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Messages - TruthOfTheMt.

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Game Help / Re: Terrain map NOT working
« on: July 12, 2013, 04:56:02 am »
Lol, just I was about to say "oops, I mean I set it as 'png.'", people replied to this already! XD Thanks though it tells me that a lot of people care and check these quite often. ^^ Hugrf, I mean that when I finish typing in the terrain map's name and everything, I click anywhere for it to show up, but then a window pops up saying "Feralheart.exe has stopped working".

Site/Forum Help / Re: What's Floof?
« on: July 12, 2013, 04:44:59 am »
Thanks for asking this question 'cause now I know what "floof" really means now haha. ^^ I did know that they were practically "presets" or just "people" on FH anyway though haha. But didn't really know the karma thing.

Game Help / Terrain map NOT working
« on: July 12, 2013, 04:37:42 am »
Hello, I need help with putting my terrain in my map. I made sure it was grayscale, made sure everything was spelled right, made sure it was jpg., even "smuged" the edges of my "different height" objects (like hills and the river), and it just won't work. I'm beginning to think it's because of my computer not being able to do it, or I'm doing something wrong...Please help, if I can be helped. Thank you. :)

Characters / Re: Ying and Yang
« on: July 11, 2013, 04:35:04 pm »
Just saying that it's Yin (no g at the end). If you wanted it be the original Japanese "balance" emblem name.

Characters / Re: Autumn (HEAVY IMAGES)
« on: July 11, 2013, 04:27:26 pm »
Hmmmmm, interesting. Haha, ya I agree with EnderStar and LogicalNonsense101, Autumn does sound like Poison haha. Did you get inspired from her? :) I really like Autumn's looks.

Other Games / Re: Last World ~ *A newborn IT server*
« on: July 11, 2013, 04:16:07 pm »
Not realistic textures, no. But they're are some cool marking 83 Also, please note I do not own the server. Meame is the server host. I haven't even signed up, actually. My sister asked me to advertise, so I thought I would come here! 0u0  And yes, they're I'd both a canine and feline model, not sure if the canine will be available the first update though.
Okay sounds awesome! ^^ 83 markings?? 0_0 Coooool :)

Other Games / Re: Impressive Storm- my IT server
« on: July 10, 2013, 05:14:12 am »
Can you only be a feline? Or can you be a canine too and possibly other species??

Other Games / Re: Last World ~ *A newborn IT server*
« on: July 10, 2013, 05:04:42 am »
Hmmmm, interesting!! I kinda wanted to know what IT was like, like being able to hunt and stuff. Are you going to make the characters realistic and can you be feline and canine? Or any other species?

« on: July 10, 2013, 05:01:27 am »
[Can anyone please tell me if there are any GOOD, like Feral Heart (like create your own character) Anthro RP games out there?? My friend was talking about one where he was an Anthro fox but he couldn't remember the game's name so I really would like to know if anyone knows any Anthro games. Thank you so much!! ^_^] <-- That was the original description of this post, the subject title being "Anthro RP Games", and I found one, thank you again very much to the user (sorry, can't remember the name as I'm typing this right now ^^;) who told me about Antilia. :) Me and my "sister friend" love it! :D

Now, as for my new, modified post, can anybody please tell me what are other great RPG games (again, like Feral Heart, or even Antilia) out there?? Some awesome, wolf games would be cool too, since my friend and I love wolves. ^^ And ya, I'm mostly looking for these new games to play with that "sister friend" of mine. ^_^ We are both on the mission to look for these games actually! Haha. So, please do share your favorite RPG games! :D Thank you!!

I would like to join
Great Lizzie!! :D What is your name on Feral Heart and I'll send you an invite. :)

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