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Messages - Oakfrost

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Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: .:Wolves of Feykro:. {Open}
« on: January 12, 2014, 06:42:47 pm »
(Based on what you said to Mayah-the-floof, I'm assuming its still okay to make former Krah wolves?)

Name: Atlas

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Personality: Atlas can seem distant. Almost as if his mind is elsewhere and he sometimes speaks of random things. Though don't be fooled, he is wise and mature, knowing how to handle himself. He isn't exactly 'kind' or 'mean' to anyone, usually just interacting with others in a neutral state. If Atlas feels like it, he can use a great deal of sarcasm. Aggressive if angered and hostile if threatened. Atlas is known for his indirect answers and sly actions over full out strength. Though he may make it seem like he hates to be bothered and asked for things, he actually secretly finds joy in both assisting and accompanying others. It gives him something to do. He is rather short-tempered and impatient, so be weary if he seems like he's on thin ice. He's prone to snapping at those who annoy him.

Origin: Days of running with the Krah wolves have long since faded from Atlas's activities. He was born and raised in a considerably large Krah wolf pack where his parents were alphas. His brother, Aaros, succeeded his father and became alpha when his father had been killed by a bear in an accident involving a Zahnd wolf. Blinded by hate for the Zahnds, his brother became bloodthirsty in his reign as alpha and caused many unnecessary deaths to the Zahnds. Slowly, the entire pack gained the same hate for the Zahnd wolves and began killing without reason, just as their new alpha had done. To Atlas this was wrong. He still was angry about the death of his father, but he himself didn't believe a whole wolf species should be eradicated because of the actions of just one wolf. He attempted to confront Aaros, but the two ended getting into a brawl that resulted in Atlas killing him. Atlas did not mean to harm his brother, but it had to be done. Disgusted and enraged, his pack marked him as a traitor and exiled him for good. Unfortunately, the death of his brother did not change anything and the pack continued its hate for the Zahnd wolves. For many years he has hidden away in his cave (Somewhere near the beginning of the Bahyek River and the end of Lomah Falls), upset with himself. Other times he would aimlessly travel the forest top to bottom in solitude. It took him awhile to return to socializing. Some Zahnd wolves even came to visit him in his cave seeking his advice and assistance. Though he still isn't that fond of the Zahnd wolves, he has opened up to them way more than he ever will with a Krah wolf again in his lifetime.

Extras: He is a Krah wolf, but no longer openly associates with his kind. A long scar runs across his right shoulder to the beginning of his chest, which was the wound Aaros had given him during their fight. Other Krah & Zahnd wolves identify this immediately. While most Krah keep their distance out of disgust, there are still some Krah wolves who are furious with his treachery and provoke violence.

FeralHeart Username: Oakfrost
Character Name: Ripplestorm
Character Age: 46 Moons (Approx. 4 Years Old)
Desired Rank: Warrior
Activity Level: 7
Any Other Roleplays You Might Be a Member of: Currently none, as of late.
Roleplay Sample: The tender earth soil gripped the tom's paw-pads as he positioned himself lower in his hunting crouch. His nose told him of a squirrel who was only a few tail-lengths away. Hunger crawling in his stomach, the tom eased himself forward carefully, not daring to make a sound that would send his prey off in a wild scurry. Patient as any cat could hope for in this moment, he continued his stalking until the morning's breeze brought an unfamiliar scent. No, not unfamiliar- an enemy scent. An enemy had lingered into his clan's territory! Jumping to his feet (his hunger seeming to vanish), he ran off to confront the intruder. He came to an abrubt stop in front of the enemy cat, his claws instantly unsheathing. "State your reason for crossing into our territory, intruder! Before I tear you to shreds!" The tom hissed, bearing his teeth at the enemy.

Forum Games / Re: Get through the Alphabet before an admin/mod posts!
« on: January 11, 2014, 05:58:03 pm »

Forum Games / Re: Get through the Alphabet before an admin/mod posts!
« on: January 11, 2014, 05:58:48 am »


t h o r n p a w

Thornpaw's prey was tightly clenched in his jaws as he hurried off with the patrol back to camp. A little bounce in the apprentice's steps where out of proudness of himself and the praise he received from his mentor and Foxtrap. It had been a fine night for hunting, as all three toms were supplied with plentiful amounts of prey. There were moments when Thornpaw had to stop to reposition the mice in his own jaws, but each time a stop was made the journey grew nearer to its end.

Its wasn't until moonhigh when the familiar sight of Valleyclan's camp awaited in the patrols path. He had been the last to enter the camp and dropped his prey in the freshkill pile just as the other toms had done. Glad to see he wasn't the only tired cat out of the group he dipped his head in farewell to Liontuft and Foxtrap before finding his way to the apprentice den. It only took a few minutes for Thornpaw to curl up in his nest and fall into a deep sleep.

(A "plan of 'attack' for the night of the Gathering"? Ooh, this is getting good :). Can't wait to see what Foxtrap has in mind.)

Forum Games / Re: Get through the Alphabet before an admin/mod posts!
« on: January 09, 2014, 02:47:40 am »

Characters / Re: Oakfrost
« on: January 09, 2014, 02:01:16 am »
What a lovely post dear. ~ The organization is quite phenomenal as well as the descriptions! Great job, +floof
Thank you for the feedback (and the +floof)!

Oakfrost seems like a very lovely character  so far. I shall return to see some history about him.  ?

Thank you, as well! As for his history, it shall be completed sometime soon :)

(...Double post. AGAIN. Why FH, why must you do this to me?)


t h o r n p a w

Thornpaw stared in awe at how quickly the warriors had managed to catch their prey. Lowering into a crouch, he prepared to catch his own. It wasn't until Foxtrap's words were spoken and his blue eyes widened, meeting Foxtrap's gaze. He had always heard of strange stories about the warehouse as a kit, and even now standing before it he couldn't help but shiver at its spooky appearance in the moonlight. Swallowing the sudden fear, Thornpaw raised himself from his crouch. Maybe he could prove himself as a decent hunter if he managed to catch a mouse or two inside the creepy shack. "Well, here goes nothing," he said with a nod of his head and slowly padded over to the weather-beaten building. Its not like something's going to reach out and grab me? Thornpaw thought to himself. "Better be worth it," he muttered before slipping through a tiny gap in the shed's wall.

It was dark, and even with his feline night vision it was dark to him. His shaky paws moved forward slowly as he took calming breaths to lower his heart rate. The stench of twolegs filled the place, but it was stale enough to know that they haven't been here in awhile. Somewhere to his far right an object crashed to the floor making Thornpaw jump in fright. What was that? The blood rushed in his ears from shock. It was moments later when he finally calmed down and heard muffled squeaks. He shook his head in embarrassment. Its only mice. C'mon Thornpaw, you're almost a warrior. Jumping on top of what appeared to be a tattered piece of furniture, the tom sat on his paws watching the mice scurry from hiding place to hiding place. Now, all he had to do was wait for one to creep out into the open.

"Surprised?" Thornpaw managed to say between a mouthful of fur as he exited the shed and caught up to the warriors. He dropped the two mice the dangled from his mouth at his paws and rushed back to the entrance to pick up the third mouse that he left. He tried to hide his relief of being out of the warehouse, though he was probably still visibly shaken. Thornpaw raised his head to stare at the moon in the night sky, which had moved from its original position before he went in. How long had he been in there? "So, what's next?" He said eagerly to the other toms trying to hide his fright from his time in the dark.

Characters / Oak
« on: January 08, 2014, 09:45:48 pm »

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