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Messages - sparticles

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Alrighty great, just take a look on our site, get all the information you need, fill out a sample and such in the 'Joining' section and I'll get right to you. c:

It's based in the actual game, since we're branching off from Benevolent, and most get on via the game itself. Since we have a roleplay section on the site however, we do also allow roleplays there. All don't need to be in-game, but it is preferred that you can actually get in-game when joining.


A tribe that's now looking for active, dedicated members!
NOTE; due to faults with the map we're waiting on a new one being made, for now we will get activity up and do any roleplays on our Discord to keep things alive. We've had a clear out of inactive and are now accepting members again!
Find our Discord at;

We're looking for staff!
High ranks available are;
- Master (Alpha Male/Wolves)
- Commander (Lead Guard/Wolves)
- Marauder (Lead Hunter/Wolves)
- Chief/Chieftess (Lead Pair/Humans)
- Regent (Second Command/Humans)
- Lieutenant (Third Coommand/Humans)

Other Wolf Ranks;
- Sentinel (Guards/Wolves)
- Bruiser (Fighters/Wolves)
- Hound (Hunter/Wolves)
- Nyanya (Nanny/Wolves)

Other Human Ranks:
- Huntsman (Hunter/Humans)
- Partisan (Defence/Humans)
- Soothesayer (Fortune Teller/Humans)
- Vrach (Doctors/Humans)
- Zabota (Nanny/Humans)
- Znakhar (Witch Doctor/Humans)

Now looking for and accepting humans for the human tribe!
A native tribe in the packs home, who are allied with the wolves themselves. A close knit family unit, the tribe strove to make their lands a better place, they aim to survive and flourish in the dangers of the wild. Communicating via body language, drawings and words - it won't be long until the creatures they communicate with evolve to understand their lanudge. Coloured necklaces provide safe passage between the lands, trades are made - they are the main healers of the valley.

Send a sample to me on Discord; TayTay#1921 or message me here on the forums.


The Odinza Vsekh Tribe has came around from a small group leaving a pack, in which they spent a while travelling around, going back and getting to know their roots, and enjoy their time exploring. Now settled in to their new home, the group of travellers found refuge in a Tribe; many were wary of the presence of the new arrivals, though Emilia and the leader hit it off from the start. A year or so had passed and it was time for the Master to retire, it was at that point he handed leadership and trust to the Russian female.
This is where we welcome you guys. We'll welcome any and all, that meet our requirements, with open arms.

Ran by a female of Russian heritage, known as Emilia, the tribe is new and still coming to terms, still looking for members and such. All we ask is that you look on our site, read all the rules, ranks - everything useful, and if you're interested? Go ahead and send in your join requests, where a member of staff will look at it, and let you know of the outcome.
Please note; we are currently working on a new site to make everything more organised.

Odinza Vsekh translates to 'One For All' in Russian, which the members do - they put those in the pack before them selves, and do their best to benefit oothers.

With the characters within the tribe, the way things have ran, the tribe has slowly began to evolve. Although still classing themselves as a 'pack', a 'family unit', they have taken on the ways of a tribe. Having a connection with a group of humans both where they will travel to and up in various homelands, the tribe now have access to more equipment,  marks specific to ranks, new tasks - their lives are changing. The tribe is changing. Now comes new traditions, sacrifices - true tests of ones ability.

Semi-realistic, literate, active, mapped, rps required,  friendly, mature and tribe-based!

Interested in joining? Head on over to our site:


- The pack has became tribe-themed [17.05.17]
- The pack now has rank-based tattoos/markings [31.05.17 - 11.06.17]
- The pack have relocated to the Eastern part of Ficho Tunnels [08.07.17]
- Now allied with Black Onyx [08.07.17]
- Staff positions came available [12.07.17]
- The pack had an inactive clear out. Any members that want to remain within the pack need to send a request over [15.07.17]
- The pack has went through a massive revamp; new name, new plot, new meaning. [25.09.17]
- Tribe is now accepting both human and wolf roles! [28.10.17]
- Map completed?? [27.11.17]
- Due to some errors in our map and the maker not getting back to us, we have had to find a new map maker. This means we must wait again for our map to be finished however, we're accepting people in to our Discord still. [02/10/18]

They look absolutely amazing, thank you! <3

Separate would be great, thank you.

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Re: ~ Head Shot Requests ~
« on: January 13, 2017, 02:27:29 am »
Expression - A possible prideful look, or a frown [furrowed brows]
Character  -
Could this possibly have a transparent background please? And she has a side-mane, the colour is that of the light grey markings, with tips and some highlights of the darker grey.


Char ref sheet (put in spoilers):
Character name: Emilia
Username: sparticles
Due date (optional): Whenever
Drawing type (chibi or regular): Chibi
Type (sketch, flat color, shaded): Shaded
Pose: Like this maybe, without wings
Emote: A similar emote to the above image, or a more prideful look

Char ref sheet (put in spoilers):

Character name: Olga
Username: sparticles
Due date (optional): Whenever
Drawing type (chibi or regular): Chibi
Type (sketch, flat color, shaded): Shaded
Pose: Like this maybe
Emote: A similar emote to the above image, or a more annoyed look



"You don't get another chance, life is no Nintendo game."

Her large frame now towering over the cardboard box before her, Makenna would remain silent, awaiting this mutt to show themselves. Knowing by the scent this wasn't at all a mutant, she'd simply assess the situation; taking note of the size difference, surroundings, scents, sight, sounds and behaviour. Tail lashing out behind her as she patiently waited, she'd take note that she wanted to grab a bone from the carcass before leaving, it'd give her something to chew on when bored. However, her gaze remained on this unknown canine. A single brow would of course raise once the smaller canine brought itself from behind the box, a smirk at her lips. Ah, it appeared this dog was afraid. Clearing her throat, "It seems like you've just seen a ghost", giving her head a shake, Makenna would send a grunt in the smaller canines direction, "Don't worry, if I was going to hurt you I would have done it by now", she'd grunt once more, rolling her shoulders. Taking a moment to look over the smaller canine she'd nod, they seemed healthy enough, "And your name?", she'd question, though, whether this lass would state her name or not was another story - something Kena didn't care too much for. Tail continuing to sway, she'd now turn herself and slowly head back towards a car, which remained a short distance away.

Claws once more tapping against the concrete, "I'd not stick 'round these parts too long, those mutants will be on your tail at sundown", knowing all too well that once the streets grew darker, the mutants would show themselves - a time which Makenna both enjoyed and hated. Not leaping back on to the car, she'd make her way on to the roof, moving her snout through the vines and leaves, she'd drag the carcass from their grasp and hop off of the car with it, place it down and tear off a bone. Once doing so she'd kick the skeleton to the side and trot forward, towards the other canine if they had decided to stay, where she'd then drop the bone and speak if needed. If not then Makenna would simply begin heading back to her safe spot, drop her 'toy' off, before going out and exploring the city once more.


Alrighty I'll add that soon, and no worries. I can post once you do, Kynvuu.

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