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Messages - Rostova

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 47
Praise / Re: Congrats Sura!
« on: July 24, 2016, 08:27:46 pm »
Ohmygod congrats Sura! Even though we only talked once in the grounds, im so proud of you! <3

Screenshots / Re: Kiki's Screenshots (Update for Summer Party)
« on: July 22, 2016, 04:48:06 am »
I decided i would view this topic and i saw Biscuit with her head stuck in Enoki's chin. Oh no XD

Game Discussion / Re: Is Feral Heart dying?
« on: July 22, 2016, 04:35:42 am »
I wouldn't say dying.

And ive been here since 2012 (possibly 2011?).

Sure, there's been a slight decrease in players because of the login page. But the new update drew in a ton of new and old players, even though some left because they didn't like the change that was made to the game. But the most people ever on the forum was the day after the update came out, that says something.

So to conclude, its not dying in my opinion.

News Archives / Re: // Feral-Heart Game Update June 2016 //
« on: July 17, 2016, 04:10:42 am »
I'm kinda sad that they removed Sky's Rim. That was always my favorite place EVER. It's really too bad, they removed alot. :'(

All in all, this update is fairly good. I'm satisfied!

Aye, Sky's Rim was really cool

However, there are ideas of adding in a fantasy map at some point, so stay tuned ^^

Oooohhh, sounds cool Kiki!^

Game Help / Re: Texture Issue
« on: July 16, 2016, 02:04:30 pm »
Keep a backup file to your desktop because I am unsure if my advice will work and I do not want to be the reason of why the game might crash for you ;w;

Ok try reputting the default canine textures in LocalDisk>Feralheart>Media>Textures>Masks and in the original Texture file and try restarting
it may work then if you didn't do it already? ;w; I am sorry if you wrote it above and I did not see it, I have an eye infection so I sometime missread/pass things without meaning to ;w;

Sadly, it didnt work (and it didnt crash ;) ). But thank you for helping!

Game Help / Texture Issue
« on: July 16, 2016, 01:53:17 pm »
Ya, i know. Asking for help again.

So i downloaded Tearless's textures for the time before (and after) the summer party. But now I want the default ones for the party. But Ive had some issues

The feline textures went fine, but the part of the canine textures remained (as well as the eyes on the canine). I tried replacing the textures with the ones from my other feralheart folder, which didn't work. Then I downloaded the default ones, which didnt work either.

Making a new character-

Old character-

Introduction / Re: Hi, again. :3
« on: July 11, 2016, 03:40:14 am »
I must say ive never seen you before, but you seem like a very nice floof, welcome back!

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before an admin/mod posts!
« on: July 10, 2016, 06:16:38 pm »

Praise / Re: A Very Happy Birthday
« on: July 08, 2016, 11:51:03 pm »
Happy birthday, floof! Yet another year older :)


Thats so cute!!! I wish i could draw, then i would've drawn something!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: More than 1 marking per Body part
« on: July 08, 2016, 10:59:23 pm »
Thats a great idea! Ive thought about that once or twice as well. Many players (including myself) would find it awesome!

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