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Messages - Siarczek

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 25
Game Discussion / Re: Is FA worth returning to..?
« on: March 17, 2018, 05:41:59 am »
I'm sure the game has had a drop in activity simply because the userbase has aged. I'd say the majority of players here are fairly long-time players (I personally joined FH in 2011) who have stayed for the nostalgia. I was in middle school when I joined, and I'm in university now, so I'm lucky if I have time for FH even once a week- I'm sure a lot of people are in this same situation. There's also the fact that a lot of people left after the new login system was implemented, and after the new map updates.

I'm not sure why people in-game are so quiet, though. I've definitely noticed people in the Grounds don't seem to talk much- it seems to be used for advertising RP groups more than socializing, and it's certainly no real equivalent to what the stone bridge or the old Bonfire Island were.

Unless there's an influx in new players, I'm afraid it'll likely stay this way (and the random registration times don't help). That being said, I certainly wouldn't give up on it. Every individual counts, and I think it'll benefit to have returning players adding some life to the game! There's a new update coming up so I'm sure the activity will spike for a while when this happens.

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Terra Inclyta (High Resolution Textures)
« on: February 15, 2018, 01:26:24 am »
These look really cool! I might try them out- thank you!

Other Games / Re: Who here played/plays Nintendogs? [3DS and/or DS]
« on: February 09, 2018, 01:11:41 am »
I have the DS Nintendogs (Chihuhaua and Friends)! I only recently found the cartridge after having lost it for about 8 years- I'm surprised it still works, considering it was sitting in dust all that time.

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Re: Yukon Summer & Winter Maps WIP
« on: February 05, 2018, 10:51:55 pm »
These maps are gorgeous! I definitely can't wait to explore them once you finish! :D

Introduction / Re: A strange bean appears
« on: February 05, 2018, 10:50:40 pm »
Welcome to FH! Hope you have a great time here! :)

Finished Maps / Re: Winter's Maps (new map 12/26/17)
« on: February 02, 2018, 02:08:58 am »
I can't seem to download your maps. Clicking the links sends me to the DA page of the maps, but I don't see where to download it from there...
I can't seem to download your maps. Clicking the links sends me to the DA page of the maps, but I don't see where to download it from there...
If you look on the right hand side of the DevianArt page you should see a rectangular download button that says "Download" and then .zip below it

EDIT: Noticed that the download only exists on Misty Woods but not the other.

Just fixed that! I accidentally linked to the WIP screenshot deviation instead of the one w/ the download link. Thanks for letting me know!

Art Gallery / Re: uhhhh romeos dumbs [requests i guess]
« on: February 01, 2018, 04:17:04 am »
Your art style is wonderful!

character name: Roman
username: Dallas
character ref:
additional notes (accessories, pose, w/e): Do whatever you want!

Thank you so much for the opportunity!

Game Discussion / Re: Who's still making maps?
« on: January 20, 2018, 10:34:41 am »
I still make maps (my map thread is here), albeit slowly, since university classes take up most of my time.

1. I usually don't struggle to find meshes, although I do wish there were more realistic flower meshes out there. I had to create a heather mesh for my Misty Woods map.
2. My biggest obstacle when map-making is simply finding time and energy to complete it. I have a work-in-progress map pack that's been lying around since either 2015 or 2016.
3. As for pet peeves, I hate when a mesh shows up white when exploring the map in-game (but looks fine in the map maker). I've only had this happen to me with like two specific meshes though.

Art Gallery / Re: The Walrider's Gallery
« on: January 20, 2018, 01:16:26 am »
Really wonderful art! Love your cel-shading style!

Discussion Board / Re: Which is your favorite period at school?
« on: January 20, 2018, 01:14:59 am »
I'm in university, but my favorite class this semester is the organic chemistry lab. Organic chemistry is infamously difficult, and I failed the lecture the first time I took it (and had to re-take it), but for some reason it began to grow on me after a while. Hard and stressful, but simultaneously enjoyable.

Back in high school during my senior year, I loved my advanced animation course. It was over an hour long. My class collaborated on a video game and I was the concept artist, so after I got my work done, I spent pretty much every single day just playing Minecraft or Skyrim, or using Tumblr and searching up dumb memes with my friends. It was such a laid back class where I got a lot of free time, and I'd do anything to go back to that time in my life, haha.

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