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Messages - CosmoFursi

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 188
Game Discussion / Re: Hey all! Gotta question
« on: May 04, 2017, 05:22:01 pm »

i honestly think a good pack for me would be an interesting plot, very friendly community, not extremely strict rules, etc.

my FAVORITE memory on here was meeting my now True Friend, Yasamin (OutOfBreath).
and meeting all the lovely people over in Creatures of Yugure and Pack of the Intrepidus <3

(also it looks like your signature isn't working correctly. try using [ img ] and [ /img ] without the spaces :3)


i will be there friend you can count on meeEEEEeeeEeeeEeeEEeeee

congrats on havin the group for so long yasa fredn

Stories / The End~ A Niche Story
« on: May 01, 2017, 08:31:11 pm »
so there's this game called Niche (still in development... very fun) that i alwAYS LOSE IN, meaning my species always goes extinct >.<

but anyway i wanted to do a thing based on what happened to my most recent tribe.

this is a story about what pretty much just happened, starring Vanna the smol baby, Kirvanduk, and Vanduk. it's sad beware mwahaha

"Mom!" Vanna shouted, watching as his mother finally passed from sickness. Tears welled in the young creature's eyes as Kirvanduk and his step-uncle Vanduk approached him.

"I'm sorry, Vanna," Vanduk said slowly, "But she was sick. The others couldn't cure her, she was sick from birth."

"But why now?" Vanna protested, laying down next to his mother's corpse.

A low growl interrupted them, making the team of three turn to see a Predator snarling close by.

"Guys! Attack positions!" Kirvanduk shouted, rushing forwards and striking twice at the beast, who roared angrily. Vanna and Vanduk attacked as well, but the creature turned towards Vanna and began to attack.

"Guys?!" Vanna gasped as the Predator lunged forwards, "Wh-" He was cut off as the Predator struck.

"VANNA!" Vanduk cried while Kirvanduk lunged at the creature with an angry snarl, "NO!!"

Kirvanduk finished the Predator off and turned to their dying relative. "Vanna... Not yet, please..."

Vanna painfully smiled and closed his eyes, "This is how our tribe ends, huh?" he mumbled before passing as well.

"No..." Kirvanduk turned to Vanduk and butted his shoulder sadly.

They couldn't stay mourning forever, as another creature's snarl cut through the silence. The two growled as two Rogue Males approached.

"Stay away! We don't have anything for you!" Vanduk shouted, raising his head defiantly.

The two Rogues chuckled and promptly raided their food, the two trying desperately to stop them. They didn't leave until they wounded Vanduk, who fell to the ground almost instantly.

"Vanduk!" Kirvanduk yelled, rushing to his step-uncle, "Not you too!"

"Forgive me, Kirvanduk," Vanduk sighed, "But this old body can't take much more of this. It's my time. Soon, i fear you will join me as well."

Kirvanduk sobbed, laying his head on Vanduk's shoulder, "I'll find you, wherever you are. And Vanna, too."

Vanduk shuddered once, then stopped moving. Kirvanduk raised his head and howled to the sky, where a giant owl was circling thanks to a Dodomingo's call.

The lone creature brought Vanna's body close, cuddling both his relatives until he, too, passed from his old wounds.

~~Story End~~

things seemed to go by pretty fast, right? that's exacTLY HOW IT WENT FOR ME IN THE GAME, THOUGH. SO MANY THINGS HAPPENED AT ONCE. WHY.

vanna, kirvanduk, and vanduk will live on in my heaRT

Art Gallery / Re: Reg's Art - REQUESTS OPEN - 1 MORE SLOT LEFT-
« on: May 01, 2017, 04:35:35 pm »
awww that is cute <3

thank you!

Art Gallery / Re: Reg's Art - REQUESTS OPEN
« on: April 30, 2017, 08:06:10 pm »

if it wouldn't be too much trouble... do you think you could draw my baby Cosmo?

Username to whom it belongs:


Pose (Image would be helpful):


Due date:
take as much time as you need!

extra facts: Cosmo has the front of a Fennec Fox, therefore her huge ears and small muzzle MUST be included!
her visor isn't necessary, same with her fire.
also her mane is basically a giant mohawk without the mohawk-y-ness
she also has semi-smaller paws, another aspect of her Fennec Fox side.

if it's too much, that's fine! thank you!

Game Discussion / Re: Ellen's wild curiousities o_o
« on: April 30, 2017, 07:58:31 pm »
my friend Yasamin and i, though not technically "meeting face-to-face", we have done video calls
and seen each others' faces and heard each others' voices.

we met on Feral Heart, yes. but our relationship has far surpassed that of an in-game friendship.
we have reached the level of friendship i call "True Friend", which in short, is a friendship marriage,
where the two involved are in no romantic relationship at all.

i never forget the time we met <3 Yasamin is truly an amazing friend and i love her

Member Bio & Journals / Re: idk a journal or whatever
« on: April 30, 2017, 03:16:27 pm »
well i honestly forgot this thing existed.

woops my bad.

anyway, my cat's mad at me cause he wants to eat Pearl but i wont let him.

also Cosmo's official birthday is February 2nd so thats cool.

just gonna make a new post every time something happens cause yeah.

Request a Preset/Marking / Re: heck i need a preset again
« on: April 30, 2017, 11:59:57 am »

it's perfect! thank you so much!

Request a Preset/Marking / Re: heck i need a preset again
« on: April 29, 2017, 10:43:04 pm »
Ooh lovely character! The colors go really well together. I'd love to take this one. Doesn't look too difficult and i've been wanting to make a preset again for a while <3

Would you like the wings to be included?

oh! thank you!

if it's not too much, i would indeed like the wings to be included. you can simplify them if you feel they're too complicated.

thank you!

Request a Preset/Marking / heck i need a preset again
« on: April 29, 2017, 10:05:32 pm »
yep... still can't remember how making a preset works... plus i'd be terrible at it cause i've lost my ability.

if someone could make a preset for my character Valoel, i'd be really happy.

if you want some sort of reward, then i'd be happy to draw your character in return.

i know she's a tough to draw character, but i'd appreciate it if someone can do this for me.

fur texture: anything except the default wolf texture.

preset slot: i'm not picky. whichever.

eye texture: anything. can even be the first default one. as long as it has a round pupil.

model: wolf, if you couldn't tell.

effects: if possible, can you make the green parts glow? including her eyes, if you will.

effects x2: i would also like the shading code on her.

tail: regular wolf tail, please.

ears: the basic wolf ears.

mane: doesn't matter.

thank you to whoever takes up this request, and tell me if you want a drawing as a reward.

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