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Messages - DemonicHeart

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MeadowWhisper made her way to the back of the crowd. Her paws tingled with excitement for some reason. A breeze rolled by, fluffing up her pelt as she licked it back down. A she cat fell over tumbling into MeadowWhisper. The she cat apologized and went back to her spot while MeadowWhisper stumbled and got back up, annoyed at the clumsy she cat.

MeadowWhisper chuckled as the she cat brought back her kit. "Yes they are getting quite adventurous." She smiled noticing a young kit wrestling with his siblings. "But it would be nice to have my own." She purred. Having kits of her own would be a big responsibility. Something caught her tail which somehow was wriggling around. A young she cat looked up squeaking then running back over to her mother. "They're quite fun to watch to." She mewed and settled her tail back on top of her paws.

Characters / Re: Souls best guy character :P
« on: November 24, 2012, 10:44:09 pm »
Why thank you :)

MeadowWhisper watched Huskystar. She lapped up from the small puddle beside the warriors den. Water dripped from her maw as she licked it away. She made her way through the crowd of cats to Huskystar. "You ok?" She asked in a concerned but also shy and friendly tone. She sat down neatly tucking her tail over her paws. A crisp breeze blew through her fur making her shiver a bit. She shook off some leaves which fell from ahead onto her.

Discussion Board / Re: Dream Catchers, Dreams, and Nightmares
« on: November 24, 2012, 09:21:17 pm »
XD I've had worse dreams. I personally hate alien and zombie dreams the most because then if I wake up to go to the bathroom or get some water in the middle of the night right after a nightmare I will NOT fall back asleep. I always begin hearing things and scaring myself.

MeadowWhisper padded over to the fresh kill pile and nosed around until she pulled out a small bird. She licked her lips hungrily and tucked into the prey. As she ate her eyes became the normal bright and energy flowed back through her. After she finished she put the bones in a hole and covered it. MeadowWhisper layed in the clearing cleaning herself, waiting to leave.

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / DemonicHearts Art Requests For Anyone
« on: November 24, 2012, 09:13:30 pm »
Hello! I love art so if anyone wants me to draw anything for them just post what you want.

Character Name:
Body position:
Mane or tufts?:
Markings(and where at):
Background(explain if yes)?:
Head shape:
Body shape:
Leg shape:
Anymore detail:
(Describe color as well if you want color or not)

If you have a picture instead post it but I have to be able to see it because sometimes pictures don't work. Also give me time to do them like a days top or 2. Or maybe a few hours. If you don't like it, sorry you wanted me to draw it. Anyways ENJOY! :D

MeadowWhisper whipped her head over to see Huskystar. She let out a deep breath sitting up and fixing herself neatly. "Just thinking about the past." She mewed. "I was lied to in my life but it doesn't matter now." She shrugged and stepped off the rock and sat in front of Huskystar. She licked a paw and drew it over her face. Her eyes gazed over to the prey pile then back to Huskystar. Her stomach lightly growled. "Excuse me." She said.

Characters / Souls best guy character :P
« on: November 24, 2012, 08:53:01 pm »
Name: Ziko
Age: 3
Gender: Male
Species: Lion
Mate: N/A
Cubs: N/A
Kin: Unknown
History: Ziko was born in a large pride with only one male as the main male. Most male cubs were killed or put out into the wild. The king was the father of almost all the cubs except Ziko. His father was a rouge. The king found out and went to kill Zikos mother then him but Ziko tried to stand up, defending his mother. The king saw something in the young cub and let them both live as long as Zikos mother agreed to stand beside the kings side as a type of favorite lioness. As Ziko grew all the young lionesses wanted him. His best friend, Sila was waiting to mate with him. But she accidentally mated with the king then mated with Ziko. A few months later she bore a son who looked just like the king. Ziko found out and killed the cub late at night when everyone was asleep. He left the same night and started his own pride.
Personality: Ziko is strict but also friendly. He is very protective of his pride and his cubs. Most times he's serious and other times he's calm
Pride: Zatelo Pride
Advantages: Fighting, Swimming
Disadvantages: Hunting
Likes: His pride, lionesses, cubs, swimming
Dislikes: Rouges attacking his pride, other males

I know the picture sucks but my laptop wouldn't work

Art Gallery / Re: DemonicHearts art
« on: November 24, 2012, 07:54:57 pm »
Thank you guys :D I have a deviantART with a few more pictures. I might draw and upload some more today on here and my dA.
And yes I have seen Felidae xD
My dA is HerpDerpGirl

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