me i guess. The thoughts raced through his mind as he shook his head to clear his conscious  This time, he knew what was at stake. He knew failure wasn't an option if he wanted to solve this mystery and the bright gleam in his eyes proved it.

((Real sorry, meant to post this yesterday but my life didn't let me lol.))

((Sorry I didn't post anything yet. I will sometime tomorrow when I get on an actual computer :D ))

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: November 30, 2012, 04:21:02 am »

((Heheh. drama always makes the rp. I'm in as well.))

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: November 29, 2012, 05:18:43 am »

((Ik what you mean. didn't like at first, but all my friends on wq had watched it and pressusred me into giving it a second chance lol. and I fail D: thought you were still on the building. Curse my tiredness!))

   As he got closer, he paused, overhearing voices. His gaze narrowed as he peered over his shoulder to see two other wolves and a building towering above. Kira stopped for a moment before staring back over where the scent was trailing to. I hate to admit it, but going in with others might help, Kira thought. He was bothered by the thought of him pairing up with others since he prefered to be a lone wolf, but the mystery behind the scent bothered him more. A brief, subtle whine mixed with a sigh escaped his muzzle as he lowered his head.

   His ragged ears pricked a bit, eavesdropping on the conversation. They can smell the scent? And could she really have been looking for the scent forever? He blinked a bit surprised hearing the statement. Does she know what this thing is then? Kira shook his head, wanting to ask, but he held his tongue lunging onto the building the two of his kin were on. He didn't move too close, but close enough that the two would know his presence, having his gaze averted from the wolves. Stuttering a bit, he muttered to the wolves, "If you two are going in there, i want in. I need to know what's in there..."

((Going to force Kira to be with the group for now. I bet he loves me for it. XD
Oh, and i came up with a description for the 3rd noble, apparently the only lord.
I think i'll have to rp him on and off though cause i know already i won't be able to think of something for every time i post. If i described something that doesn't fit feel free to tell me. Haven't watched wolf's rain in ages, but i might start again for the sake of this rp. :3))


Name: Aizen Sekiru

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Personality:   He comes across as calm, cold and usually has no regard for people below him. Along with this, he is mysterious, never telling anyone his real thoughts on things.  Despite this, it is obvious that he wants the flower maiden. He is persistant in capturting her no matter the costs. The reason for this is currently unknown.

History:  Sekiru grew up in a noble household with a sister a few years younger than him. His mother died giving birth to his younger sister. Nearly all of his life, Sekiru was very close to his father, adopting many of his ideals including many anti-wolf ones. After his father had passed from age, he took over. A little time after that, he became obsessed with fantasies he had heard as a kid about the maiden's ability to lead people to paradise and has plotted to capture her ever since.

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: November 27, 2012, 05:25:43 am »

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