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Messages - Karakuri

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 59
"Well, the Stupid Butler generally doesn't hurt people, per se. He's more inclined to chase down souls, yes. But actual living people? Only if his mistress ordered him to. Did you give him some kind of loophole to get out of it, somehow? Because he might've left if he wasn't necessarily disobeying orders. Something made him lie earlier, saying Anne wasn't the child they were going after." Continuing to inform the Vector of Protection, she just noticed the children looking at her, their eyes huge. "Can we...continue this conversation in private?" The witch asks Gilda, frowning. It was obvious she hadn't been trying to threaten Anne or anything.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: In the Name of the Thane! (Fantasy RP)
« on: January 28, 2013, 05:58:05 am »
Although he was not a priest, or even a member of the sacred order of Akavi, there was another soul asking for his graces on the same morn that the Priestess Cloudguard and her troupe has departed. Sulza Brock was leaving for the fabled Kingdom of gold himself that morning, and as he slipped on the familiar tarnished breastplate over his aketon, he was indeed praying. Though not a religiously devout beastman by any means - he enjoyed his pleasures and drink a tad too much for that sort of thing - he needed all of the luck he could get on his journey. Flat yellow optics scanning his 'room'...couldn't call it much of a room, more of a cupboard, really, he took what would be the last glimpse of his home that he would get for a while. Having already said his farewells to his family, he fastens his iron buckler across his shoulder blades, and attaches his trusty ax to the rough leather belt around his waist. Shouldering his rucksack, the traveler wet on his way, hardly taking more than a glimpse at his surroundings at first. The slums of Cenu were all too familiar to the lad, and he wasn't exactly nostalgic about them, either. For too long, the young hyenaman had been surrounded by the dirty cobblestones, the sinking, sad looking buildings, and the hungry faces of the human children and the beastly children alike. The heavyset brute just tries to get out of the kingdom as quickly as possible, even dashing at some points. This place was not suitable at all for his family, and he was going to make sure it didn't become so.


Outside of the city, and at the border of the "Fabled Land", Sulza takes a deep breath, almost relishing the cleaner air. As he was still close to Cenu, the air was not necessarily cleaner, but it felt to be so to the young mercenary. Full of hope and promises. Sitting for his umpteenth stop that day, the pilgrim takes out a battered skin canteen and raises it to his snout. Much to his despair, it was close to becoming dry, and with water probably being a long way off. Rationalizing there was not much left he could do about it, the soldier-for-hire just staggers to his paws with a plaintive grunt, his body starting to rebel against him in it's want to rest. Ignoring this fact, he merely plods on, the gleaming Kingdom already in his sites, and perhaps a half a day's journey away. If he could make it before nightfall, he would be fine. Perhaps he could even find some water along the way? Spirits lifting once more at the prospect of a better life here, he continues, chewing on a small bite of maslin bread to stave off hunger for a while longer. Not having much, Sulza Brock had to watch his consumption of his rations.

[I feel like a fail. Everyone else's post is so huge, then mine's just like "meep". I apologize for my lack of detail, it is almost 1 AM, and I must be going to bed for school tomorrow morning.]

"Well, most of the gods do not come down and mingle with the mortals. The Four Masters seem too busy to do so, and Gear is permanently bound to his Clocktower. The only ones that ever come down to the mortal world are the Wicked Maid and the Stupid Butler. In fact...they come down quite often. Both of them are usually the errand runners for the Masters, such as we just witnessed. The Wicked Maid usually just comes down to mess with anyone she's interested in. Usually in rather sadistic ways. The Stupid Butler seems to harass people less on his own will, but he'll come down merely to pretend to be human for a bit and then run away. Humans seem to interest him greatly." Elluka answered the question herself, finally done cleaning the wound Renia left. "I know for a fact, those were not slave holders. Call me a superstitious old crone if you want, but those two were the real deal. Slave holders would not study history enough to know the way the Wicked Maid acted. How did the one pursuing you act?" Looking over at Gilda, the witch was frowning. She didn't know what in the name of the Master of the Heavenly Yard made the Stupid Butler disobey both his mistress's and his sister's orders to find the girl, and she wanted to find out.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: In the Name of the Thane! (Fantasy RP)
« on: January 27, 2013, 07:27:09 pm »
[*flops* I can't wait until this rp starts. This breaks the monotony of prides, packs, and clans, as well as highschool rps.]

Noir decided to answer instead of Lumi. "Well, both of them seemed to have been going after after Anne. Then Mother distracted the girl, and you made the guy change his mind." Turns out, the twins had been discussing the goings on while they were happening, and had been trying to find a theory about why this was happening. "So, whether they were gods or not, there's something special about you that someone seems to want. I heard them mention a Master, then a Mistress of theirs. Slave dealers, perhaps? Bounty hunters?" His sister takes up the explanation from there. "So either Anne is wanted by the gods, or wanted by some slave traders slash bounty hunters." Finishing the explanation, the twins had spoke together, then looked up at Gilda, waiting to see her opinion on the matter.

Anne shakes her head at the offer of the drink, watching the twins curiously. She seemed to be jumpy around the duo after the attack. Or she could just be jumpy all together. Being attacked by people transforming into hyenas saying that they wanted her out of all people was not good for the nerves.

Lorencio, as usual, just lets himself be dragged without complaint, but did retort to her taunt. "Was not beaten by a girl. I was beaten by a vehicle." He mutters. His nose having stopped bleeding her brother starts walking on his own again.

"Wha-? Oh...ah...thank you." Elluka replies, taking the canteen and getting a small piece of cloth from her own bag. Dabbing a few drops of water on the cloth, she hands the canteen back to the Vector of Protection. Trying to clean the cut gingerly (even for a witch, the fair-skinned woman seemed to be sensitive to cuts and such, especially one that deep) she remains silent, as if thinking.

Noir was rubbing his nose for some reason, making a face. Looking over at the boy, his sister asks, "Are you alright?" Nodding in an attempt to reassure the girl, he answers, "Yeah, I'm fine. Seeing that guy crash into the back of the motorcycle...I was just imagining how much it must've hurt. Guy had some balls to continue chasing us afterwards."

"Or he was a god..." The blonde girl points in quietly, shrugging. She was almost certain that the boy had been the Stupid Butler. Who else could transform into a hyena, refer to a mistress and sister, and have such good manners regarding killing them? In the irony of the situation, she seemed to have recognized the Butler, before either his incarnation or his sister's incarnation had realized it.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: In the Name of the Thane! (Fantasy RP)
« on: January 27, 2013, 03:34:52 pm »
[Excellent! I love all the thought put into this rp. It's so original! Do you wish for us to go ahead and start?]

"That stupid woman stopped her motorcycle short." Lorencio grumbles, still mopping blood from his nose. Anyone that could die would've been dead by now, probably. "We might as well." He agrees with his sister, even if he didn't look to be in the mood for a scavenger hunt anymore.

Lorencio was startled when the towel hit his shoulder, and he spun around, snarling for a moment. The thought ran through his mind he was being attacked...then he realized it was just a piece of cloth. Carrying the cloth in his jaws back to his sister, he sits down next to her and proceeds to change back into human shape. After transferring the towel from his mouth to his hand, he dabs gingerly at his busted nose. "All that mess and it wasn't even the right girl. You were lying, old woman." He growls at the witch.

Elluka just shrugs in boredom. "I like watching you two make fools out of yourselves." This was her only reply as she started walking back to her small group to make sure no one died or anything. Only when she got far enough away did she let the confusion show on her face. Anne was the girl that the MotG sent them to hunt down, why did he back off?

Like two trained puppies, the children immediately bundle to Gilda's side, not saying a word. Anne looked less terrified now that the man was gone, and had removed herself from the fetal position.

"It's the wrong child, Re, should we keep looking? Or just tell his royal prickness that we can't find her?" With a polite nod to Gilda and her group of teenagers, the Stupid Butler calls back his report to his sister, trying to rub some of the blood from his nose. "Have a very good day." With this last reply, Lorencio changes shape once more, galloping off to regroup with the Wicked Maid.

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