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Messages - Arkayy

Pages: 1 ... 77 78 [79] 80 81 82
Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: November 27, 2012, 02:28:06 am »

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Avatar
« on: November 26, 2012, 05:14:18 am »
Wonder if it eats wolves. The irony!

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: November 26, 2012, 05:10:37 am »

 (( Yay! He's not the only runt. X3))

   Kira wandered around, still following the aroma. His head was lifted towards the sky as he moved throughout the shadows, attempting to stay hidden from other's sight. The wolf felt chills when the scent began to become more vivid and fresh. His pace quickened in anticipation, eager to see what this scent actually was.

   Almost silently, he cornered around a building into the midst of a dark alley nearby. His ears twitched a bit back and forth, hearing voices of people grow louder as he drew closer. The gold gaze of the wolf poked out of the darkness briefly to survey the area. A building automatically caught his attention, making Kira's eyes widen. Kira set one paw outside of the alley but pulled drew back seeing a few humans pass. His ears flicked laying back against his skull. Wearily, he scanned the area cautiously.

   Would it be guarded? The thought suddenly came through his mind as he shook his head. No, it doesn't matter. I still have to get in there, no matter what. His eyes narrowed showing a bit of determination. The wolf leapt onto the lid of the nearby dumpster then lunged for the roof of a low building. He caught the edge by the skin of his teeth and clawed himself on the roof. As he looked down at the city below, his face cracked into a small, smug smirk before he continued to get nearer to the building.

   After a few minutes, the beeping noise had faded from his collar until it was silent again. He let go of the leather collar and heaved a sigh. When he looked up, Kira noticed another wolf had appeared, also larger than him.  His eyes narrowed. Was the scent of wolf's blood a catnip for other wolves? As his ears perked listening to the conversation, he couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the thought of others, especially others of his kin. Kira had been solo nearly his whole life, and he wasn't going to change for these strangers.

   Kira had only came because he had been curious about the gun shots and knew he should move on. The wolf rose to his paws, standing shakily on his hind leg. He u-turned and inhaled the air for the familiar scent. The scent was faint but he believed he could trace it.  "Later kids," Kira scoffed almost silently under his breath as he took off. This time, he was determined, he didn't need anyone else's help and he believed he didn't need theirs.

  Kira raised his head his bit, watching as the man fell. His ears angled to listen to the conversation as he scoffed to himself, " Hmph. What are those idiots doing? Leaving a man's body in the open covered in fur, perfect way for our kind to be caught." A glint of anger lusted in his golden eyes as he shook his head.

   As he stood back up to search around the city more, he froze in his tracks. The red tracking light from his collar shone brightly through the darkness. The collar began to beep loudly, echoing through the alley. The young wolf let out a low growl in frustration," Crap. I thought he said he was going to bed!" His golden gaze narrowed. Kira peered around to see if the wolves or anyone else had noticed and quickly tried to rip the collar off. He was stubborn to find what was alluring him, even if it meant going against his master.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Digimon
« on: November 25, 2012, 02:01:27 am »
Did this rp just like die? lol

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: November 24, 2012, 10:30:32 pm »
5/10 Seen you post several times on stuffs. Doubt im known though since i usually just read something and dont bother to post.  But i remember the siggy pic. :3

(( Alright, i will lol. I just need a bit to think.))

   As Kira kept running, he heard familiar echos which made his ears flick repeatedly.  The growl he had stuck in his throat before surfaced as vivid images flashed through his mind. He began to sprint in the direction but started conflicting with himself.  What if it's just another criminal versus police scene? I would have no purpose to go ahead. His eyes narrowed as he thought of another possibility.  Maybe it has something to do with why i wanted to come out here so bad. But, do want to risk it?

   The self argument went back and forth between the wolf's mind, but something settled the argument.  He wafted the air as his eyes opened a bit wider. Faint traced of wolf blood.  He had known the scent well.  Without question, he darted forth trailing the scent until he skidded, stopping in the shadow of a building.  As he peered ahead, he could see three main masses of shadows, two roughly the same, if not larger than his own.  Kira was about to rush in, but stopped himself.  His golden gaze narrowed and he sat in the shadows, only observing the scene.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Avatar
« on: November 24, 2012, 09:32:16 pm »
Gah, i know the name! ive seen the wolf before! *puts on thinking face*

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