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Messages - Peter

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10]
Game Suggestions & Ideas / Have your own roar/bark
« on: June 02, 2011, 11:15:55 am »
Whether your a feline or a canine, I think it would be awesome if we would be able to add .mp3 files as our roar. For example, you could have a normal lion's roar as your roar. Literally you can have anything as your roar, but make sure it's mp3 or another sound file extension.

Game Help / How do you go to a map that you just created?
« on: May 31, 2011, 08:05:29 pm »
Since I just joined today, I'm not a professional map maker. But I simply made a cave with little caves inside, it's for a group. I saved it and all that, now how do I get to it? I'm at the something plains that comes after the Cape of Distant Worlds.

So, how do you get to a map that you created? And how do my friends join too?

Introduction / Hello!
« on: May 31, 2011, 08:02:59 pm »
Hi there! I found a photo from DeviantART referring to a character named Lando. I asked the maker whether it was a 3D modelling program or a game. He replies "it's a game". I ask what it's called. He says Feralheart.

So I looked up Feralheart, and it looks EPIC! I downloaded it instantly, and made my feline character.

The game looks awesome so far!

Anyway, my character name is Raikou (based on Pokemon) and I am part of Pokemon RP'ing.

So, that's me :D

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