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Messages - kre45

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Re: Height map driving me up the gosh dang wall
« on: September 05, 2014, 02:39:35 am »
in the Legacy map folder.

this is one of your problems. you must put it in media>terrains, not your map's folder.

next, you need to make a grayscale in either GIMP or PS. i personally use SAI and it does not have a grayscale option. then just copy/paste your image into the grayscale.

hmm... I did as you said, but its still not working? it was originally made in a higher DPI than usual, would that make a difference? the file itself is 132 kilobytes. Here, you can download the before and after - i remade the map and renamed the terrain, but still no dice. If you can get it to work, you can use it yourself as well :0 alsoniceicongoodchoicebestfreelancer


[Whoa, that's a boss map. You're amazing.]

Last time I checked, SAI isn't compatible with making height maps. You need to have GIMP or Photoshop. It doesn't work any other way, sorry floof. Maybe save it then open the same image in GIMP and save it again?
oh, dang, is that true? i might have to redo this all then,, also tyvm!! heightmaps and map making is my favourite part of fh ;v; this one is going for a stat+roll-based warriors rp. so uh, here's hope!

edit: wait a second this is the wrong account

im having troubles with the Kingdom Key, its floating waaaay up and away from my  character. is there a fix to this? its the only keyblade I need and its not working.

also: can you rename "Okami's Disk" to "Amaterastu's Mirror" or "Divine Retribution"? its the name of the actual weapon ingame. and if you're willing, could you also do Infinity Judge? its my favorite mirror, and I would do anything heaven or earth to get the Okami Mirrors, Beads and Glaves.

Game Help / Re: Downloaded Warrior Cat Map VERY Laggy?
« on: February 13, 2012, 06:21:06 am »
a good place to start with fixing this could be a better graphics card, for sure. if your processor is as powerful as I think it is, then the processor shouldn't be the problem. I had a lot of problems with fh and it when I had a bad graphics card.

Game Help / Map maker practically threatening me send help
« on: February 06, 2012, 08:32:41 am »
Okay, so, I have been making heightmaps in greyscale, 512 by 512, and they still wont work. I have been naming them appropriately and putting them in the right folder, and by my knowledge im doing everything right.

these are the heightmaps:

- outright refuses to load
-  map maker saying it "cannot be found"

- can be loaded, but map maker crashes just before it does

I cant find out how to move portals in map maker, can anyone give me a tut?

Meshes / Re: Lemony-Fresh Meshes! :D
« on: January 19, 2012, 11:44:05 pm »
the Hay model isnt coming up in the map maker, can anyone help me? ive tried restarting, and I have everything in My_Objects

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