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Messages - KibaWolf73

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Tails
« on: January 11, 2013, 04:23:27 pm »
When I'm making a fox, I always use the wolf tail. When I make a wolf, I use the thin tail. Fair enough, yet it doesn't look realistic enough. I agree with this idea. Though, it shouldn't replace the "wolf" tail entirely, but maybe rename it as a kind of "Realistic Wolf Tail".

Game Discussion / Re: Nice and/or Amusing Warrior Cat Names
« on: January 11, 2013, 01:43:45 pm »
Ah, Death-suffix. It reminds me of a lot more clichee (I'm not sure if I spelt that right) names related to evilness, and not only for warriors. I think I once saw a "dark evil blood" in Bonfire. Yeah, jet black with neon red markings.

Now, now, everyone is entitled to name their cat however they want, but not even trying to find a reasonable prefix for her/him, and instead going with whatever sounds "cool" at the moment usually doesn't make the cat a respectable character.

When I create a warrior cat, I try to find names suitable to their backstory, colour or personality. Silverstream-A grey pelt, former Riverclan member. Crimsonpaw-An orange-red pelt. Timidbreeze-Swift, soft-spoken, shy. I also enjoy to making up funny names, such as Trollstar and other meme inspired names, just for the sake of it. But it's not something I'd RolePlay with.

In the end, you can name your character the way you want it, but it's usually the well-thought names who get more respect and admiration.

Game Discussion / Re: How do YOU play Feralheart?
« on: January 10, 2013, 09:54:24 pm »
I mostly RolePlay in Flourite Plains as a Warrior Cat or in Bonfire as a lion. I really wish I could join mapped RolePlays but for me downloading a map takes from 10 minutes to a whole hour (Depending on how big the file is), and when I do finally install it, the game crashes. Sigh, I wish I had a normal, big PC, not a slow laptop. (Though it's super fast when I play games, flash or not, downloading something or loading a video on YouTube is a pain in the floof.)

Game Discussion / Re: When I first joined I.....
« on: January 09, 2013, 09:01:15 am »
When I first joined, I...
...Was surprisingly literate, thanks to years of Pokemon RolePlaying in my pocket, but I rarely RolePlayed (See nr.5 and 6);
...I spent a long time figuring out how to move (I tried to move with the arrow keys, not being much of a gamer back then);
...Afterwards I just moved by clicking the ground a week;
...It took me a few months to find out about Ascension Island, Sky's Rim, Atlantis and Last Cave.
... Typed super slow and weird because of my laggy, old, small laptop (I have a new one now). I typed Ssomethhhiing llike tThiss;
...Also moved very slow and I usually couldn't go straight to the point, since the camera was laggy;
...Thought there was a North Pole (With something like Santa Paws) as well;
...Didn't know how to lay or use emotes  for a few days;
...Didn't know about a lot of shortcuts, like the emote keys, the Z and X for laying and the whole row from C to / for all the menu tabs (Chat, Mini-Map, Emotes);
...Had no idea how to crouch or walk;
...After I learned about crouching and walking I only used the Actions tab.

I think I had more but I can't remember right now.

Edit: Aha! I found more!
...First day I thought that the portals were black holes and they would delete my character if I entered it;
...First day I thought that if you come into the water you would drown;
...Didn't know how to fix the character's head, so when I tried making a screenshot I was like ">: o Stop being shy! I wanna see your pretty face! ;A;

Game Discussion / Re: Most common uncommon "felines"
« on: January 09, 2013, 08:35:31 am »
I created the Ao Oni on a feline model, but I guess it's not a feline species xD.
Though I have never seen another Ao Oni ingame (Aside from a pink "ao oni f" who was created right after the user saw me. Ao means blue in Japanese -u-, but people will be people).

Member Bio & Journals / Re: ~Kaitlyn's Journal~
« on: January 08, 2013, 07:14:23 pm »
@Toonanimals, Yes, it was very fun. I'm starting to come out of my shell.


Real Life Notes

Today I had a weird and random dream, but I forgot most of it. All I know is that it involved tons of stuffed animals surrounded by fences and Tony Stark (And me fangirling about him) riding a car designed similar to the Iron Man suit. ...Wut?...

My FeralHeart Day

I've been yet again spending my time in Flourite Plains, chatting in General. I also saw Doctor Flob and made a new character.

Meet Sapphia!  I haven't developed her much for now. I thought of her loving and being protective over Flourite Crystals and maybe being able to manipulate water, but she can only lift a few droplets for now, since she has to practice it.

Now I have an even number of Feline and Canine characters, ten each. (That means I now have twenty characters. Wow, that's a lot. I feel like deleting a few but.. I'd feel bad.)

That's it for today, floofs. See ya tomorrow!

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: January 07, 2013, 08:54:00 pm »
I think I've seen you before.

Now, of course nobody knows me.

Member Bio & Journals / ~Kaitlyn's Journal~
« on: January 07, 2013, 07:24:40 pm »
Ello's there, fluffs, and welcome to my journal! Here I will post my FeralHeart adventures erryday, or almost. Anyway, here we go.


I've been a lot more sociable today. I've been spending my time in Flourite Plains as my Warrior Cat, Silverstream. I got to see the whole map and I also RolePlayed a lot more than I usually do, actually interacting with people. I sometimes goofed in the General Chat.  I laughed my head off when I said something along the lines of "Raping ingame is plain sick" (After talking about how I enjoy being a couch, after somebody sat on me while I was curled up under a tree, except when people buttswing over me) right after Hallucination recovered from a crash, being the first line she saw in the chat. She was all like o-o.
I also got to see Ramine. First time seeing a Staff Member ingame ^3^

That's it, for now at least. See you next time! Feel free to post here :3.

Game Discussion / Re: How did you find out about feralheart?
« on: January 07, 2013, 11:55:31 am »
Copy-Pasted from another similar thread~

A long time ago, I came across an IT video on YouTube and thought "Man, this looks so cool! It's a must-download!". So I went to the site, but I found out it was shut down. I was really dissapointed, and forgot about it. A few months later, I was home alone, looking for "Animal MMORPG" on Google and found this. I downloaded it, and played it the whole night (The first guy I saw was a Scar lol). Next day I got bored and the file ended up hidden somewhere in my computer. About two months later I was randomly looking through my computer's files, found the FH folder and got hooked, then I sent a link to my friend and she got hooked too xD.

And we both FeralHearted happily ever after...

Game Discussion / Re: Mate Centers in Bonfire
« on: January 04, 2013, 02:37:35 pm »

Exactly my point. And it's usually the caps-spam Centres that do in fact fight (actually I've never seen once a Mate Centre who doesn't caps-spam like that, they probably do that for attracting more "customers")

And it's probably a really desperate forever alone who started this frenzy. But we will never know, due to the amount of users in this game.


People modifying their character for somebody who doesn't even notice them? That's.. Desperate. It is, infact true that people do not get to know their personalities except after you do become mates, which seems pointless and usually leads to "relationship problems".

But again, there will always be trolls, there will always be forever alones, and ofcourse there'll always be Mate Centers. Some of the few things you can't get rid off, as long as people enjoy what they're doing.

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