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Messages - Kovuo

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I've Managed to survive 6 days..I Thought it'll be back on tomorrow.. I WAS DEAD WRONG. I was So happy if it was gon' be on on Monday because I Have no school and My mom'll be at work,And I Seriously have NOTHING to do,You could Say I have no life and I'm Obsessed with FH cuz I Know xP. Anyways,At least maybe those annoying Lil' boogers of Trolls will be Gone when it comes back up :P

Presets & Markings / Re: Tearless's Presets (Requests closed)
« on: November 03, 2011, 07:08:38 pm »
Oh... Thanks for the info! ^O^

Presets & Markings / Re: Tearless's Presets (Requests closed)
« on: October 31, 2011, 11:54:51 am »
Like,I wanna do the hightlights in them..cuz you make the Manes in your presets look.."Whole" and not kinda Transparent :3

Presets & Markings / Re: Tearless's Presets (Requests closed)
« on: October 30, 2011, 10:29:26 pm »
OMG..nvm this post..I forgot to read da title.. .-. Awesome Presets BTW ^^ BUUUT,If you can..Can you tell me how to do The mane liek you :3? Really Appreaciate it..

Presets & Markings / Re: .: Maddie's Preset Shop :.
« on: October 30, 2011, 07:26:55 pm »
OH OH,your really good at Presets ~<3,Can you do one for me please?.. Hope it's not TO Complicated..   P.S. If you can can you make the Neckalce Glow? :D
That'll Be Awesome:


Thankies! <3~

Other Mods/Creations / Darker Mane Mod~*
« on: October 22, 2011, 11:19:13 pm »
Hey everyone again,It's Kovuo here,and this time,I've been working on a new mane mod!

                     So far The mod's somewhat going "Okay",the download 'aint up yet but maybe soon,once i figure out how to fix it,(since its kinda glitchy..)

But don't worry!,i got some Snappies <3~

Mane mod on a Feline Model-

Mane mod on a Canidae (Or Canine/Wolf)model-

*~NOTE*~:For Wolves or Felines with Black mane colors,if you put the colors all the way to 0 it will not have a texture to have black move the color bars to this cordinate:23,23,23

Hope You all lewv it!


Mkay thanks Red Ill try that

Aw it keeps sayin' : "The Name 'C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exd' Specified in the target box is not Valid,make Sure the Path and File name are correct." what can i du o3o

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: A Idea 'Bout Bad Tokens
« on: August 26, 2011, 03:50:32 pm »
Hmm Intresting, Yeah..I rarely get Bad Tokens Unless My Computers Being Annoying But this was a suggestion For people who like ALWAYS or Frequently Get Bad Tokens But thanks for Responding o3o

Game Suggestions & Ideas / A Idea 'Bout Bad Tokens
« on: August 24, 2011, 09:37:02 pm »
Well,Lemme see if i can explain this as best as i could,Alot of people must get alot of Bad Tokens During the Loading Screens,And it annoys me Because I Get them a bunch.

So,Lets say you Made a new Charrie,you end up at Bonfire and its mad Laggy for you to handle,and you decide you wanna go to Ficho Tunnel Insted,But in the Hole to Ficho Its black,you step in it and wait for it to load (Okay Skipping onto my point here xP)

All im saying is What if insted of Having to wait for it to Load,The Tunnel is Hollow (I said ill explain it as best as i could :c) And you walk through it and your already in Ficho,Same for Ficho To Flourite I know it might require Like more Meshes and such,and it might seem as a bad idea (Or a Horrible Idea xP)

But eh,Thats my Opinion (And my Opinion's Stink :D)

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