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Messages - Machungwa63

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not sure if the image site you used is either permitted here or if i just cant see the images

I think I've fixed it now. Sorry about that. Thanks for pointing it out.

Hello, some of you may know me from my YouTube channel with "Lenny the Fastest Lion," etc. and in recent movies I've filmed most of my scenes in a map called Machungwaville (which is downloadable - there's a YouTube videos with links to that). However, I'm starting to outgrow the place - the original goal for that map was make buildings out of basic blocks where the characters could interact with each other and their environment (and I could repeatedly blow Shairi's house up but that's another story). Anyhow, I'm currently working on Machungwaville 2 - or rather, Orangeville (Machungwa is Swahili for Orange) - currently I've only built two houses and a school. It's not public yet as there's still a long way to go and I have an idea of what I want the completed product to look like but figured I'd share with the forums so that you guys can provide input as I go along. Without further ado, here's what you're here for, the images:

This looks very tacky right now, I know. If someone can explain easily how to write on the "sign" object that FH provides I'd appreciate it!

Overhead view. The goal is to not end up with a lot of foliage (trees, etc.) but I'd rather litter the empty map with them now and take them away rather than just add them as I go along.

VERY pleased with how the school has came out. To the right is a bookcase and then you see six desks facing the blackboard.

Another example of how this is a step up above my old map, Machungwaville - in the old map the beds were just a mattress on the floor with a pillow on it - now I'm starting to get a little bit more creative with the woodwork around the mattress.

Again, please criticize! I don't want to get too fancy using custom-made mods, etc. - I prefer to like to keep it basic so that it loads quickly and I'm not using anyone else's creations. However, if you do have any criticisms now is the time for me to hear them before I get too far into this project.

Videos / Simba vs. Santa Claws
« on: December 07, 2018, 01:36:10 am »
Simba tries to stop Christmas from coming to the Pridelands

Videos / The Ball of Fear (Halloween Movie)
« on: October 24, 2018, 08:16:41 pm »
Hello everyone! I used to make Feral-Heart movies all the time following the misadventures of Lenny the lion and Shairi the lioness, and now I'm thinking of getting back into it. So, without further ado, here's "The Ball of Fear" to get you into the Halloween spirit. Enjoy! (And thanks CrystalWolfG & UrWingman for their roles in the school scene!)

Videos / Made a short video introducing all my characters
« on: February 25, 2017, 03:29:41 pm »
Hi everyone! Some of you may know me from my YouTube channel following the adventures of Lenny the lion & co. Anyway, I decided to make a short video introducing all of my characters. Short description about each below.

Arctic - Police chief, father of 2 lions... somehow. Did his time as the devil under the name "Unduke"
Bahati - Lenny's older twin brother
Edith - Shemshi's sister; speech impediment means she can only meow
Fay - Adopted silver lioness; nicknamed "Wrong Way Fay" as she always gets stuff mixed up
Guvu - Strong male lion
Kanafa - Male cheetah; also a news reporter
Kevin - Shairi's father; is actually a pilot
Lenny - Main character in my YouTube series; thinks he's the fastest lion on Earth
Lila - Shairi's daughter
Nakshi - Bahati's wife
Nala - You should know her
Nyimbo - Shairi's mother; obsessed with mousetraps
Peponi - Kanafa's daughter; romantic interest with Lenny
Rakusa - Male wolf; preacher; Adopted Fay as his daughter
Santa - You should know him
Sarabi - And her
Scary Clown Face - The devil!
Shairi - Another main character in my YouTube series; married to Shemshi; house often destroyed
Shemshi - Shairi's husband; Lila's father
Simba - You should know him
Sophie - Shemshi's mother
Ubawa - Angel/a god
Wamariri - Evil lioness who has killed at least 10 lions
Winda - Shairi's (younger) twin sister; has a crush on Lenny
Wolfred - A singing male wolf
(Bwana) Zungumza - An old male lion who is highly respected

Videos / Peponi and the Battle of the Pridelands
« on: February 10, 2017, 08:32:56 pm »
In a time of crisis, King Simba and Queen Nala call upon the citizens of Machungwaville to help them defeat the evil Bobby.

Videos / The Great Reindeer Heist
« on: December 10, 2016, 10:40:44 pm »
Plot: Santa's reindeer are threatened by lions on Christmas Eve.

Videos / Lenny and Shairi, Sitting in a Tree
« on: November 10, 2016, 09:34:29 pm »
Plot: When Shemshi forgets he's married to Shairi, Shairi forms a plot with Lenny to get back with her mate.

Videos / Shairi's Cub
« on: October 10, 2016, 08:33:00 pm »
Plot: Shairi finally has her cub! However, an event in her past may hurt her chances of even having a future.

Finished Maps / Machungwaville
« on: June 21, 2016, 05:08:38 pm »
Long story short, I just hit 1,000 subscribers on YouTube so wanted to make the map that I use to make all my movies public. Not the fanciest map on the game but hopefully some of you will appreciate it. Here's Lenny the lion to give you a 5-minute tour on YouTube:



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