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Messages - Dentrimental

Pages: 1 ... 83 84 [85] 86 87 88
Characters / Re: Some of my babs!
« on: May 07, 2020, 07:29:29 am »
I love Magnus's design and I feel like nobody really uses those wing items so it's nice to see them used! I am a big lover of lemons so to see a character called lemons makes me super happy, and hungry! Haha.
his real name is xxLemonxx but i call him Lemon for short

Screenshots / Re: BRUHHH
« on: May 07, 2020, 07:27:41 am »
This is hilarious! Everyone looks like rhinos oml
lmao true

Screenshots / Re: BRUHHH
« on: May 06, 2020, 09:20:10 am »
Gotta kill it with fire. This looks like a job for me.

Characters / Re: Some of my babs!
« on: May 06, 2020, 09:19:02 am »
lemon scares me
Lmao that was a glitch


Alright, Rainbow Land. Preview images? Sure thing:
Water that leads to a small structure:

That small structure; the top of the water spiral:

A spot on the very top:

Alright, so download it here:

Now, thats the map. I made a sky file for it, but I know that some people won't want it. So that download doesn't include it. However, you can download the sky file here if you want it:

Instructions: (There is a README in the download but I'll post it here too.)

~Rainbow Land~

First, copy all files in the "Rainbow Land" folder.
Second, open your "exports" folder.
Third, paste all the files there.
Fourth, restart FH if it's running.
Fifth, enjoy! ^^

And that's how it goes!


This map is a fine example of what I do when I am bored.
This is basically a small map with rave floor and rave disco ball, that plays some Deadmau5 music.
Screenie plz:

^ Grayrave dancing in Rave Den.

So yeah, it's a small map, with disco stuff that I meshed, but the Disco Ball is lazily meshed, don't even look at it, you'll die. xD I'll have to update it later, been busy.

So anywhos,
here it is:

and there is a README included, please make sure you read that. I'll post it here too:

Disco.fho &
go into your exports folder.

Open the text document "MUSIC"
copy what's inside.
Go to your FH folder, and open music.cfg in notepad.
Add what you copied to it. Save. Exit.

Copy ghosts-n-stuff-bonus-track.mp3 to your sounds folder.

Enter Rave Den and enjoy the randomness!

~Map by xRubyx (Ruby1234)"

Twisted Thorns Map Pack
-Might as well, since this RP kind of died.
Twisted Thorns
The Den
Narrow Passage
Sloping Passage
Magma Chamber
The Plains
The Mountains
Water Passage
Waterfall Cave
Preview; Waterfall Cave;

I really want to download the cave (waterfall cave) but i cant get to the actual download bit

Characters / Re: Some of my babs!
« on: May 05, 2020, 08:07:23 am »
Neat characters! My favorite has to be Lemon, because I love lemons :P
thancc u :3

Finished Maps / Re: FriskTheRisk's The Lion King Map Pack!
« on: May 04, 2020, 08:18:10 am »
Where is the link? id love to download it

Characters / Re: My boy Johnnie
« on: May 04, 2020, 08:03:50 am »
Oooo! sounds great!

Characters / Re: Some of my babs!
« on: May 04, 2020, 07:53:47 am »
Nice characters! My favourite is Magnus  c;
PS: your signature broke me cx
lmao thancc

Characters / Some of my babs!
« on: May 04, 2020, 07:35:29 am »
Magnus is a very serious and strict character in general, but also has a playful side when with friends!

This guy has a very friendly personality, but aggressive when defencive!

(sorry i have no full body shots of him)

Lemon is my main, and he is a crackhead,silly and strong character.

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