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Messages - Huskystar

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Lightingstar purred, "Its okay, hes resting in Starclan now." He then suddenly, thought of the Gathering. "Aw!  The gathering.." He growled at himself, he nuzzled the dead cat, and sent out cats to bury him. "Morningpaw, would you like to come to the Gathering, or stay here and mourn..." He spoke, almost silently to the apprentice. He knew it was hard to leave a dead warrior, but he could not brake the rules of the Warrior Cats.


He saw Smallwhiskers limp body next to Morningpaw. "Smallwhisker!" He whined, running over the strong warrior. As he got near, he whispered, "May Starclan light your path." He heard Morningpaw hiss at any cat coming near her, so he mewed, "Morningpaw, he wasn't just your friend.. Let everyone say goodbye.." His calm voice would sooth most cats, but he didn't know. He waited what Morningpaw would react like, his black and white head turned to a warrior, "What happened?" He asked. "Dog attack, near the Sky Clan border... He saved another warriors life, but it took his own." Lightingstar nodded, but didn't go near the brave warrior until Morningpaw had her moment. Soon other cats were pouring out of the dens, and Lightingstar mewed, "Let Morningpaw have her moment..."



Dark spun around, thinking he heard something, but saw a little Border Collie pup stumble off. "Ur..." He tilted his head to the left slightly. Dark was just about to stumble of to his den, to go to sleep, but then Eclipse shown up. "Dark, Akane, please look after the pack whilst I follow this scent." Dark sighed, but he knew he had to obey the Alpha's rules. "Okay..." Dark murmured.  He then lifted his black nose high into the sky, and breathed in, smelling a rival pack. "Eclip-" Dark whined, but she was long gone now.

Later, he saw Eclipse running desperately, towards him.
"Dark, get the warriors and hunters. Tell the healer to be aware that blood will spill." Dark nodded, I knew it... He sped off, towards the centre of the territory. "HUNTERS AND WARRIORS!" He yelled at the top of his voice. "ECLIPSE NEEDS YOU TO GO TO HILLED PATH!" He then raced off stumbling over some stuff, over to the Healer's den. "Healer?" (Sorry don't know names xD Well I don't think there is any healers.)He asked. "Blood will spill. You need to go near Hilled Path, but not to close incase you get hurt..." He barked softly. He then trotted over to Eclipse, his eyes wide with confidence, and a tint of fear...

"No pressure. Lets get moving people, Akane, remember what i said." Eclipse spoke calmly.How does she do it? Well, I might be Alpha one day...If I don't get killed.He thought, and then trotted next to Eclipse. "They will be stronger if they had more food than us..." He whispered, his voice sounding strong and confident. But even he knew that he was scared... He was always so nervous at battles, but he had a feeling that he could do it. Soon they would reach the Hilled Path, were the rival pack awaited for them...

Lightingstar rose to his paws, his belly growling. He knew that the Queens, Elders, and Queens have been fed, so he sleepily, stumbled over to the fresh kill pile while only a few pieces of fresh kill lay. He could taste the aroma of the small vole that lay limp over a grey mouse. He sunk his teeth into its scruff, and trotted away from the pile. He lay down, covering the prey from any eagles that could eye them and swoop down to snatch them.  He ripped the flesh, wolfing down the meat that was a bit stringy, but it was very tasty. After he finished the carcass lay helplessly, on the floor, but Lightningstar clawed at the mud, until it was big enough for a small carcass to go in. He pushed it in with his paw, and covered it in mud... Then he started to go into the forest to hunt.

Member Bio & Journals / ~Hey Guess What! Husky's Amazing Bio!~
« on: January 12, 2013, 12:38:55 am »

Heya! And yes.. I have a daughter.. xD

Name: Kelly
Gender: Well.. Female...
Age: Well, my daughter is 2, I had her when I was 17, you work out the puzzle.
Personality: I guess I don't act my age, quite silly and unmature. But almost everyone I meet likes me, so im not annoying un mature.
Other: My Daughter's name is Lacey!

Puppy 12
People I RP with :P. So quite alot.
And lots of IR life friends!

I have 3 dogs. 1 cat. 2 fish. 2 hamsters. 2 rabbits. and a mouse!

1. Bruno, 11 weeks old. Purebred Black Labrador. Male
2. Eddie 6 years old. Cross between Irish Wolf hound and Great Dane. Male
3. Tilly, 4 years old. Unknown history, Jack Russel. Rescued from dog center! Female

1 cat
1. Archie. 6 years. Purebred Tuxedo Cat. Male

2 Fish
1. Bob, Goldfish
2. Fred, Goldfish.

2 hamsters.
1. Cocoa, dunno what breed... 2 years. Hamster! Female
2. Chocolate.  Dunno what breed. 1 year. Hamster. Male.

2. Rabbits
1. Cookie. Dwarf rabbit.. 9 years. Female
2. Toffee. Brown flop eared. 2 years. Male

1. Kiki. Red eyed white mouse. 11 months. Female.

Well hoped you enjoyed!

( ~Agh! 3 Huskys -_- Including me.. Eh well!


So we are going to battle with the rival pack! If we are! Dark will do his absolute best! Well that will be pretty awesome! And if you don't mind, can Dark get like a little cut? Nothing to serious?)


Name: LightingStar
Gender: Male/Tom
Age: 24 moons
Clan: Waterclan.
Rank: Leader
Species: -_- Cat/ Tuxedo Cat. (Breed)
Personality: Lightingstar is a very trusting young tom, but can sometimes be alert, and very aware.  He is active, strong, and very good at agility, as his parents taught him very well. He is very sly, and quick, making him a excellent hunter.
Appearance: He has a white underpelt, and some white near his face. And white under tail. He has some white foots, and the rest of him is black. His eyes are a deep, dark blue color, which normally shines brightly, in the midnight moon.
Kin: Father- Monkeycall ... Mother- Winterwhisper

RP Sample: Lightingstars tail suddenly, got burned with the light rays of sun, that shone brightly, on the clan territory. His eyes fluttered open, showing his deep blue eyes, with the midnight colored pupil in the middle. He heaved himself up to his white paws, that were neatly, fluffed up. With effort, he stumbled out of the den, with the territory he owned, but one question that was life threatening rung in his mind. Was the large, unknown creature actually coming, or had Starclan told him and the Medicine Cat a lie? He shook the sad thoughts out of his head, and trotted to the Fresh Kill pile.
Extra: His loves to say "Go Warrior Cats!"

Introduction / Re: ~Huskys Introduction!~
« on: January 11, 2013, 08:57:07 pm »
Shallow: Thank you! And I really love your little lion, I would really love to see him in game. -Floof, Milkshake and a Thanks!-

Swifty: Thanks, I like your siggie quote! Anyway heres your -Floof, Milkshake and Thanks!- Have a great time on FH to!



Dark nodded at the Alpha's words, his eyes darting to the sound of Akadios's voice, who was moaning about someone. "Tell Akadios and Ace to get going..." He muttered, making sure he remembered. "Point them to the north east, not go to rocks surrounding rivals.." He checked. "Spy on parading pack...Hunting Patrol check..." He thought it was a lot to take in for his small mind, but he didn't mind. "Thank you Eclipse." He nodded his head, he turned around, and headed towards the two dogs. He saw the German Shepherd, and barked to him, "Akadios!" He trotted more towards him, until he could talk normally, instead of shouting. "You have to get going, and you need to go to the North East... Don't go into the rocks in the surrounding rivals... Spy on the parading pack, checking where they are patrolling, and hunting. All the words from the Alpha." He took a deep breathe when he finished all his words.

He fell backwards, his rump touching the ground, so he could sit down. His tail curled around his white back leg, and he looked at the Shepherd. The cool breeze slightly, ruffled his steel and white pelt. He waited patiently, so he could have his well deserved rest, even though he was looking patient, he was eager to get his sleep. He sniffed through his leathery nose, and smelt Ace,
"Tell Ace to." He sighed, shaking his head rapidly.

Introduction / Re: ~Huskys Introduction!~
« on: January 09, 2013, 05:05:05 pm »
Woosh! Thankies, and nice comic you got there! ~Floof a Thanks and a Milkshake! And a Husky toy for being a great artist![/color]

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