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Messages - caiktin

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Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Land of Lynthia (Open and Accepting!)
« on: August 25, 2012, 12:15:24 am »
Name: Carina Tavian.
Age: Seventeen years old.
Gender: Female
Race/Breed: Human.
Ability/Power/Skills: Carina has the ability to enter the minds of others and view old memories and occurrences that have happened in their lives. She also has the power to take away memories if the other so chooses, but it drains her energy tremendously and so far in her life she has not done it once. She often uses her memory-viewing ability to get to know people better before actually speaking to them, like to decipher whether they are good or evil, what kind of person they are. Often people have no idea that she is delving through their memories, but some people with more acute senses will feel something "brush" their mind, and unless they have experienced memory-searching before they won't think much of it. If someone is aware that Carina is going through their memories and there is something they don't want her to see, they can put up a block in their mind, sort of like a door that Carina can't go through unless she tries hard, which she often won't. Little do people know that a door once opened can be stepped through in either direction, and some stronger people may be able to enter her mind as well, though it's very rare for that to happen - it's probably the biggest pitfall to her ability.

Appearance: Carina is a pale-skinned girl with hair the colour of autumn leaves; a light auburn colour that shines in the right light. Her hair is straight and long, nearly waist-length, and often done up in a rough plait. She has a side fringe that she cut herself, which hides her dark green eyes. She stands at just 5'0" and is of slender build, but has evident lean muscle that others should not underestimate. Contradictory to what most young ladies and women wear, Carina is often seen dressed in dress-like garments made from bear skin and fur. These garments are few in numbers, and all relatively the same; cutting off about lower-thigh area, sleeveless and low-cut. She also wears a pair of supple leather shoes (looking similar to the canvas shoes you can get today, minus the laces), soft and worn from years of work and wear.

Personality: Carina has a very forward personality that may intimidate or annoy some people. She's very honest and opinionated, and likes to voice what is on her mind, which will often get her chastised. She is very independent and likes to do things herself, when others baby her and insist on helping her out she gets irritated. Carina has a short temper, and if someone rubs her the wrong way she will often use her words to retaliate. Carina is sharp-minded, witty and extremely sarcastic, and often does not think before speaking. She is not one to warm up to someone quickly, she takes her time to get to know people and chooses her friends very carefully. But Carina can also be extremely compassionate and understanding, and she's always willing to listen to problems that others have and try to help them out. She can often make others laugh, and she can be very loving too. She's not hesitant to offer a smile and greet someone, but she does remain guarded until she feels comfortable around others. Carina can also be very good at comforting people and offering words of support. Needless to say, she has a very complex personality, but she isn't hard to figure out if you get to know her She can also be rather boyish, and has an adventurous, curious side. Patience is a virtue she has not mastered. (W.I.P - Her personality may alter as the RP progresses!)

History: Carina was raised outside of the kingdom in a very poor area, a slum. Her mother died soon after giving birth to her, weak and sick. Carina was raised by her father, who was only trying to feed and care for his daughter as best he could. Unfortunately, at the age of 12 news that her father had been shot made its way back to her; he had tried to steal food from the kitchen of a mansion belonging to a rich family. His punishement had been unlawful death, but being merely a man slowly dying as he lived in the slums, no one seemed to care. From there on Carina was on her own, and realising that she wouldn't live much longer if she continued to dwell in the slums, she took whatever little belongings she owned and made her own way, having no idea where she was heading or what was happening to her - all she knew was that it was her best shot at life. She travelled until she was 15 years old, hiding out and sleeping when she could in private property stables and abandoned cottages, consuming little food and fluid, only really living on the willpower to keep going. When she found herself close to the kingdom of Lynthia, a pair of Soldiers, brutes who weren't unkind but not lenient either, finding her of no risk to the kingdom or its ruler, leaving her in an area called "Larth," claiming her to be a runaway like the rest living there. The adolescent girl wasn't accepted there, and although they had their own rules to prevent bloodshed, she wasn't treated nicely. After living there for a time just shy of a year, Carina was on her way again, exploring the kingdom on her own, looking for a place to permanently reside and rest her wary body. And so she found herself in Zale, which is where she has been living ever since.

Vocation: Cleric, or a Cleric in training.
Strengths: Carina has a wide knowledge of herblore, she's quick and agile, she's good with animals (canines and equines in particular), she is able to use a bow and arrow rather well.
Weaknesses: Carina is not literate; she cannot read or write, she has a fear of public speaking, she can't handle babies or small children, Carina also tends to put others before herself in times of need, and although this is benificial for others it tends to take it's toll out on her.
Extra: Nothing on the character, but "I like cookies." And I'm sorry this took so long to put up, it takes me ages to think of good "histories," and with other prior committments too it took even longer than it should.

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