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Messages - Gargantor

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Site/Forum Help / Re: Private Messages
« on: February 16, 2011, 12:19:21 pm »
the site has a few bugs as well (for example the quoteing doesnt work for everyone), well lest hope they will fix it very soon.

hmm.. Slycan is saying something here...
well ppl are discussing pvp modes etc on another threads... this would solve their and this problem?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Some concerns about the game....
« on: February 10, 2011, 09:40:50 am »
Quote from: Teal Skeletore
Then maybe she should just stay on WolfQuest. A game like FeralHeart where there is just mostly 13+ year olds isn't a place for her.

i dont think this game was only developed for 13+. its a game for everyone, as i see it. If it really was for 13+ then the game wouldnt look like this. Little children look at this game and see the many possibilities what they could do. They can come anytime too if they wish.
My sister begged to play after she saw me playing it... Even though i did know exactly what ppl there are sometimes, i had still faith that there will be no real problems (she doesnt know much english luckily), but i was wrong. After all, even if she knows some basic words and she can write sentences with a bit of flaw(well... much flaw), she can still understand the basic swear words. which is the real problem.
I dont say she came to me crying, but i could see she felt offended(she is quite mature for her age).

And thanks Sarine for your support.
But we have to get used to such ppl i guess. I agree everyone has their own opinion, but its no place still to bash a game.

i must agree with a few ppl here. When i go on nowadays i always disconnect in a matter of seconds because of the huge amount of ppl online (and to think of it that my computer actually is a "super"(lol)  laptop, which handles lags quite good).
I say lets have 2 dimensions. thats enough to spread ppl a bit, so there will be not that much lag, and in the same time its not that hard either for mods or admins.
and everyone is happy.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Wings-the only thing i ask for
« on: February 10, 2011, 09:06:22 am »
Never played IT... but i have my opinion concerning the wings.

I voted: no
Dont get me wrong... im really curious how it is to fly in this game (never played IT) but if Kovu doesnt want them in the game, then why cry for it? If he says so, so be it. I respect his opinion, after all he is the one who developed the game. Be happy guys, that the game is actually made and is up.
Im kind of surprised that ppl dont play but come and complain on the forum. Most ppl didnt even see all the maps but they want wings already... comon guys, the game just came out. enjoy it first, then when youre bored of it, thats when you come and ask for stuff.
Right now be content with what you have.

1. If you so want wings, then maybe make a preset, and draw wings on it. And there you are. you have a winged lion/wolf.
2. paying for wings: nah. Every game starts out for free, then they start adding extras for can go to the head quite quickly and soon the game wont be that enjoyable for the "free" players. Ive seen a game go down this way. Plus if i go on an awesome looking game, and that see that all the things that attracted me to it is for money... i quit.
3. chars with wings limited: nah. there would be ppl who would be faster and get the wings all the time. then there will be the ones who cant go on sooner and never can have wings. thats unfair in my opinion. Either all can have wings or none.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Some concerns about the game....
« on: February 10, 2011, 08:15:36 am »
Quote from: Tyki Mikk
I think Gargantor needs to friggen step off his soapbox. You like WQ and WE all dont. (Most of us I assume.)

Mostly I dont like you forcing your opinion down my friends or ANYONE here's throat. Since you like WQ's uber uneeded over filtering, go play THAT and not FH. And one more thing, dont get on someones butt about spelling. Because last time I check the word "Tight" was not spelled "THIGHT". :/


I think it would be a great idea to have a filter IF you want it. A filter button as Im sure someone has already mentioned. But My say here is if you dont like cursing because it just BOTHERS you SO much, than ignore it. Go to another map! Most people here dont care about swearing because, again, we're mature here. Little 10 year olds shouldnt be on the game anyway. Besides, theres no point in sheltering kids forever. THERE GONNA HEAR IT. Its everywhere.

i just saw this... sorry i didnt read all of it, i got to the first sentence only...
dude youre slow or something... we are over this problem, we arent even talking about it.. and as the mod said... no WQ stuff, ty.
Plus you dont even know me, so be polite enough and dont talk if you are too immature to understand ppl. Im just defending my little sister(shes 10 and she had experienced this issue), along with all the 13- children. (if you cant understand that either, then you have a problem, i would suggest a psychiatrist)
And i like the idea of Tasha. That would be good for 13+ and 13- ppl as well. Everyone can do what they think is best for them. either they want a filter or not.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Some concerns about the game....
« on: February 08, 2011, 05:23:44 pm »
ahem.. im not a girl...
secondly... i didnt bring up WQ... someone else did in a negative fashion, and i just defended the game... -.-
I dunno but i guess you would do the same if i went on a forum and started cursing your fav game...
well basically i want a slight filtering (like many ppl too), because if you want it or not... there are children who just want to run around the maps, make friends and RP in a childish fashion... and here comes a "tough" character and starts to curse...
My little sister wanted to try out the game. 5 mins later she comes to me with a weird expression, and tells me what appened... i go there and see the chat (which was stuffed with the f word/curses of any kind). so i quickly log out. ( she was just RPing with a newfound friend, then comes this character, and messes it up, then starts talking "tough" -.-)
And my little sister is just 10.
yes, you can block, but for this you have to experience this. and get to know who you can trust.
(plus i personally dont like to RP with ppl who curse all the time.)
So dont forget the children pls... i know you think this game is mainly for 13+... but the games features suit the 13- children as well.
And to protect them, we need to filter out the most well-known curse words. ( we all know there will be work-arounds.. but at least the actual words will be blocked.... kind of gives an illusion that there is control... even if there isnt actually)
I know its NOT an educational/only childrens game but letting ppl to curse openly without at least telling them to stop... is just absurd...
This is where the world goes....
mods look out.. youre loosing your authority... oh wait.. what authority?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Some concerns about the game....
« on: February 08, 2011, 04:12:58 pm »
This shows where the world is going... right down...down...down...down...
no respect guys.... someone has to teach you... *grabs whip*
Wudiin, you better dont even talk... we all know why.
Yes, they are teens(not kids), who they assign on the forums.. but teens with great knowledge, respect and a matured mind. (unlike the 70% of the ppl here). and this is what neither of you can achieve or could...
Multiplayer isnt a fail at all, its just a thight budget they have.. if you soooo want for them to fix these things.. well you can always donate. (plus the game is more concentrating on SP than MP).. well seems like you have to refresh your knowledge...
Plus, WQ is actually about wolves (omg big news!!!) so of course the thing they discuss is wolves... -.- Dunno where you played all that time...
"That game, because they have money, should have better models, animations, MP servers, and control over their so called 'educational' game and MP" (plz learn spelling ty) lol seems like youre not even reading.. or i dunno where you played (yep saying again).... WQ has a THIGHT budget... not much funding... so no.. they cant make an UBERAWESOME game.. maybe they can later on...
yet again saying.. if you dont like the game (why did you play with it anyway?? did they hold a gun to your head 0.o?) then dont play it... and so you wont have a "negative" experience, and you dont have to go on a random forum, and rant about it somewhere behind their backs... if you are sooo tough... go on the forum there and tell them your opinion. -.-

well i dunno how actually this game got into the conversation.. all we ask for is a SLIGHT filtering... wth ppl think we want to take away all the words. We all friggin much know its an RP game and restriction of the words are negative here.... but really well known curse words have to be kept out. Every game i have played so far has these well known curse words filtered. after all they want to teach you little kids whats not allowed... and yes, if you go out on the street ppl will look at you weird and disgusted if you start yelling curse words... a sane person knows these are not allowed so it should be a natural thing these words to be filtered.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Some concerns about the game....
« on: February 07, 2011, 10:07:12 pm »
okay seems like you dont understand WQ at all, then why talk about it?
first off... WQ DID have a completely free chat back then. (but you have to keep in mind its an educational game made for children)
But ppl like YOU cussed, abused the chat box to an extent they had to keep removing words.
@Safa96: names arent allowed in the chat lexicon for a good reason. At the chat box you could only see the ppls wolf name, the username was hidden, so many abuse reports were trashed because you could only report the wolf name. So to aid the reporting system, the wolfnames had been removed. (whose fault? abusers)
@Sarine: words were removed yet again for a good reason. ppl abuse, swear, and be inappropriate with common words, which they use as work.arounds.(whose fault? abusers) Sadly WQ doesnt have the funding to make a better chat. Plus its not meant to chat about your every day life... its an educational game about wolves.
So if you can make a better chat system with the amount of money they have... then go ahead and show me what you can make.
Plus... how come "big guys and girls" to the idea to MATE and curse in an educational game made for 10-12 years olds...
If they would stop, there would be no problem.
And i still dont understand why there are WQ haters... noone is interested how you hate this and that. keep it to yourself.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Some concerns about the game....
« on: February 07, 2011, 05:49:22 pm »
I personally think there should be a slight filtering then, if not every swear word can be filtered, but some of them. Like the f word or the most known 4letter words.
every sane developer wants to hold their game clean, and they do not want to see everyone cursing all they want.
yes, we all know there are immature ppl everywhere... but if we do not take steps, the problem can be really bad. Like... everyone blocks everyone... they cant RP together... there go the players.
I have been in a few games where you had a free chat, and no, they didnt filter it.. and yes, once they had enough and filtered the chat.
Its in the rules as well...
"3. Any sexually, threatening, hurtful, harmful, abusive, hateful, and ethnically offensive language is prohibited."
If they cant keep ppl to the rules.. then dont make rules....
simple as that.

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