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Messages - Bawfle

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Game Suggestions & Ideas
« on: August 02, 2019, 07:47:07 pm »
I don't like this idea. This feature isn't worth the effort that would have to be put into making it. The problem with only some people having issues with screenshots is not the PrtScrn button itself. Unless your PrtScrn key isn't working at all, in that case you can change the keybind and re-map the screenshot function to a different key, it's a problem with something graphical that we'd have to have Spirit look into the cause behind.

No software needed in the first place? What screenshot software are people installing?
- WinKey+PrtScrn instantly sends a full screenshot of your display to your Pictures Library. (Pictures\Screenshots)
- If you hit PrtScrn you can copy and paste a screenshot of your display into Paint and crop it on the spot.
- If you use the Clipping Tool which is software that already comes with Windows, you can select a portion of your desktop to take a screenshot of.

I see where you're coming from, but the reason behind Obsxura's idea and my development of it was just to make things seemingly effortless for those who have issues with making the PrtScrn key work for them in-game without having to search for another method of screenshotting. It's an alternative method of in-game screenshotting that doesn't require the time consuming efforts of cropping/saving screenshots individually and manually. Just a quick drag of the mouse and a click, without having to open up and load any software such as Clipping Tool or FRAPS prior to taking the screenshot which users have known to use as an alternative of screenshotting. Ideally, both methods would be equally and practically effortless. There would be no need to worry about a graphical issue for keyboard keys, sticky keys, or keys that don't work in general. With either method used, the overall location of the screenshot(s) taken would/should land directly into the FeralHeart screenshot folder where users will always expect them to be and have always expected them to be.

I understand that there are a hand-full of people who use the PrtScrn key and then crop the overall screen cap in an art program. But, this is just effort people shouldn't really need to be putting effort into when there's meant to be a default functioning screenshot method for the game that doesn't work for them. If someone wanted to take multiple screenshots, they would have to waste time cropping and saving every individual screenshot one by one, and this is most likely one of the reasons that brought this in-game screenshot button idea along. It's fairly simple to do if you know what you're doing, but it's time consuming, and even more so if you don't know what you're doing. I figure this would also be incredibly irritating for those trying to take screenshots of a chat that is very active/lively. I think screenshotting and cropping would also discourage reports in this way too, and most likely does now, because again- it's additional effort than what it needs to be.

At the end of the day it's an idea, and it's a really creative one which would be easy for young players to understand. At the very least a small tutorial could be added to the readme.txt in the screenshots folder with information saying "If the PrtScreen method does not work for your game, go into Options >> Controls, then highlight the Print Screen option in the list and click the 'Change' button and select another UNUSED key (such as F12) to set an alternative screenshot method". But, this would only be seen if users went looking for it. Nevertheless, at the end of the day Obsxura and everyone else just want results that hopefully don't leave users with technical/graphical issues or methods that do not function!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Bawf's Game Ideas/Suggestions
« on: August 02, 2019, 05:54:13 pm »
My Ideas
Ideas that I have that I don't recall have been brought up or brought up enough.

Ideas added: 02/08/2019

Doubling chat character limit
Basically giving people more room to type so they have more space to work with for different reasons listed in the pros.

•   More space to work with when posting advertisements.
•   More space to work with if Moderators need to use godspeak (red text).
•   More space to work with when explaining to/helping users in-game.
•   It will be less restricting in general.
•   This isn't really a lot to ask for.

•   More room for spammers, but that's what moderators are for I s'pose.

Map dots for group members
Just like we have map dots for buddies/friends online, why not do it for group members too?

•   Easier to locate your group members in maps.

•   None to list.

Doubled/tripled group and character bio character limit

•   Group organisations and/or role-plays could use more space in their group bios for providing more information for their group.

•   None to list.

Scars that aren't markings
Having different scar variations that can be added on top of markings would be pretty sweet instead of having to rely on markings to do this.

•   Variation.

•   None to list.

Selecting more than one marking on body parts
As well as being able to alter the colour of each marking. I love variation and I can see some pretty interesting looking characters coming out of this.

•   Variation.
•   Unique characters.
•   Generally fun.

•   May need a whole re-vamp of the character creation.

Ideas added: 04/08/2019

Fur texture options
Fur texture options within the character creator. (Idea submitted by a user who wants to remain anonymous).

•   People can see what other user characters are really supposed to look like in terms of fur texture detail. For example, a domestic cat's fur isn't really the same as a big cat's fur.
•   Again, gives people variation.

•   Tracking inactive users down who have made popular fur textures, asking if they wanted or are okay with having their textures submitting to the game etc. Not impossible but tricky.

In-game item 'glitch'
Possibly to end the 'glitch' people have with items (i.e. users seeing different items on users that aren't their equipped items without needing the same item pack). Or, just generally improving the items side of the game in general if that can't be something that can be fixed. I understand this was more of an issue before the legendary packs but we might as well eliminate the problem.

•   The issue will be gone and people will generally be happy.
•   Users who look majestic will no longer see applejack hats in their friend's screenshots.

•   None to list.

Better syncing
I'm talking about when a character moves, or even spins. Have it better synced like IT did. Maybe even fix this issue:

Sorry not sorry Ringo LOL

•   Better experience.
•   Less awkward.

•   None to list.

Other Ideas
Other ideas that I strongly agree on and would also like to see implemented.

Idea list updated: 04/08/2019

Wing markings
Suggested by EuchadraMelech
•   [Click Here]

•   My thoughts/input

Different eyes
Suggested by Rebel.exe
•   [Click Here]

•   My thoughts/input

Game Improvements
Suggested by Deualicorn
•   [Click Here]

•   My thoughts/input

Game Suggestions & Ideas
Suggested by Obsxura
•   [Click Here]

•   My thoughts/input

New chat/bio features
Suggested by Ellen11v
•   [Click Here]

•   My thoughts/input

There are more threads I'd like to list here but I'd really like to reply to them first before doing so! Please be patient with me!

More ideas on either list will be added over time! I'll post when any modifications regarding them are made!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Different eyes?
« on: August 02, 2019, 05:34:45 pm »
This would be pretty neat. I think a lot of people who have characters that are blind only in one eye would benefit from this addition a lot. Of course there would be more interesting variation/customisation, but this was the first thing that came to mind.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Game Suggestions & Ideas
« on: August 02, 2019, 01:54:07 pm »
In-game screen capture option
I think this would be a marvellous idea to be honest. If the Print Screen key function is something that can't be fixed for those who it doesn't work for then it would be a really nice feature to add, and it would save people a lot of trouble. People wouldn't have to go out of their way to install additional software to take screenshots in-game that just takes up more space and is more of a hassle to begin with. The screenshot button wouldn't even need to be that big either like so:

And if people wanted to hide it (I wouldn't, look how cute that lil itty bitty camera is), then they could just go to the interface options and un-tick the Screenshot Button visibility like so:

Sorry it's not as fancy and as accurate looking as others put effort into making it, I just cba and it gets the point across.

Advertisement Chat
Gosh yes. I would love to see it. Even if the General Chat never made a return, since we now have the source code the actual chat could be re-named and re-coloured (because if general chat were to ever return I'm pretty sure we'd want to re-use the general chat colour we all know and love). Maybe a lighter orange like this:

I don't really see any cons to this idea honestly. Even the con you put down doesn't seem too much of an issue either. Local chat would be less flooded and advertisements would stand out so much more. It would benefit role-play organisers and role-players so much. This needs to be a thing. I also agree that a cool-down system would be very useful.

Text bubbles in-game
Honestly I don't like this idea- doN't tAKE thIS tHE wRoNg WaY- whether or not this feature would be an optional thing I think it would make the game look way too much like a chat room rather than a role-play game and I think that's why it wasn't added in the first place. I think adding text bubbles would strip away the game's role-play side a lot.

Fur and Mane lengths
Just, yes. Nothing else to say.

Different colored eyes
Again, just... yes. Nothing else to say.

Seasons textures
Instead of downloadable textures for different seasons, I would like to see an actual time-frame for the game. Like, I'd LOVE to see the game naturally change or fade into different seasons when the seasons actually arrive. BUT I feel like that would be something more achievable for a more advanced game. It would be stunning nevertheless. For time being, YES I definitely think it would be awesome to have texture packs for the game for each season. Even though users would be able to do this already with their games, it would be nice for the game to have their own season change texture packs to advertise each time a season comes by.

More weather
I'd love to see more weather options too. I really like the idea of a rainbow appearing after some rain falls.

More actions
Just, yes please. I'd very much love animals to be able to lick their paws and/or bodies, wag their tails, flick their tails, pant, etc. More dances would be fun too.

For the game to have an official HD option would be especially nice. Having an option in the interface to control the level of HD you have would be a bonus. There is a really good example of this in The Isle.

Time of the day pointer
I'm not sure what you mean by pointer, but an in-game clock would be cute. Any indicator to show someone what time of day it is would be really interesting to have.

Better nighttime shadows

Chat emotes
I don't know about this one either xD Like the chat bubbles, I think it would make the game look too much like a chat room than a role-play game.

Share your thoughts, ideas, and maybe even share what you like about other game sites/forums and why you think FH would benefit from it.

Knock yourselves out my dudes.

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a Member of the Season posts!
« on: July 31, 2019, 09:21:49 pm »

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: ideas regarding manes
« on: July 31, 2019, 08:29:48 pm »
I'd love to see mane improvements too, definitely. I think the fluffy mane should be shaped like all the other mane options, but people get to choose between two types of mane. I think the fluffy mane overall could use some nice texture on it too like the normal mane has. I also like the idea for being able to make wolves have more fluff to their necks. I think that it would probably also work really well if we were able to customise the neck area of the canine with the sliders by being able to expand the width from the right and left side of the neck to achieve a fluffier look too.

Edit to add on: I'd also love the manes to accept lighting the way the body does, because right now during the night manes glow and it looks weird. I'd also love to be able to make black manes without them looking grey on characters too. Can probably do something abut this with the texture the mane uses itself, but not without losing texture. I think this might also have to do with the way the mane accepts the lighting too.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Wing Markings?
« on: July 31, 2019, 09:50:41 am »

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a Member of the Season posts!
« on: July 30, 2019, 09:08:56 pm »

Game Help / Re: Cant sign in at all???
« on: July 30, 2019, 11:19:36 am »
Just checking, but you are seeing this login page after you submit your login details, right?

Usually it takes a few minutes of being logged into the login page to be able to login and connect to the game itself for some people. If you're not seeing this page then the login details you are typing in are incorrect. If you are definitely seeing this login page, then we can be reassured that your login details really are correct thus no password change should be necessary.

If this is the case then you may need to re-consider if your connection is working efficiently. Have you attempted to restart your router? It may be the case that you can use your browser and whatnot, but it takes more strength in connection for the game. Not a dramatic amount of strength, but it just takes more umpth. Especially if you're using a wireless connection. If you are then I would consider getting an ethernet cable so you are getting your wifi connection directly rather than wirelessly to get that strong connection, if you are using wireless connection.

Changes such as internet providers could also be a reason for your sudden inability to log into the game, if any change of internet provider has been made. Either way, you should consider what I said above.

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