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Messages - Gargantor

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Wings-the only thing i ask for
« on: March 06, 2011, 02:55:04 pm »
+1 karma to Gem.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Wings-the only thing i ask for
« on: March 06, 2011, 12:18:57 pm »
It has been actually discussed already as well.
If there are non-functioning wings, ppl will soon ask for them to be functioning.. and there we are again...
Just my opinion...
Ty for reading.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Wings-the only thing i ask for
« on: March 03, 2011, 09:37:31 am »
Hmm well... i dont see where nala was rude...
i can understand the mods.
They (and Kov) say its already decided... no wings. And then all i see everywhere is new threads opened with the same "idea", the same things is with the dimensions.
Guys, accept it already.
No wings (draw a folded wing on your char if you need it so badly), and no dimensions (there are many maps after all and you can even make your own).
Dont press them please.
Ty for reading.

Forum Polls / Re: Karma
« on: February 23, 2011, 06:15:42 pm »
I have mixed feelings about it...
My feelings about my karma:
Having a positive karma for me shows that ppl see me as i am, and gives me a feeling of achivment that ppl think positivly about me.
Having a bad karma in the other hand doesnt disturb me. I dont have that feeling like above, and i just ignore it. these are the times when i dont care about karma, because i know im not a bad person.

My feelings about others karma:
I dont judge anyone by karma at all. I have to see it for myself if they really are bad or not. I have many friends who have negative karma and it doesnt bother me at all, because i know they arent bad.

And as for it having an option to remove it: meeeh. It wouldnt be fair i guess. If you think about it, there are and always will be "trolls" and they do deserve a bad karma... and if there is an option to turn it off... they will just troll and not get the bad karma they deserve.
Or if someone helped you greatly or something... you couldnt praise them for it... because their karma is off. While you desperately would want to give something.

As for biting and nuzzling:
I never bite anyone without a reason(and these have to be really good reasons). I have bitten 2 or 3 ppl so far because of their offensive replies/posts towards me. Though i do agree that targeting someone and biting them every day is wrong, i did bite a person 2 or 3 times because of their highly offensive comments about me...
However i do nuzzle without any reason. I just go on the forum and nuzzle a few ppl, even if i dont know them. I respect everyone and i want to show it this way. Even though you never know who nuzzled you. Plus if someone leaves a lovely comment, or stands on my side in an argument or am friends with... i like to nuzzle them daily XD

As some already have stated before me, biting can be a good "punishment" for those who do something wrong against you or their reply is offensive. Not that many care, but it calms you down a bit. Its really tiring to write 4-5 rows.. while you can just click one little word.

All in all: i voted no.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: My opinion
« on: February 23, 2011, 05:42:14 pm »
umm... ty guys.
Never thought my opinion thread would get this positive feedback.
Ty again for all the lovely comments.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Multiple markings and wings
« on: February 20, 2011, 11:27:41 pm »
I agree on the tail thickness slider... at the markings... well...
thats a difficult question. I do would like to see it but only max 1 basic and 1 extra.
Maybe the extra should be in a different category, and only small things, so it wont disturb really the basic markings.
As for wings: whatever Kov thinks. Right now: a big no.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Dimensions!
« on: February 20, 2011, 09:09:39 pm »
Well yes, the lag is pretty bad sometimes... well it was first, but now ppl are more scattered around and not many are on on the same time.
Instead dims Kov implemented maps. So if you want to get rid of the lag, either make your own map and send them to your friends, or just go on places where not many are going around.
The "Territory issue" is well known, the mods are doing everything to stop it.
Isnt the party or group chat private? this way you can RP without interruption.
Plus there is a way now to turn off the "xyz arrived/left/dc etc" in the options screen, so this shouldnt bother you anymore.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Pets?
« on: February 20, 2011, 08:59:22 pm »
Fh servers are up now, just download the new version. (no need to delete the old one, just install the new)
Pets? eeh.... dont really know. Never really thought about it. ppl would most likely have a pet-collection-war or something. lol

Game Suggestions & Ideas / My opinion
« on: February 20, 2011, 08:52:23 pm »
Well... lets see...
The forum in all looks great, the colors represent the savannah in a way(for me at least), but the black background makes it too dark for my eyes.
The moderation: is great as well, the threads get answers quite quick now.
The only problem i have it currently is the
security datadase: IPs getting blacklisted because they are supposedly sending virus or spam. They have to remember nowadays ppl share the same IP. Ive run in a few threads concerning this, and i myself am experiencing the issue (and no, some ppl like me cant change our IP because the internet provider forbids it or cant do so, isnt allowed etc.) im sharing IP with half of my town, around 2000 ppl. Plus no other site uses this database.. why not put a random code generator in at the register screen to "test if you are human" to prevent spambots registering.
Community: not always the most polite, got a few smart@ss remarks here and there, but overall the community sticks together in a good way as i see it. which is pretty important.
But all other things are just fine.. oh yes, and maybe there should be a rule to not bash other games.. ive seen my share of WQ hater threads (dunno really whats their problem.. dont like it dont play it)
Overall the game is awesome. The graphics are good, the wide variation of actions/emotes/markings/bodypart types is awesome as well. Though there are still a few things missing (like a few dances) but im sure Kov will add them later on. (plus maybe the headbang dance should be fixed? the butt movement ruins it all in my opinion)
People say the buttswing should be taken out: well i personally dont have a problem with it, i did experience this issue, and unlike others, who block these players, i simply turn around and tell them some "nice" things. They usually stop and leave me alone after.
The behavior: It was reeeeaaalllyyyyy bad first, now it seems ppl are actually getting more mature and realize how childish they look if they place curse words after every second word (well it was quite hard to understand them XD). I would still like to have a slight filter (not big one) just to filter out the most known bad words (maybe should be put in as an option) for the sake of complaining parents/brothers/sisters etc, and the 13- children. After all we are all humans and we value the younger kids, after all they are our future, and if we all curse etc before them.. then how do we await that they will respect us when we are old and need a place to sit down XD. Its bad enough.
And no, even though COPPA is there, children under 13 CAN register and play if they are in countries COPPA doesnt reach. Like mine.
Moderation: hmm well, cant really tell how it is, never had a serious issue, but i guess what i heard its good too XD
Chat: free, and awesome, now you can turn off the "etc arrived/left/dc" thing. A huge plus for me. Maybe a bit too free but.. whatever Kov thinks. Its after all a RP game.
Bugs: there are a few... okay maybe a bit more than a few but hey, its a free game, and im happy enough it came out and is running so just ignore these and just go on like nothing happened.
Music: nice music change there, gratz. i really like it, it represents the lion king more. Plus, unlike other games, it lets you put in your own music if you wanted. Another huge plus to the dev team. *hugs*
If i had to put this game on a scale from 1-10, 1 being the worst, 10 being the best... FH would land on the 9th on my scale.
(dun forget guys, nothing and noone is perfect, keep it in mind)
Ty for reading.

Game Discussion / Re: Rude people.
« on: February 20, 2011, 07:49:43 pm »
sadly FH ppl dont care about it as far as ive seen it. They refuse to make a slight filter because it will hinder them in RPs (please...).
They say: if you want a good exploration or just hang out peacefully.. go to other RP sites. OR block them OR switch off chatbox...
Well yeah.. this shows what ppl here are...
I would recommend for you to ignore all of them, and hopefully we 2 meet somewhere and we can have a nice RP without "godmodding" or "ripping off each others faces". lol

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