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Messages - kayla1235

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In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: August 18, 2013, 03:49:20 pm »

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: August 18, 2013, 03:29:20 am »
Inferno loves you :3 *Kisses*

Welcome to ChevalVille! This place is made just for horses and the best thing is that there are some nice ranks you will pick from in the group. I am Spyro, the lead stallion of the Allurse(Racing) horses! I can help train horses to get their speed up for races. Other than that, I love to run and race and that's all I will mostly ever do! Here are the ranks that you choose from and their leaders.

Allurse(Racing)~Spyro(Stallion Leader)
Sauter(Jumping)~Ajali(Stallion Leader)
Forteau(Fighting)~None(Must be a Stallion)
Beaulune(Beauty/Show Horse)~None(Must be a Mare)

To be a leader you need to include an RP sample in your application witch will be down below.
Character Name:
Type of horse(Allurse/Sauter/Forteau/Beaulune/):
RP Sample(For Leads only)

We are accepting humans to and I will also post the ranks below.
Human Ranks~
Owner(Owns a horse)
Vet(Helps the hurt horses)
Judge(Judges all of the events like races and fights)

That is all of the ranks for humans also. In the future I may think of more but that is all I have. My username is kayla1235 if you want to meet me in game. And if you haven't figured out our map is  ChevaVille.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: ~*Enhanced Generation*~
« on: August 17, 2013, 07:49:03 pm »
:3 Hello there! I would like to join if you're okay with me being a wizard.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: August 17, 2013, 03:19:54 am »
Darn :U

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: August 17, 2013, 02:32:13 am »
If you're making the map... CAN I WATCH XD?!

Accepted. But you need to change the rp sample a bit. You don't remember ANYTHING from the days before.
Oh, I apologize. I thought that it was something like they heard sounds of war and then everything went black. I will change it right now.
Its fine :) It happens!

Username: Birdi
Name: Silent
Gender: Female
Rank: Delta?
Picture/Description: A female mutt(Australian shepherd/Husky) with sparkling ice blue eyes and a diamond necklace from her past owner.(Appearance somewhat like this.)
Role-Play Sample: The mutt slowly lifted her thin tail in alert, narrowing her eyes. Shaking out her short-haired muzzle, Silent lifted herself to her feet. Wincing as she noticed she had a cut in her back leg, right at the base of her foot. Swerving around, she vigorously lapped at it until the bleeding sopped. This was a deep cut, so it pained her more than the other cuts she noticed all over her legs and paws. This must've been from the deafening shouts, cries, and firework-like booms she heard not too many days ago. Slipping down back onto her belly, Silent licked all of her legs, pressing her nose into her pelt to get rid of dust and shards of rubble. Shakily standing up once more, the female lifted her head to howl weakly, searching for help. Settling down with her head on her paws once more, she attempted to get comfortable in the stony, dusty and bumpy pile. Raising her big brown eyes as a dark-hued wolf approached, the wolfdog warily crawled backwards. 'Follow me,' he had said. Silent was in to fit stance to travel, but she dragged herself after him with an uneasy feeling.
Accepted. But you need to change the rp sample a bit. You don't remember ANYTHING from the days before.

o-o Indeed... I'm a funny person...

:3 If anyone else wants to sign up. Our map is called Bridgeston Park Ruins. It fits with the war and world ending theme.

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