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Messages - crystwolf

Pages: 1 ... 95 96 [97] 98 99
"Why would I count on a bunch of fools to help me?" She countered, her attention moving to the pup. "It's none of your business why I'm here, dumb pup. Besides, a stupid little child like you wouldn't understand."She turned back to Xizon, nudging the canine gently before walking further into the place, away from the rest of the group, shooting glares at each and every creature they passed.

Vicci narrowed her eyes at them once more, letting out another hiss. "So worried about food." She mumbled, immediately entering, not caring if either one of them had permitted her to. "I can easily hunt for myself, thank you very much." She replied, glaring at the other cat as she slowly waved her way around rubble, arriving next to the now silent Coolie, settling down beside her. "I'd rather think Xizon has more manners than the lot of you combined." She muttered, half to herself and half to Xizon.


Now then did the cat let out the hiss that was holding in her throat. Her eyes glared defiantly back at - well, everyone, except for the simple Coolie at the back. "Wow, I knew people could be douches, but I didn't know they would be this much." She muttered, settling down and laying back on her haunches as she lowered her head. "Furballs." She cursed, removing her attention from the hostile creatures and onto the Coolie at the back.

Xizon frowned as she saw the way the other's had regarded the stranger - Totally different from what had happened with her. She stood up, quite fed up with the group's attitude. "Hey, there's no need to treat her that way." She growled, flicking her tail with annoyance before she gestured to Vicci with a nod of her head, silently calling her over. "Besides, how did all of you even get together with attitude's like those?" She added, eyes filled with anger as she watched the female feline, her growls ceasing.

The cat's attention was drawn from the silent dog to another creature. "Crap," She whispered quietly to herself, seeing as the voice had alerted many others. "Vicci." She merely replied, Her voice smooth and soft like velvet. Her ears flattened on the top of her head, attempting to hold back the hiss that was urging to be let out. The end of her tail flicked with nervousness, feeling the hostile glares coming her way already. She simply froze at the door, awaiting for the other's response.

The fae glanced at everybody around, her head tilting slightly. It seem as though everybody disliked the only feline in the group. Then again, what dog wouldn't dislike a cat? Thoughts ran through her mind, bringing her attention further away from the group. She looked back and narrowed her eyes towards where they had entered, her eyes squinting at what seemed to be a silhouette, one that was thing and sleek, it's long tail raised up in the air, blue and...yellow eyes staring straight at her.

The feline merely walked towards the entrance, stopping as she squinted her eyes. The unfamiliar scent of dogs came, and she did her best to not hiss at it. She raised her paw in the air, wanting to take another step closer, but stopped when she noticed one of the dogs stare at her. Her odd coloured eyes stared back, light blue and yellow clashing with lapis lazuli blue.

After a moment of hesitation, she silently got up and followed the group, staying behind. Her ears twitched at every noise at was made, and she could quite feel the tension between the feline and canine. She looked around them as they entered the building, her ears flattening as the pup sum bled over a wooden plank. She smiled, the smile growing wider as she heard the talk of sleep. Instantly, she simply walked to a small corner, immediately laying down and curling up, but her eyes were still open. She felt much safer with the group, though she hasn't even introduced herself properly yet.

Vicci stopped bounding from roof to roof, her head tilting as she glanced behind her shoulder. Her brows furrowed, noticing that it wad the same group from earlier. Her movements stopped, her odd eyes staring at them as she watched all of them entering a building. She narrowed her eyes, and moved once she was sure that they were inside. Curiosity filled her, and she jumped down from the roof she was currently on, staring at the where the group of canines had gone in.


She gave a small smile as the black furred dog replied. "So, what's your name?" She asked, her head tilting a little as she gave a quick, small glance at his wounds once more. "I'm Xizon." She introduced herself, giving a slight bow with a small nod of her head.


The Coolie flicked her ear in annoyance as she glanced over at the laying canine nearby. After a few moment of silence, she spoke. "...Hey, you alright?" She asked, her voice low. She knew that that had to be the most stupidest question ever. She gave a glance at his opened wound, feeling a little guilty for this. She raised her head from her paws, ears leaning back and pressed down onto her head.

Vicci neared a random building, a house of some sort. Slowly and carefully, she jumped onto a bin nearby, then used it to jump onto the roof. In the process, she kicked the bin, making it fall and create a loud noise. "...Dang it." She muttered under her breath, ears flattening as she looked behind at her mess. her tail gave a flick as she looked around, before moving along the roof, jumping over a few holes before moving to the next roof of another house.


Xizon settled down, leaning back on her haunches as she looked at each and every animal nearby. She scratched the back of her ear, a little deep in her own thoughts. She gave a slight twitch as she noticed the friendliness between the group, even with the feline. She let out a small sigh, and not knowing what else to do, she changed her position, lay down and rested her head on her paws.

Vicci shook her head, leaving a tiny hole where she 'spied' on the group. She flicked her tail, turning around and walking out the broken entrance of the museum. She quickened her pace, returning to the city infested with mutants. she paused for a moment at the front of the large museum, raising her head and sniffing the air before continuing onwards, her odd coloured eyes searching the place for the possibility of food.

(On le phone. No pictures. C: ))
The fae stopped her biting, slowly releasing the mutant as she felt it's body stop thrashing around and going limp. Heaving a sigh, she lowered her head for a moment before shaking it. "...Thanks." She muttered to the group, raising a brow at the pup who still hung on. Her tail waved back and forth, now studying each creature better as her eyes moved from one to the other. "Sorry about the trouble." She added, a sheepish smile on her face.

Vicci flicked her tail, knitting her eyebrows(?) together as she realized the situation - the dogs were attempting to bring down a mutant. She watched for a while, concentrated on it like it was a show, before her eyes widened a little as she spotted something. A cat. She hadn't seen one for a long time now, and most who roamed the streets were either mutants or dogs. Now she simply pondered whether or not to approach this group.

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