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Messages - Sammim123

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Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: June 28, 2011, 11:49:43 pm »
thank you, and of course, thatll take me two minutes, ill pm you with the mediafire link to its files, so you can export it in your game and play with it!

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: June 28, 2011, 07:11:05 pm »

spots were hard XD i couldnt figure out the right size, if you want anything changed let me know!
oh and i did the glowing effect originally.. but it looks really choppy, and keep in mind that you get to choose the mane and everything, tufts etc.

however, the eye type you can not change, so if you would like a different eye type just let me know!

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: June 28, 2011, 05:22:50 pm »
ooooo0o  i shall get to work immediatly! what is the best way to contact you once i am finished?

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: June 28, 2011, 12:14:40 am »
oh btw there are in exact reference to how i was told to do them, other than swift (the one with the blck purple and teal) because swift is not finished yet.

Id recommend that if you do not have a reference image of the character, print out a coloring page of some sort (deviantart has a lot of free line arts as long as credit is given and they are used non profitly) and doing it that way. Also please specify if it is canine or feline! because a design made for a felind body, does not look too great on a canine, and vise versa XD

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: June 27, 2011, 10:08:38 pm »

those are the few i still have the files of and that still belong to me, however swifts design is not mine, its a nother request i took

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: June 26, 2011, 01:14:14 pm »
I would like to request one (:

You can either give me details/images here, or if you have a dA you can note me/link meon there =)

Exactly as the title says lol

Can post examples if wanted

Can do just about anything with them, bi eyes, two different designs on each side etc.


I will no longer be taking personal requests without reasoning. If you are signing into a character creator and just adding "spam" characters, i will not take them. You can either contact me on my deviantart, ( ) or by posting on here with a full description as to why you want/need this preset. Along with a "due date"

I ask that you only make requests that are purely made of your own design. If your character is in a roleplay an you want your preset for that, thats decent reason, i would like a description image, and bio of the character if that is the case. I have done over 60 of these presets in the past two months, (between friends, deviantart, this forum, and people i have met in game) And as much as i do indeed enjoy making them, it is slightly irritating that people are misusing the idea of presets.


NOT everyone in the game can see your preset, just you, until you export it, and have other people download it.
NOT everyone will want to download your preset, unless it is for you roleplaying character, trust me, random people will not say hey i heard you say you have a preset can i see it!
THEY TAKE TIME! Some of the designs i recieve can take me as much as 6 hours. (makes me sound noobish)

FOR EXAMPLE: Chibiterasu preset that was requested on this forum. I had to draw up id believe it was 40+ images just for that ONE request. Not to mention restarting the game several hundred times to make sure everything looks right, blends smoothly, and is in the correct place.

I understand some people can do them a lot quicker, but i like to make sure everything is just around exact.

I CAN NOT AND WILL NOT MAKE NEW FUR SHADING FOR YOU! -as i completly fail at making realistic shading- xD (so please do not ask..)

So from now on, i am taking requests, within reasoning. And only opening up 5 slots, once those five are done, i will reopen them.

NOTE: some designs make take only an hour, while hours can take multiple days. It gets very mind-grating restarting the game and checking things, especially with more complex designs.


-still backed up on original requests, will be reopening when they are finished-

Game Help / Re: Seeing peoples presets
« on: June 21, 2011, 03:34:12 am »
thanks and believe it or not i didnt think thi was my problem... turned out it was which is odd because i use this username for everything and NEVER capitalize it anywhere else XD

THank you <3

Game Help / Seeing peoples presets
« on: June 18, 2011, 05:31:40 pm »
Okay so i have been trying to figure this out on my own for quite some time.

First and foremost,
I uploaded the preset file i use for my character it is entitled


My friends have downloaded it, and placed it into the preset, presets folder (dont remember if its plural or singular)

They till just see regular old character.

Characters name is Rex

Is there anyway to fix this?

Presets & Markings / Re: Cecil's preset!
« on: June 11, 2011, 07:03:55 pm »
is the fhp file the only one you upload when you want to send it to other friends? Because it wont show up in my their game still for some reason and i sent them the fhpp file im using, an you help me witht his at all?

im sorry, im trying to figure out how to upload a preset i created, for my friends to be able to see. And I am unsure exactly which file you give them to upload so they can see my preset when i play as it. I apologize for bothering you, and for being unclear, Im trying to figure out which file i give them to download, so they can see me use my preset in game for an rp.
What exactly do you mean? You put the file you downloaded in the feralheart>exports folder.. You can't use the preset in-game. You can only see ME use it, if that's what you're wondering.

nonono lol i meant for my preset what file do you give to your friends to download, just the exported fhp? because i gave my friend the exported file to download and she put it in the right folder but its still not coming up in her game
Ummm.. what do you mean by that? You dont USE my preset in-game for your characters. You ONLY see me using it because i have all the texture files. If this still doesn't help, Im going to stop responding because I dont know what you mean at all.

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