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Messages - bluegirl12131415

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Game Help / Connection Help
« on: July 07, 2016, 05:15:28 pm »
Whenever I try to log in to the game, I get a message saying "failed to connect to front server." This has been happening for months, with the old version of the game and the new one. I've tried changing my firewall settings but it doesn't help...

Thanks :) What time does the RP night start at? I missed it.

Name: Frost

Gender: Female

Species of wolf: Alaskan Tundra Wolf

Pack: Kako

Rank you'd consider having: Hunter

Eyes colour: Emerald green

Soul Colour: Darkish grey

Past History: Frost was born into the Kako pack, and grew to a fairly large size. She realised that she was an excellent hunter, able to find and catch prey without difficulty. She discovered that she could hunt best in snow during her first winter as a hunter, when she was able to see the prey during a blizzard, though she remained invisible to it.

Roleplay Sample: The blizzard swirled around her, thousands of flecks of white forming an impenetrable cyclone. The cold stung her nose, but she pressed on, squinting through the blankness. Even in this weather she could still smell her prey. The elk huddled ahead of her, oblivious to her presence. She crept forwards, taking care to be soundless, and remaining downwind. A hulking shape appeared from the whiteness. The elk. Frost crouched, tensing her muscles. She sprang, feeling a brief sensation of weightlessness before she was slammed onto the back of the elk. Instinctually, she dug her claws in, and the elk lurched forward, trying to throw her off and fleeing blindly into the snow. She shook her head to clear the dizziness and reached forward, clamping her jaws onto her victims throat. Hot blood exploded from its veins, and she could feel the elks desperate heartbeat s it pumped the life from its body. She clung on as the elks efforts to escape redoubled. But it was already too late.

Why you believe you'd be a good member of Onyx Chain: I think I would be a good member of the Onyx Chain because I am pretty active and a literate roleplayer, but I haven't actually participated in a roleplay on Feralheart before. I usually roleplay on forums instead.

Activity: I can get on for an hour or so on most weekdays, and I can be on for most of the day on weekends.

Do you have skype?: No, and I prefer not having one.

Name: Frost
Forum/Ingame name: bluegirl12131415
Gender: Female
Age: 7 years
Element: Frost
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Frosts personality matches her name. She is blunt and rarely bothers making friends. She isn't antisocial, but is very picky about who she chooses to spend time with. She enjoys the rain/cold weather and loves to fly.
History: Frost was born into the Flight but was captured by dragon tamers at a young age. She escaped a year later, but she still has a shackle around her leg that she has been unable to remove.
RP Sample: Frost padded slowly from her den, looking up at the sky as the first drops began to fall, slamming into the ground with soft thuds and slithering away down the hill, winding around loose pebbles and rocks. A loud rumble emanated in the distance, though the flash of light had already betrayed the storm. The wind began to pick up, howling through the trees as the rain intensified. The sky was a deep grey colour, obscuring the moon and stars behind a thick blanket of cloud. The only light came from the intermittent strikes of lightning, which cast momentary, blazing light on the steep hills and ancient, gnarled trees. The river rushed past below, gushing from the cliff through a deep cleft in the rock, flowing over the land and cascading over the riverbed like a thousand invisible fish.

I'd like to join the expeditionary party :)

Username- bluegirl12131415
Character Name- FrostFeather
Gender- Female
Dragon Breed- Water
Desired Kingdom- Sky
Desired Rank- Grand Council
Background/History- FrostFeather was born into a large clutch, and was often ignored. Because of this she prefers to be alone, but at the same time she wants to be remembered. She trained as a fighter and was one of the best, before eventually becoming part of the Grand Council
Picture/Description- FrostFeather is dark grey in colour with icy blue eyes and pale grey wings. She has black markings along her back and is fairly large for a water dragon. She is also slim and agile.
RP Sample- FrostFeather glided slowly towards the ground. The sky above her was like a giant dome of blue, not a cloud in sight. She circled downwards, alighting on the ground silently. She folded her wings, taking in her surroundings. The cliff she had landed on overlooked a great valley. The grass was perfect emerald green, dotted with patches of cowslip and daisies. A single gnarled willow grew beside a brook that trickled from the cliff face down through the valley, past clumps of reeds. She padded fearlessly to the edge of the precipice, looking down on the serene land below with vague interest.

Username: bluegirl12131415
Character Name: FrostFeather
Character Rank: Warrior
Clan Wanted: RiverClan
Why do you want to join our roleplay?: I love warrior cats and haven't been in a roleplay of it for a while :)
Activity level: 5-6
Roleplay Sample: FrostFeather padded slowly through the reeds, conscious only of the various scents around her. She could
smells the rain as it pounded the ground, trickling in tiny rivulets like a thousand serpents to join the puddles as they grew. She could smell the water of the river as it slowly but surely began to swell, and she could smell the prey as it huddled under a rock. She padded forward silently, confident that her prey was oblivious to her presence. She was invisible in the storm as it raged around her. She dropped into a crouch, her belly touching the already rain-soaked ground as it slowly churned to mush. She leapt, catching the water vole under her paws, just as dazzling light split the sky, the deafening rumble only seconds in its wake.

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