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Messages - TruthOfTheMt.

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Characters / Re: Lord Suragaha (WIP)
« on: May 08, 2013, 07:52:11 pm »
Wow....I teared up a bit at the end of reading his history....Wow. GREAT character. GREAT bio. Lord Suragaha is certainly one of my fave characters of Feral Heart now. Wouldn't this be an EXCELLENT manga and even anime? :D I solute to you, Lord Suragaha. I really want to know what happens next when I was reading Tales from the Trenches...

Also, my Lord, I see that you did a few drawings of other user's characters. Would you be so kind to do a commission for me? If you take commissions that is. Thanks. :) And...I will certainly put Lord Suragaha to my drawing list. ;) Whether you take my commission or not of course. I just have to draw him...I love drawing characters that I admire.

Characters / Re: Thrillex & Skrillex :D
« on: May 08, 2013, 05:59:05 pm »
Thanks guys. xD Very appreciate that stuff. I also admire Thrillex... :3 I glad to have her...

Yeah..Skrillex and Thrillex are kinda popular name and kinda similar..But yeah..You get my point. x3 Thanks again.
Haha, ya.

Characters / Re: Thrillex & Skrillex :D
« on: May 06, 2013, 04:30:48 pm »
...K.....This is just a little weird for me.....Your character Thrillex sounds very similar to MY character (who doesn't really have a bio like yours, I'm still working on it. She was originally made to just be another user's sister who her character was just for derping. XD But I guess I just have to have some kind of bio for my characters haha) Thrillex...She likes to party, she is a very fun wolf, and in her past her parents died too by some kind of fight with another pack...Wow. This sure is strange! AND...her sister (the other user I just mentioned) is named Skrillex. 0_0 (I know that your Skrillex is a male and not a female, but still.) After seeing her name I wanted to make her sister have a similar name. And I thought "Thrillex" sounded awesome. I guess you can say that I'm a little suspicious on whether you somehow "stole" my and her character's names and just put a very interesting twist to Thrillex's past, but of course I don't really think that 'cause how could you?? I never met you in the Feral Heart game to give you any information on my Thrillex. XD Not even on this website. Plus, of course "Skrillex" and "Thrillex" are just really popular names. So, even though she sounds very similar to my own Thrillex, your Thrillex sounds very cool. :) XD

Other Mods/Creations / Re: .:Tetsu's Wearable Items: Mane Items!:.
« on: May 01, 2013, 07:21:01 pm »
Galiou, is it possible that you can make the Game Items into zip files? I can't download RAR items. :( Thanks! :)

Game Help / Re: Can't log into first server
« on: May 01, 2013, 06:36:01 pm »
I encountered this problem several months ago, and it forced me to leave Feral Heart. I tried everything suggested, and nothing worked. When you said you went back to Skybeam, what do you mean? I'd love to play on FH again. There is no other game like it out there.
I mean that I had a new internet service that was faster, but then we went back to our old server, which is Skybeam. Aww, well I hope you can go back Dear! :)

Finished Maps / Re: Ravendarus' Map of Ruen!
« on: May 01, 2013, 01:04:23 am »
XD Thank you so much my friend! I can't wait till I fully Finish it off!
You're welcome Friend ^^ (Haha, sorry this reply is so late...XD) It's not finished yet? Lol I think I'll be the same way, not deciding if a map is fully finished. XD Your map looks awesome though. :) I love the animals you put in it. :D I wish I could figure out how to make my map terrains work...

Finished Maps / Re: Ravendarus' Map of Ruen!
« on: May 01, 2013, 12:12:23 am »
XD Thank you so much my friend! I can't wait till I fully Finish it off!
You're welcome Friend ^^ (Haha, sorry this reply is so late...XD) It's not finished yet? Lol I think I'll be the same way, not deciding if a map is fully finished. XD Your map looks awesome though. :) I love the animals you put in it. :D I wish I could figure out how to make my map terrains work...

Good news everyone, this RP is back up! ^_^

Characters / Re: The Wolf Curse
« on: April 29, 2013, 11:10:57 pm »
But of course I always have a picture of them on here. ^^

Characters / Re: The Wolf Curse
« on: April 29, 2013, 11:10:04 pm »
Hahaha, thanks. *blushes* You're awesome BouncyLion101 you're so nice. ^_^ Thanks for your suggestion. :) Yeah I like to somewhat make my characters "mysterious" like that, so that at first people can imagine what they look like and then later find out what they really look like somewhere else. Like in the game haha.

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