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Messages - Candystar

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10]
Full Name:Akita
Breed:Border Collie
History:When Akita was a pup her parents abandded her,and Akita had to live on her own.She entered a pack's territory and got beaten up by the patrols.She was then forced to go to the the human place.Smoke filled her nostrils.She heard loud noises as the humans spoke.A dog catcher then caught Akita and took her to the pound.Akita was put in a cage with a mean bulldog in it.She would always hide in the corner of the cage scared of the bulldog.But the bulldog saw that Akita was weak,scared,hungry,and tired.Then the bulldog told Akita his name and greeted her.The bulldog's name was Sharp tooth.Sharp tooth would let Akita eat first,let Akita sleep at the front of the cage so when the dog catcher passes blankets into the cages Akita would get one,and Sharp tooth would bark at the dog catcher and make him take a look at Akita letting the catcher know she was weak and needed medical help.Soon Akita was strong and when the catcher opened the cage she ran out and into the forest as the smoke filled her nostrils and stinged her eyes.
Roleplay example:Sharp tooth come on!Now's your chance!-Sharp tooth turned and looked away and sayed-No.I would only slow you down.You go on without me.I'll be fine.-Akita's eyes started to fill with tears as her friend rejected to come with her to freedom,but she listend to Sharp tooth and ran off into the distance-


In-game username:Candystar
Personality:Miya is more like a shy dog than a heroic dog,which means she will likely be scared,frightened,or too weak to fight,although she will sometimes try to save others and fight.She will sometimes share her food,and shelter due to her kidness.She will get made if one of her friends are killed,but she might back away and run off,or fight.
Description:Miya is a German Shepard.She tends to keep her fur short but yet a little long.Miya is a great fisher.
History:Miya was a pup when a male human caught her and her parents.The human liked to torture dogs so he killed Miya's parents.Miya was forced to live in a cage outside.Every night when it was very cold,the human didn't bother to get Miya a blanket to keep warm.The human would get a paddle and beat Miya with it every morning.Miya was always forced to eat dirt,and she barley got to eat.She live like this for 7 years.When he humancame to paddle he one morning and opened Miya's cage,then the humans house phone rang and the human went to go it.The human never got Miya a chain to tie her up.The human left the cage open an accident,and Miya ot out,and ran away.
Gang:Miya is a loner,she isn't in a gang.
Rank:has no rank.
Species:German shepard

Wolf's name:Keyko
Wolf's age:16(human years)
RP example:Oh,hi alpha,what's going on?*she asked sternly*
Story about wolf:She was abandded by her parents because her parents saw that she was sick looking,scrawny,and wouldn't talk or walk or even wag her tail,they thought she was going to die.Then many years later PolarPack Assasins found her and beat her up.The alphastopped them and let Keyko join the pack.
Rank:Female beta

rank desired:Omega
wolf's age:16(human years)
personalty:Shy,nervous,some times outgoing
about your wolf:She used to live in a other pack called fire pack.She was an omega and was allways tortured.Then one day some of her pack mates decided to kill her parents...........and they did.Then she ran away and joined Wolf's paw pack as an omega.
RolePlay example:Oh how I miss my parents.*she starts to cry rembering the good times they had together*

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