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Messages - jesija

Pages: 1 ... 94 95 [96] 97 98
Fusion and Haru followed Ayame and Stolas. Fusion spotted a rather large matress that was being propped up on one side by a dresser. It looked as if the four could probably squeeze in there to keep dry. "Hey, why don't go under there until this weather clears up?" She suggested.

((Fail post. Bleh, please forgive meh T.T I gtg))
Fusion turned to Ayame and Stolas and nodded, "We should get going." She stated, glancing up at the gray, cloudy sky. "We need to find shelter soon."
Haru flinched as a some thunder rumbled.

((Lol ok, so are Fusion and Haru until whoever's following us is following us XD))

Fusion's ear twitches and she sighs, flicking her cat-tail. Oh well, let her do what she wants. Fusion turns to Daiki and Nynth and pushes some herbs toward him, overhearing the word 'colorblind'. "Daiki, you should eat some herbs too. They'll help your wounds." Her eyes flicker over to Ayame and Stolas, "We really should be going now, but your welcome to come along." Briskly, she trotted over to the two demonic wolves and looked back, waiting for Haru to catch up.
"O-oh, okay! Bye!" He called as he stumbled over to his sister.

Fusion and Haru listened passively, Haru slightly fidgeting with his paws. He stood and said to Daiki, stuttering at first, "U-um, Daiki, I-I wanted to th-thank you, you sort of b-broke my fall." His ears were plastered to his head, grey eyes wide.
Off to the side, Fusion stood and took a step forward to Phoenix, "But were will you go?"

Haru nodded at Stolas and quickly downed the disgusting the herbs. "Bleck..." He shook his head, large ears flapping around. "Ok, we'll just wait for this wolf to wake up first." Fusion said, "And I don't think you should much of a bother Phoe-" Her ear twitched at noise of to the side, and she directed her eyes in that direction alertedly.

((I gtg soon, so yeah. Last post for tonight. Maybe...))
Fusion nodded. "Very nice to meet you." She turned to Phoenix, "Thats right, we were going to that grassy place. Why don't you come along with that friend of yours, Phoenix?" She suggested, not knowing if the female had anywhere else to go."And Haru. Don't be rude, they've been very generous to us, chew some herbs will you?" Haru sighed and reluctantly stood up and got a mouthful fo herbs and chewed briefly before spitting it out, disgusted, "Bleh!" He stuck his tongue out, looking for anything to wash away the taste.

Her ear twitched, "Oh, he's my little brother." Fusion saw the black-red wolves and eyed the herbs gratefully. "Thank you!" She took some herbs for herself and chewed on the bitter substance.Grimacing slightly at the taste, she walks over to the black and white wolf with new strength and pulls him a little closer to the group. She looked at the two wolves (Ayame and Stolas) again and asked, "I never got your names. Im Fusion."
Haru followed and layed down beside Fusion, glaring at the herbs defiantly. Herbs were one of the things that made him throw up with a single taste, but he knew Fusion would probably force it down his throat sometime soon. He was just going to wait since Fusion was distracted by the other wolves. He rested his head on his striped paws and listened to them talk, still staring at the herbs.

((Its okay XD))
"Ehe..." She chuckled slightly, glancing over at Haru,"Well, when you've practically been one, it sorta comes naturally." Fusion passively licked at a few cuts and bruises. "So where ya from? 'Round here?"

She smiled at the blonde wolf somewhat, "Fusion," She quickly tossed her snout in the younger wolf's direction, "And that's Haru over there." She once again reached down and, with extreme care, slowly pulled out a pointy object from Phoenix's skin. Fusion spit out the small thing and said, "Nice to meet you, Phoenix. You took quite a beating..." Fusion extracted the last of the sharp things as quick and painlessly as she could. She huffed and shook her fur out, blood once again splattering around a little. "Need anything else? That scar on your chest looks really nasty."

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