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Messages - Necromancy

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Forum Games / Re: Answer with a question
« on: April 23, 2012, 04:47:09 pm »
"Why is the grass green?"

"Why is my dog eating my slippers?"


Game Help / Re: map downloading problems...
« on: April 23, 2012, 06:24:03 am »
You'd be better off asking your map-maker how to do it, but here're some ideas.
Firstly, in case you haven't restarted FeralHeart after downloading, you need to restart FeralHeart in order for it to work.
If you did or this doesn't work, sometimes I find it helps to copy the map file (.fhm) and put one in Exports and one in Terrains (found under FeralHeart>media>terrains).
If it's still not working, then it's probably not worth continuing trying, unless you really need the map for a roleplay or something, in which case you should ask others if they've had the same problem with the map and if they have, ask the map-maker to re-export it for you.

Game Discussion / Re: Anyone else notice this?
« on: April 23, 2012, 06:09:31 am »
That's sort of what I meant by the map competition. If we had one, say, once every six months and added the three winning maps to the game, then Kovu wouldn't have to make maps; just put them into the game. This could also be something for all the users to look forwards to, whether it be competing or just wanting to explore the new maps.
Or, y'know, just get a few willing people to make a couple of maps a year and send them to Kovu to test and put them in the game...

I understand that it's not just Kovu that might be fed up, but I'm not sure there's a way that will entirely satisfy everyone here.

Game Discussion / Re: Anyone else notice this?
« on: April 22, 2012, 09:31:14 pm »
Eh, I completely understand your point, and I do agree with most of it, but I still don't think it's fair that we ask Kovu to make more maps.
He could hand the game over to someone else, but they might ruin it completely, and, like Red said, they wouldn't know how to work the game and thus probably wouldn't progress either.
We definitely do need Kovu to be more active, but seriously, asking him to make tonnes and tonnes of things probably won't help. Maybe have one person ask him to make one thing at a time, maybe once a month or so if the users are asking for things. <-- Stupid idea.
There's no end to this argument. Kovu's unlikely to become more active or progress with the game for either the reasons I've put forward, or some other reasons of his own.
Ultimately, I do think he should do at least a little to help this game, seeing as he /made/ it, but we shouldn't push our luck, as I said earlier, and ask him to do countless things, because everyone gets fed up eventually.

Game Discussion / Re: Anyone else notice this?
« on: April 22, 2012, 08:41:44 pm »
Of course I understand that the staff are working a lot harder than Kovu, but even so, we can't demand he make maps for us. It's like going up to an artist and demanding they paint pictures and give them to you for free.
Sure, he made the game and definitely should be a lot more active on the forums and progress of it, but he might not even want to work on the game any further. I know I'm no better.
I'm very loyal to things I enjoy, such as FeralHeart, but if I made a site when I was, say, 12, and people were still joining it when I was 20 and asking me to do things and be active, I wouldn't even want to respond (exaggerated example).
Honestly, I just don't think it's fair that we push him to make us more stuff. True, he has a huge responsibility for this game, but maybe he doesn't even /want/ that responsibility.
This is just out of thought, seeing as I've no idea what Kovu's like, but maybe he doesn't want the responsibility of the whole game and making hundreds of people happy constantly. If he shut down FeralHeart completely, he'd get even more hate e-mails and spam.

I'm not saying that he's busier than our staff; the admins and mods do loads for this game; way more than Kovu's done, but I don't think it's fair on him that we push him to keep working on this game, because he might just want to forget about FeralHeart.
Or, as some people say, he's just lazy. o.e

Introduction / Re: .......Hello! :D
« on: April 22, 2012, 07:44:25 pm »
Welcome to FeralHeart. c:
I hope you find it as great a game as I do, roleplay and make loads of derpy friends (lots of derps on this game).
If you want neon friends, try the Cape of Distant Worlds. The end is usually full of brightly coloured characters. xD

Game Discussion / Re: Anyone else notice this?
« on: April 22, 2012, 03:55:42 pm »
In my opinion, it serves people right that the maps aren't perfectly detailed with new height maps.
Seriously? Do we have an actual right to make Kovu make us more maps? Nay, because not a single one of us has paid to play this game. Kovu was extremely kind in giving this game out free of charge, and we really shouldn't push our luck like we do. Seeing as he gets no money out of this, obviously he will have a job and lots of other things to do. It's not fair on him if we complain about the game and insist he make more maps.
In truth, I think he shouldn't have put up the maps; either that or taken as long as he liked making them and ignoring the impatient people pestering him.

What might've been a better idea, though, is if there's a map competition or something, and then Kovu could have just added the winning maps into the game. That would save time and Kovu having to make maps.

Game Help / Re: Problem with Cape?
« on: April 22, 2012, 02:50:58 pm »
Is there an error message? There is nothing wrong with Cape, but if you're getting messages such as "Can't connect to map server. Retry?" or "Bad Token", then you're probably lagging. There could be too many people in Cape or you have a bad internet connection.
If this has been happening for a long time, you might be missing the Cape of Distant Worlds map, in which case you do need to uninstall and reinstall FeralHeart. Though that's unlikely, seeing as you still have the option to actually go through the portal. It's more likely to be a lag problem.

Game Discussion / Re: I'm bored on FH, what to do..
« on: April 22, 2012, 01:11:35 pm »
Well, there's not much to do that can be stated. Most of it has to be made up using imagination. Roleplaying, chatting, making movies and exploring are pretty much the main things to do, which I'm sure you know. Being a year and a half into FeralHeart, I doubt there's any more exploring you can do, but the others can still be enjoyed. Join a new roleplay?

If you're creative, why not make maps, presets and meshes? I have many friends who enjoy creating things they and other users can use.

Otherwise, you could create yourself an interesting new roleplay. Perhaps even make your own species and make a preset for it. You could make a map suitable for the species, make up a hierarchy, make a website; anything, really.

Ultimately, there are loads of things to do on FeralHeart to do, you just have to think them up. c:

Game Help / Re: Map server, no connect?
« on: April 22, 2012, 10:24:05 am »
There are many, many reasons for the "Can't connect to map server." error message, so I'll give you a few ideas on how to fix it.
For one thing, if that "Can't connect" message comes up, do not press yes, because you'll just sit there for hours without it doing anything. The thing I usually do when I get that message is close the game, then reopen it and try again.
I've not had the problem of this happening continuously. If it's only been happening for a short while, the server may be full or have recently crashed. Keep trying.
If it's been happening for days or weeks, then the best thing you could do is un and reinstall FeralHeart.
It could also be a problem of bad internet connection. If you have wireless internet connection, try moving closer to the router.
Hope one of these ideas helps.

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