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Messages - ShadowClasher

Pages: 1 ... 86 87 [88] 89
Jay wandered back around to the old den where another wolf was waiting outside.
Storm looked over at the wolf who had just arrived at the den.

Jay slowly gets up and follows Dawn back to the den wearily.

Jay whimpered at the stranger in case she would hurt her. She soon relaxed after she started to the lick the wounds. "Thank you." She whispered.

Jay twitches her ears at the sound of another wolf coming. She wanted to flee but she new that wasn't one of the options. So instead she barked so the she-wolf could find her.
Storm raced around the forest with happy and loud barks. He fluffed his fur out scenting the air again. He could smell more wolves nearby. 'Could this be where my sister is?' He asked himself. He charged forward again. He soon stopped at a den with the great smell of others. He sat down.

Jay writhed around panting in pain until her full body was wrapped around brambles and thorns. She yelped in pain trying to break free. Starting tp panic from all the blood loss. Jay let out a loud howl.

Mind if i make another char?
Picture or Description: 
Name: Storm
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 1
Gender: Male
Mate: No
Pups: No
Personality: Outgoing and not afraid to speak up. He's also pretty protective.
History: His mother dumped him alone out in the plains where he was rescued by a few coyotes. He was raised as theirs and later found out the Jay happened to be his sister, (dramatic -le gasp-) and that she never knew.
Rank: Dunno
Skills best at: Snooping around and he has long powerful legs for swimming and climbing.
Rp sample: Hoping to use Jay's.

Jay backed away from the male wolf instinctively with her teeth bared and a low growl in her throat. Scenting the air with a whiff, she twisted around and got her feet caught in some brambles and thorns. Blood had already started streamed down her legs. She let out a whimper at the howl.

Jay snorted and stood up fully forgetting to hide. She opened her eyes wide at her mistake.

Remembering her own terror of when the Native Americans attacked. Jay crept forward, stalking up behind the her silently and quickly. She bunched her mucsles to attack.

Getting back up from her daze, Jay shook her head and wobbled to her feet. She swivled around to see if anyone was watching her. She could see a wolf at the lagoon laying down and she could hear others back at what they probably had as a den. Jay snuck backward away from the sounds and the wolf until she realized something was watching the wolf by the lagoon. She snarled remembering the pesky Native Americans who had burned down her old den. She stood there for a moment waiting for the Native American to do anything.

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