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Messages - Kuri

Pages: 1 ... 834 835 [836] 837 838 ... 842
Videos / Re: I Need People For A Thing
« on: August 19, 2016, 06:19:26 am »
In the spirit of attempting to be helpful i shall respond.
forum name: kuri
feralheart username: kuri
character you will use for this: VH41
i will make a special map for this. will you be able to download it once i am finished?: 50% probability
will you be able to keep watch on this thread for when i post when the scene will start?: Statistically likely

DS_store error for me too...  At least i have the stars!

Tried this, seems to work.

Is it possible to make a glowing AND scrolling preset?

Looks like it, i just tried some to see it it would work and it look like it was glowing.  Didn't take it on any dark map but i don't see why it wouldn't.  One of my presets is filled with lightning and it's emissive (glowing) so yes i bet it is possible!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Eh, just an idea I had.
« on: August 12, 2016, 09:47:23 pm »
Like the others said, people would be torn and spread out across so many.  Suspect there might be a future update with a map that has many rocks to jump up (this is only a rumour with no real evidence) but will probably have elements of ascension island, temple of dreams ect all on the one map so it's easier to manage than many spread out maps.

Game Discussion / Re: What map would you live in?
« on: August 12, 2016, 03:56:25 am »
"Skies rim"  (falls to doom in 5 minutes)  nope.  i'm a coastal person so i'd like to say bonfire but... i noticed there isn't a whole lot of fresh water there.  Does appear to have geothermal heating though.   If i can't find water i'd have to move to kiwimbi or something.   

Game Discussion / Re: What was your first FH mod/Preset?
« on: August 10, 2016, 09:24:50 am »
i tried to make an emote but it turned out horrible, it was so messy the wolf glitched and the tongue,teeth and eyes went visible and the wolf parts went invisible, it scared the heck out of me so i decided to not do it again ever ever
This sounds glorious!  Many of these are in a way..

Mine was a modified recreation of existing marking with animated blood and stuff that makes me cringe to look at it, it's pretty bad.
Here is a short .gif of an angle doesn't make me hurt to look at
So cringy.

Forum Discussion / Re: How important are the forums to you?
« on: August 09, 2016, 01:58:57 am »
Without them i'd be so lost at meshes maps & items!  And i'd still have the default ears, not downloaded ones.

Stories / Re: Creepypasta A terrifying update
« on: August 08, 2016, 08:48:58 am »
This would make a good halloween prank if the game easily supported that kind of thing.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Make Watermill a visitable map?
« on: August 06, 2016, 06:59:05 am »
Ahh ok,  looks a nice place.

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