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Messages - Tearless

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So, I ended up editing the material file so that the crashy items don't show up to troll you, but everything else is still in the right order. Would it be all right to upload it here for the Mac users among us?

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 19, 2013, 06:02:24 pm »
But... I have a solution to this. Why don't we make a poll? Give it about a month, and the side with the most votes wins. Then we can see whether to keep General... or throw it out the window. o3o -le goes back to hiding corner-

That would hardly be an accurate way to determine whether Geneal should come back, Mello. As I'm sure you were aware when you suggested this, the majority (including those who were the reason they shut it down to begin with) would of course vote to have it back, because this hasn't been in effect long enough for people to adjust to and really test it (and people as a collective HATE change), but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. General was shut down because the staff felt it was necessary, not because all the people who were using it voted to.

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 18, 2013, 07:26:58 pm »
I should probably say right up front... all opinions about this are, inevitably, from a standpoint of my own self-interest. Because I am not the insubstantial embodiment of the FeralHeart player collective, and if I was I would probably be unable to type.

As much as this may change the dynamic of FeralHeart, I have to say I feel it's going to be for the better. I basically stopped going online for a month or two, just because when I did all I saw was arguments, spam, HUGELY inappropriate jokes, and "say i if u know TOBUSCUS" sprinkled with occasional ads for Warriors RPs (not that I have any specific thing against them, but I'm not really into Warriors and it's not worth sifting through the rest of General for). I'm pretty sure General must have been different in the past, because I used to spend quite a bit of time online, but it was getting to the point where it just wasn't worth it. And I know it's popular to say that the mods just don't do their jobs, but they do. They really do. The problem is that there's so darn much of this crap that nothing short of an android built for the purpose could possibly monitor it all 24/7. As far as I know, none of the staff are androids. And they totally didn't force me to say that so I'd be spared when the robots enslave humanity.

I know a lot of people just get online to chat with friends, but... FH is also meant to be a sort of virtual world, and it seems that being able to just shout out to the heavens from anywhere on the map and be heard takes away from that. It takes less than a minute to get from one end of Fluorite to the other now that we have the dash function; your friends aren't THAT far away. And even if they are, the whisper, party chat, and group functions still work just fine. The world doesn't necessarily need to see everyone's conversations about pizza and universal sufferage, which is actually one major problem I had with general... not every discussion has to be public for all to see, but denizens of Fluorite tend to act like they do. I understand the desire to make yourself and your opinions heard, but that's not what General was really supposed to be a platform for.

Now, there's the issue of RP recruiting. I'm sure this isn't the case for a lot of users, but I haven't found a good, lasting RP through general ads in over a year. Nor have I found any recruits for my own RP that stayed longer than a week, even at our most active. Any RPs or new members I have found have all been through friendship. Such-and-such long-time member knows someone, they join, and they stick around, which leads to a more close-knit and cohesive RP because everyone really wants to be there and won't vanish into the aether a week later. If I find an RP that way, there's a higher chance that I'll stay and be a part of it because I already have a friend or two in it. Chances are we already know our RP styles are compatible. And then we meet new people in those groups, and the cycle continues. So no, I don't think a lack of General-ness will inhibit the ability to meet new people and make new friends, we just have to put some actual effort into it now. And putting effort into something is almost never a bad thing.

Game Help / Re: I need Map help!
« on: June 15, 2013, 05:28:28 pm »
It works the same way as on a PC, I believe (though I've never played on a PC). If you don't already have a mediafire account, you'll need to get one. You also need to put the exported map files into a .zip folder (they'll all be found in exports), and then you just select the zip file to upload, and you're good to go. You can share it by posting the link to the file's download page.

Game Discussion / Re: How Old Are The Floofs In FearlHeart?
« on: June 13, 2013, 08:24:39 am »
Yup. By FH standards I've reached geezer status.

Now git outta the way, young'un, or I'll whack yeh with my cane!

Game Discussion / Re: How Old Are The Floofs In FearlHeart?
« on: June 12, 2013, 08:08:07 pm »
Well, I feel old now. I'm on the far side of 20...

Species / Re: Tearless's Critters
« on: June 11, 2013, 10:11:50 pm »
Oh wow... I'd forgotten this thread existed. XD Sadly I can't guarentee that such an RP would ever happen at this point, life is taking precedence over FH nowadays.

I'm all for adoption centers; it's going to be a lot harder to organically find a cub/pup/foal/grub through RP than a mate (though it happened to me, so... I'unno). And food stands are just fun; no reason not to like those. Mate centers seem... like they're missing the point of RPing and having a mate at all. But if you REALLY NEED to RP with a mate right this minute for some reason, I guess do whatever floats your boat. This is coming from someone who's not into the whole mate thing in any context, so I may not be the right person to judge that.

Divorce centers, though? I didn't even know that was a thing, and now the world seems a slightly more dismal place. WHY, in the name of sanity, would anyone ever need one of those? Your FeralHeart character isn't actually you and there's no legally binding contract; if you don't want your character to have a mate anymore, tell your RP partner that you don't want to continue the RP! If you actually feel the need to have your character get a divorce to break it off, you are getting WAY too invested. Unless said divorce is a plot point in a long-term RP or something, but in that case a divorce center probably still isn't necessary.

Game Discussion / Re: RP preferences. New or normal.
« on: June 04, 2013, 07:50:26 pm »
As someone whose characters include robots, aliens, jackalopes, and scrub jay/cougar hybrids, I'd love to see something beyond the standard single-species pack/pride/clan groups. It' a bit of a paradoxical problem, though... people who try to make more unusual RPs tend to give up due to lack of interest, and those inclined toward less common character types usually seem to ultimately give up and make a wolf/lion or just sit around on the plains because they can't find RPs. Heck, even at the best of times more creativity means it will be hard to find a group that your particular brand of strange or unusual character will fit into.

I can kind of see why people would have an instant adverse reaction to a slave RP, though. I'm sure it was perfectly harmless, but there ARE a lot of potential negative (and sometimes inappropriate) connotations people might automatically jump to with something like that.

I guess I'd go with 'other,' since most of my characters don't fit into the categories anyone actually makes long-term RPs for... 'other' RPs seem few and far between lately, they're usually centered around one specific species.

Barring that, I've been in a few great lion RPs, so probably those. Haven't found a wolf RP I could really get into yet (though it's hard for me lately to be on regularly enough to join any long term groups at all).

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