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Messages - Bawfle

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Using the forum to report is just as easy if not easier as well as just as likely to be seen. However, I did see an idea to make the report button be a link to the forum, with that it'd take you right to where you need to go to file a report or learn how to do so. Just my thoughts though.

Dis one?

Report System
As for the report system you suggested, it just doesn't seem as efficient enough for what is needed when it comes to evidence. I mean, I DEFINITELY think a report button should be included, however, the idea needs improving (not that your idea wasn't already a really good start). I vaguely understand what Morgra suggested, but from what I understand of it a user could take screenshots of the incident, hit the report button, type in the reason(s) why, and attach the screenshots taken already.

However, as straight forward and efficient as this sounds, it still isn't as close to 100% as it could be. If a report button were included, this means that anyone can make a report. Which of course is great. But my concern lies in those who take screenshots with their General/Local Chat Arrival settings set to 'Character Name' only, and how the actual report will reach the moderator's inbox on the forum. This is where the idea would now need to be improved even more just to prevent possible invalid reports when they could have so easily been valid reports if only the settings were correct.

From the top of my head, the most effective options I immediately see would be to:
  • remove the 'Character Name' option from the 'Local Chat Type' and 'General Chat Type' settings under 'Interface' within the in-game options menu (which might be hard for people to let go of since they like the appearance).
  • make it so when Arrival Chat Types are changed that they also update in the chat's history (a better option, if it's possible). Maybe with this, when someone clicks the report button a "have you remembered to..." reminder pop up list makes sure people are constantly reminded that usernames need to be visibly clear in the chat within the screenshot, thus encouraging the option change and hopeful success that it changes within the chat history, AND people can always change it again after to how they like it. Everybody wins.
  • or a last resort, have the report button take the user to the How to Report In-Game users thread where both old and new users can learn how to report an in-game user if they didn't know how to already and the reporting system can still work the way it does through the forum using the tools we already have.

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: August 06, 2019, 04:06:02 pm »
10/10 I know your face too well

Unfortunately B)

Introduction / Re: Hi again!
« on: August 05, 2019, 11:10:33 pm »

Game Help / Re: Game seem to crash?
« on: August 04, 2019, 11:09:03 pm »
I'd make a copy of your FeralHeart folder and paste it on your Desktop (or just move it), and then go back and delete the FeralHeart folder you have in Local Disk (C:). When you've done this, uninstall and then re-install the game. Once you have, you can then slowly start adding back anything you wish to keep from the FeralHeart folder that you copied. Every time you add something back (a map, items, markings, etc), be sure to test the game before adding the next thing so you can identify exactly what is making your game crash.

Once you find out, report back to us and we'll see if we can help you in resolving the issue that's making your game crash!

I don't have them, but I'm sending the link to this thread around to servers/friends etc in case someone does!

Screenshots / Re: Raven's diet Screenies
« on: August 04, 2019, 06:24:26 pm »
Yummy screenshots babbu

Some solid responses so far.

If you guys have any features you like from other sites, please share them. Keep in mind that the overall site just involves the pages; home, staff, manual, downloads, rules, etc- and the forum is an area the community can just actively communicate in. I feel like the other pages need a whole new make-over and re-vamp first so it actually looks modern and generally attractive before the forum can be re-designed to match the FeralHeart site pages to give general consistency. I feel it's much harder to do it the other way around.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Bawf's Game Ideas/Suggestions
« on: August 04, 2019, 01:11:37 pm »
The only con to this would maybe be a mess that would happen if a group has a lot of members online plus if you have a lot of friends online at the same time (it could get very cluttered if you’re all at the same place).

This came across my mind too!! I was thinking that maybe the group dot colour would only activate if you're on a character that is in the group, and that the group dot colour would possibly over-rule the buddy list colour if a buddy was in the group? Again, it would only activate when someone is on a character that is actively in the group. What do you think?

Nice suggestions! The only problem could be how much data/memory is used up by the extra features. I'm not sure how much wiggle room we've got to add some of that stuff, but I'd love to see them added.

Plus map portal markers on the map maybe? Sorry if that was already suggested somewhere and I'm dumb.

You make a very good point! I suppose that'd be something xSpirit and other knowledgeable programmers (if any) would have to figure out! Right now it's kinda worth putting every idea out there until there are answers. As for the portal markers, I can add that up on the ideas list with credit given if you would like me to. I'd be very happy to add it!

Thanks a bunch for all the responses so far people!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Bawf's Game Ideas/Suggestions
« on: August 04, 2019, 12:56:55 pm »
Ideas added: 04/08/2019

Fur texture options

In-game item 'glitch'

Better syncing

Other Ideas list updated: 04/08/2019

New chat/bio features
Suggested by Ellen11v

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: New chat/bio features?
« on: August 03, 2019, 06:31:05 pm »
Clickable links
I agree with the your pros, and generally when someone has an idea the majority of the time their intention is to usually to make things easier for others, or almost completely effortless.

If this game didn't have years of involvement with younger audiences, then I think it would be a really beneficial feature for role-play/group advertisers and people who just don't want the hassle of manually typing links into their browser. Buuuut since this isn't the case I don't think it would be safe to have considering how much more popular link posting would get with how easier it would be to do, and the type of links and sites out there, and how naive/gullible younger audiences can be. But, you have partially said/understood this already so I won't continue. I just wanted to add onto it.

If the circumstances were different, there are some ideas/ways around the cons you have listed to generally improve the negatives of the idea you have already posted. Developments that would make things safer. Not 100% "in the clear" safer, but just safer in general. From the top of my head, the ways public safety could be improved if this were to be implemented would be:

1.  Only allow clickable/active urls/links via private chats such as whisper, group, and party.
2.  Advise users in the rules to not click on any links from users they do not know, links provided randomly, or links from sites they do not know etc.
3.  Have the chat automatically block links to sites that are blocked by the game (if possible, like how the forum blocks tinypic links).
4.  Have a system where you declare your age, and users over a certain age are able to click on links. Under-aged users would see a blocked message where the link would be pasted. If users lie about their age then they are only responsible for their own actions. But I feel this would be a fairly complex thing to do.

One of your cons say "If the link is too long so it goes over the characterlimit, it may not work, and also flood the chat", but I don't think this would be a problem as there is a character limit so long links won't exceed over the character limit even if it were pasted. Unless you were thinking of something else that I'm getting lost about? xD   

But yeah, that's what I have to say about this idea in particular, and what I have to offer in terms of thinking of every possible improvement before declining the idea at first sight as people sometimes have the tendency to do.

Copy and paste text instead of typing it in manually
Along with your pros, this would help a lot with communication with non-English speakers. I also agree with the spam but if there was some sort of cool down or something that'd be good. Plus we have moderators. xD

Chat commands
Instead of /rules or the /link commands, I think an extra button for the rules on the in-game login screen would be more accessible and in-your face. But I do agree that there could be some really good use for in-game commands, and Deucalicorn and others shared some really good ones!

All language letters/symbols
Goodness this would be great. And again, like idea #2, this would help a lot with communication with non-English speakers IF users could highlight text in the chat and use copy methods to paste into a translator, and vise versa. This idea would co-exist really well with idea #2.

Chat color codes
What xSpirit said.

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