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Messages - darkknight

Pages: 1 ... 80 81 [82] 83 84 85
I always have another friend who would like to join the game. I've had times where I would stay up all night to seven in morning and registration is still closed. So, it's not always guaranteed to catch in the early morning either. Sometimes, I just ask my current friends on the game if they have an account they no longer use and would like to give away to another person. This seems to be the easiest way at times, at least until the other person can catch the registration and make their own if they want.

Forum Discussion / Re: FeralHeart Jobs and Ranks
« on: July 14, 2013, 04:31:46 pm »
Well, for me, I have a variety of things I do. I'm a map-maker, preset, role-player, role-play host, artist, writer, observer, and movie-maker. Multitasking... I never fails me. (Would like to learn how to create meshes soon.)

Alrighty then,
For adoption, mate, and food centers, I really don't mind them too much. In a way, I simply believe its just for both the public and personal amusement. Yes, sometimes I would get the thought of one or two centers being a bit silly, however, I always take into the other person's perspective. Why should I slander someone else's fun, I suppose. In my opinion, I would feel obtaining a mate or parent to happen naturally through role-playing or simply talking out-of-character, it seems to be more meaningful.

But a divorce center? Now, this, I will be blunt about...
That is a stupid idea.

Game Discussion / Re: Character Sexuality?
« on: July 13, 2013, 11:42:54 pm »
For role-play or real life, as I have no concern for gender, I have even less concern for character sexuality. To me, it all seems like a labeling. I couldn't care less about who is attracted to who, as long as you are not disrespectful to others around you and be appropriate in whatever you do. When you get to it, that's really all that matters. No matter who is your "mate" or real life girlfriend/boyfriend, being appropriate is really all that is comes down to.

Game Discussion / Re: When mate begging goes too far
« on: July 09, 2013, 06:32:45 pm »
Well, as far as a mate begging or just begging in general going to far like that, it is relatively common in any gaming platform. Sadly, this is even more common with role-playing games. Some individuals who play these types of games that it too seriously especially in a RP session. I see this many times:

Friend: -does rp post-
Their mate: Wana be real mates, like ooc?
Friend: ??


Me: -does rp post-
Partner: -makes a face-
Me: [Are you alright?]
Partner: [Do you really love me like that?]
Me: -starts to get nervous OOC-
Partner: [Tell me! Or I'll stab myself]

Unfortunately, their threat to themselves really happened and they were sent to the hospital afterwards. -was stalked for the next few weeks-

Things like this is just the inability to separate real-life and a simple game. Although, I will also see for some people who believe that the cyber-world is the exact same thing in the real-world, nothing different at all. And with this in mind, it confuses others as well as disturb the person who are playing as their partner.

I agree with you, Taizer, on the terms of "elites" and the subject of "lower level" role-players. I can recall a few times where I would role-play locally for fun and someone would whisper me asking to join in. I would readily accept them, but they were often afraid to ask from their current level. After a few hours, we both had a fun session.

A few days later, when I stared role-play with the same person, they seemed to have picked up my terminology and style. The feel of having inspired a person like that is a wonderful feeling. I wish that more experienced role-players would take from this and have patience with other people who aren't to their level. Helping others is always a good accomplishment. We all had to learn somewhere from someone.

Now, what would have happened if I labeled the person as "illiterate?" I have no right to do that. I don't know if the person has a disability, speaks another language, has self-esteem issues, or so on.  

Game Discussion / Re: Recruiting methods.
« on: July 09, 2013, 05:31:05 pm »
I use many methods in recruiting members for groups. I will do from role-playing locally, making movies, going to a certain locations, and so forth. Another method I'm thinking about trying is to advertise on the online forum for that purpose with groups.

And I highly encourage Kiaz's method. When starting a group through role-playing, it makes for a more entertaining. In addition, you have a better connection with the members. I was in at least two groups that used this method and even after several months of the groups being disbanded, I still remember a majority of the people who was in it, their characters, and little details that made it fun.    

As far as logging in on that day, few other people, including myself had trouble getting connected in-game anyway. Now as far as the files are concerned, you needed to place them in the appropriate files and heaven forbid it somehow messes up your overall game. Everything inside the Aug 22 except the markings.cfg file goes into textures. Then once you do that, just go back and place the markings.cfg file into the main Feral Heart folder where you see items.cfg, the icon, emoteHotkeys.cfg, etc. After that, it should work. If not, either go back and see what went wrong, or just re-download the game, whichever is easier for you and attempt to repeat the process.

Game Help / Re: Map making help
« on: July 04, 2013, 05:56:21 pm »
Did you export the original map file?

Introduction / Re: Hi guys!
« on: July 04, 2013, 05:52:57 pm »
Welcome to the realms, Roy. I hope you enjoy yourself with the community.

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