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Messages - Oakfrost

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11
Forum Games / Re: Get through the Alphabet before an admin/mod posts!
« on: January 26, 2014, 08:47:31 pm »

Characters / Re: ? O a k f r o s t ? [Update]
« on: January 26, 2014, 07:01:50 pm »
An allurin' character ye' have there sir Oakfrost. The layout is very organized and unique not to mention yer character is simplistic yet creative all the same. Oak's definitely taken my general interest. Excellent job.
Thanks Vespian! I'm glad you like it :)

Characters / Re: ? O a k f r o s t ? [Update]
« on: January 26, 2014, 06:26:32 pm »
Such a beautiful character you have there! Very organized and unique.  

Thank you so much for your kindness and your feedback!

Characters / Re: ? O a k f r o s t ? [Update]
« on: January 26, 2014, 05:37:21 pm »
Beautiful character! Full of detail and a very organised layout <3 +floof
Thanks Indigo! I appreciate the positive feed back!

Characters / Re: ? O a k f r o s t ? [Update]
« on: January 26, 2014, 05:20:43 pm »
Update! (History added)

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Aniuk's Creations
« on: January 26, 2014, 02:04:10 pm »
I'm seriously loving all these meshes. They fit perfectly in my maps, and you did an outstanding job with them. Thank you so much for posting them!

Meshes / Re: The Complete List Of Meshes [Last updated 1/15/2014]
« on: January 19, 2014, 01:27:42 am »
Thank you so much for this! I am forever in your debt! This really makes it easier for me to find meshes.


t h o r n p a w

Excitement fluttered in his paws when Meadowstar had finished her speech and announced he would be going to the gathering. His fellow apprentices that sat around him hunched over in disappointment, except for Flashpaw who would be going as well. This would be his third gathering, and the sight of all the clan cats and the sound of mingled conversations never failed to let the excitement flow.

Noticing his mentor farther up in the crowd of cats who were returning to their activities, he padded towards him while nodding his head in greeting to the cats who passed by. "G'Morning Liontuft!" He called to him when he finally reached the tom. "What will you be teaching me today?" The eagerness slowly started to take over his excitement. Thornpaw loved his training more than anything. Soon, Cobrastrike's voice raised over the dyeing conversations in the camp clearing which gained the apprentice's sudden attention. He had announced the patrols for the morning, and one of which he and his mentor were expected to be on. "Well after we go on the border patrol, of course," he said to Liotuft, referring to his previous question.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: .:Wolves of Feykro:. {Open}
« on: January 15, 2014, 06:41:40 pm »
(Just waiting for character interaction from Rii before I can post again :) )

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: .:Wolves of Feykro:. {Open}
« on: January 13, 2014, 02:38:56 am »


Golden eyes squinted as they were met by a harsh glare from the sun. Hunger had grown in his stomach, and so the male was left with no option but to leave his cave to hunt for food. Huffing in annoyance, he lowered his head to avoid being blinded and exited his den completely. A gentle breeze tousled his white fur as he clambered down the boulders that led up to the entrance of his cave. His paw pads were still sore from the previous afternoon when he had taken a long trek through the Iiz woods. Avoiding cracks and dips, he leaped down from the final rock and proceeded on until he eventually reached the edges of the woods. Perhaps a decent scrap of prey could be caught today, seeing that it was still possible that the other predators of the forest had not yet scared most of the prey into hiding.

Atlas's tongue ran over his muzzle, cleaning the last bits of blood that remained from his kill. Luckily for him, a hare had wondered far enough from its burrow for him to strike it down. His hunger was now satisfied, and so the white male was left to picking out the burrs and twigs that had gotten entangled in his fur while on the hunt. His grooming session was stopped short when the roar of a bear disturbed the forest peace. "Is there a need to disturb such moments?" He complained to himself about the large lumbering creatures. It was moments later when a smaller than average bear trampled through the foliage and past a quite startled Atlas. "The falls suit you much better. Perhaps a permanent trip to Lomah will do you good and rid of your kind in these parts," he muttered while watching the bear disappear into the distance.

Deciding to enjoy the day instead of returning to his cave, Atlas continued on through Iiz and would soon be nearing the lake. His attention was grabbed by a lingering scent of geese blood. Curiosity took over him as he followed his nose to the location where the scent was emitting from. There in front of him, was scattered geese feathers that littered the forest floor beneath an oak tree. Hearing the faint breathing of another mammal above him, the white wolf raised his head to look at the dangling branches of the tree. A dark furred wolf sat high above him in one of the thicker branches. "Taking after our feline cousins, are we now?" He questioned the female in the tree.

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