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Messages - PennsylvaniaRedneck

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Forum Games / Re: Random Info About You
« on: November 06, 2014, 10:55:22 pm »
Random fact about me - I've jousted on horseback.

You're still accepting, right? I'd love to get a CS up to join this.

Name: Catalyst
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Family: An older sister
Personality: Catalyst tends not to talk to others very much unless he knows them. He is, by nature, very suspicious of people and tends not to join groups unless necessary. He likes to fight, and has managed to get himself into all sorts of trouble over the years.
History: Catalyst was raised in a small village as a child, until disease swept the region and killed his parents. At that time he was about seven, and his sister fifteen. His older sister took him and went into the wilds, where they survived on their own. Several years ago, his sister left on a hunting trip and never came back. While looking for her, Catalyst stumbled across a Greencloak village that took him in.
Appearance: Catalyst has dark brown hair that would seem black if he cut it short. His eyes are the same shade of grey as the mountains he was born in.
Side (Greencloaks, Conquerors, or none): Currently living with Greencloaks but isn't really on their side
Spirit Animal (If any):
Abilities gained with spirit animal (if any): None
Weapons : Catalyst can use anything with a blade
Other: "Catalyst" isn't his real name - he named himself after he was on his own and that is the only name he is now known by. (Cloak)

Name: Valla
Gender: Male
Age: 7
Summoner: Catalyst
Species: Tiger (Maltese/Blue color variation)
Personality: Valla is an intensely loyal cat, but only to Catalyst; his attitude towards others is indifference at best. If Catalyst were to call upon him for protection the results would undoubtedly be deadly. However, under most circumstances Valla is a quiet and well-behaved animal.
History: Unknown
Side (Greencloaks, Conquerors, or none): Whichever his summoner chooses
Other: Cloak

I'd love to help out with this, if you'd have me. What would be my duties?

Discussion Board / Re: Wolfs rain anime
« on: November 05, 2014, 08:12:45 pm »
Love that anime! It's the only one I've ever really watched. So many feels at the end...

Let me know if I need to change or clarify anything.

Canine or Feline - Canine
Reference - Below
Do you want a raffle ticket + for which exclusive - No
Do you want art - No
Are you purchasing an exclusive + offer - No
Any deadline? - No

I'd like the first marking to be sort of like a mask over the eyes and nose, and the second one to be on the left shoulder. You can add a mane if wanted. I would like the markings and eyes to be the same color, and a faint hint of the color under the eyes if it looks good.

Body - http://i59BannedImageSite/330vdia.jpg
Marking #1 - http://i60BannedImageSite/16s2u0.png
Marking #2 - http://i60BannedImageSite/21bqkg6.jpg

Name: Rhydian Bennett

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Position & Nationality: Security Team, British

Personality: Rhydian tends to be no-nonsense and down to earth when he's on duty. But when he has time to himself to relax, he's one of the best guys to be around. He knows a little bit about almost everything and has a definite inclination toward debate on just about any topic.

Background: Rhydian was born in the heart of London. He joined the British military force at age twenty and has been in it ever since. Most of the time he rarely speaks about where he came from, but every once in a while he'll drop a random fact about his past in a conversation.

RP Sample: Rhydian propped first one boot, then the other, on the chair across from him. The desert winds pushed the sand against the windows, blurring out the tarmac and scrub trees outside. Not much made it inside the airport, or what passed for an airport, but in the outside world it seemed to get into everything. Rhydian knew that from firsthand experience, but he'd take the desert with all its sand and scorpions. It seemed as if the weather was making the rest of the team late. Or, with all the time zones he'd crossed, Rhydian had arrived early. "Bloody hell," he grumbled to himself, slamming both boots back to the floor. "Don't tell me I'm a day early." Shouldering his pack, he went in search of an English speaker to translate for him so he could find out what the date was.


Discussion Board / Re: What if there was a Feral-HeartCon or FeralCon?
« on: November 05, 2014, 01:38:07 am »
This would be a lot of fun! I'd love to go.

Introduction / Re: Hello there :D
« on: November 05, 2014, 01:30:56 am »
Welcome to FeralHeart, Fury! I'm sure you're going to love the game and forums. Message me if you ever need help! :)

Ask Me / Re: Ask A Fangirl Writer Artist Whatever You Want to Know
« on: November 04, 2014, 11:02:32 pm »
What's your fav color? Why?
What is your fav animal? Why?

I like green. It's the color of practically everything, especially when I'm hiking or camping or hunting.
Horses. I've been riding since forever and I do a lot of cool stuff, like mounted shooting and jousting.

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