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Messages - baltosaa

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Sending you the map.

Accepted. :P
I'll send you the map.

Rain of Feathers
Nero walked up to the portal, tired.
It looked amazing. There were circles constantly
falling in on themselves. But on the inside of this vortex
he saw land. A beautiful green land with water, tree's, and a den.
"Did I create this?" He asked himself. Over the months he was
constantly thinking of a perfect place to form his pack, and there it was
on the other side of this portal. "Now I just need to find pack members.." He
told himself.

Okay, theres my "Intro" stinks, I know.
This roleplay is a Wolf Pack roleplay...
1: FH rules apply (Duh.)
2: No swearing OOC or IC. (When I say that I mean no saying the super bad words...except words like crap, and retarded...but I don't think a wolf will be saying that, do you? XP  )
3:  No powerplaying or Gmodding. (There really isn't gonna be fighting in this RP..But if some characters get in an argument and it gets ugly, just remember not to powerplay or anything like that.)
4: Use proper grammar. If you cant do that, I suggest you work on your grammar before trying to join. (But spelling mistakes are okay as long as there corrected. FH sometimes lags for me and it makes me typo sometimes.)
5: This is a Semi-realistic RP. No sparkledogs, or super bright unnatural colours. You can have wings if you want, thats up to you.
6: This RP is mapped, so don't give the map to anyone. (Anyone.) Okay?
7: If you want, you can have you're characters fall in love, and have mates, But don't actually do that part, alright?
8: Listen to the other mods/admins for the RP.
9: OOC knowledge does not count for IC knowledge. Just because you know something does not mean your character knows the same.
10:  Also, only join if you have RP experience.
11: Your character needs a good, well-written Bio.
12: Be mature.
13: Listen to the rules.
14: Use common sense.
(I might add more..)
NOTE: I will never be online sundays. And also, don't always expect me to be in the mood for RP. Sometimes I will want to RP, other days I won't be in the mood.
Here is a Character sheet for you to use:
Age: (If you want you can use human years or dog years...Just know that if you do dog years, I won't be 100% how old you're character is. XP  )
Desired Rank: (Note: Your character will be given a few tries for a Rank, then it will be decided if he/she is good enough to keep it.)
Looks: (If you can, please post a picture.)

Here's a list of Ranks. (Remember, these are Semi-realistic.)
Alpha (Right now, Nero is the only alpha.)
Guild member (For this rank, you can't start out as. You have to find out IC, then there are tests you have to do...complicated stuff for that.)
Fisher (They won't be hunting, cause theres no animals around to eat except Fish. So this will be the rank that catches fish for the rest of the pack.)
Explorer (You go out around FH and explore, come back, tell stories, collect stuff...that kinda thing.)
Shaman (Shaman's finds herbs to help heal others.)
Care-Taker (If anyone has pups, and both the parents are busy with their ranks or something else, a Care-Taker can come and watch over the pups until the parent(s) gets back.)

Role of the Guild members:
We are called The Noble Ones. We keep the plants and water alive. We guard the portal
to this land from intruders and evil. We communicate silently in a way that no one hears us.
We could be anyone. We could be standing right next to you and seem like an ordinary
Pack-member. We will not reveal who is a guild member.

Okay, so the Guild members are ranked right next to the Alpha. Sometimes they hold meetings when there
is something they need to discuss. They do this when everyone is asleep.
To join, you have to go through a test to show your loyalty to the pack, and guild.
The test: You can choose to climb up Ascension island to the top of Sky's Rim, with Nero or
another Guild member waiting for you to swear your loyalty to the pack and the
guild, or go through the South Pole to Atlantis. When your at Atlantis you have to go around the whole area at-least once.
After that you have to come back to the south pole, go to the Lost Cave, and swear your loyalty to the Pack and the Guild, to Nero or another Guild member waiting for you.
Here's my App:
Name: Nero
Age: 20 (Human years)
Gender: Male
Parents: Unknown
Mate: None
Pups: None
Bio: Nero grew up in a land far away from Feralheart.
He was in a pack known as "The Noble Ones". All the wolves
believed in helping others. They were in the same land for
thousands of generations. Nero was very adventurous growing up, and once he
was old enough he left the pack and the land he grew up in behind. He traveled
to FeralHeart to explore, and maybe start a pack of his own.
Personality: Easy-going, friendly, likes to explore, enjoys flying. (...Thats all I can think of.)
Desired Rank: Alpha (He already is the Alpha, so it isn't "desired".)

If you're accepted you will be sent the map.
Also, I'm Pacific Time Zone.
(NOTICE: I lost my Video card so I can't play FH anymore...It'll be a long time until we can RP.
(Grammar mistakes fixed.. D: )

Characters / Re: Kaida's Story
« on: May 04, 2012, 08:40:10 pm »
These characters sound awesome!
And you did a real good job at writing it to...
Ok, thats all I have to say...

Characters / My characters
« on: May 04, 2012, 04:49:46 pm »
My number one main character:
Name: Nero
Age: 19 (In human years)
Gender: Male
Species: Wingled Wolf (WW)
Personality: Loves adventures, is very friendly, and enjoys helping others. He also likes to joke around sometimes to.
Bio: Nero grew up in a strange wolf pack. Everyone had wings, including Nero. They always helped each other and treated each other equally. They also helped stranger packs to. Nero always wanted to explore the world, so one day when he was old enough he left his whole pack, and home. He flew across the ocean to this land (....You know, normal FH places..>.> ) to meet new people, and see new places.
Parents: Unknown (Not important since he's an adult..)
Name: Neeko
Age: 4 (In human year's he'd be 4 years old. Animal years confuse me way to much..)
Gender: Male
Species: Fox
Personality: Adventerous, loves exploring, also very mischevious.
Bio: Neeko was abandoned a year after birth. Since then (Witch really wasnt that long ago...XP ) he would survive by stealing food from others,  almost getting killed because of it. He lived like this for years until one day he found himself on a small island. He snuck up the hill (Bonfire Island btw..) to see if anyone had food for him to steal, but he didnt find any. He snuck around the den a few times, but was almost seen. This startled him, so he accidentally ran off the cliff (, breaking his legs. He somehow managed to get back up the hill though (Dont ask me how...I didnt wanna be stuck down there. Makes NO sense I know. DUN' JUDGE MEH ._.  ) He layed down by a bush in horrible pain. Luckily, another adult fox found him and started helping him. (I am currently in a Roleplay with this person to. But she hasn't been online since forever. D: )
Parents: Unknown. But he has a kind of "Foster Mother" helping him get better.
Name:  Volko (Pronounced: V-AWL-Co)
Age: Just born
Species: Wolf (Different kind of wolf though.)
Personality: Loves to explore, is very hopeful of the future, enjoys joking around to, and being around others. He also likes to spend time in Ficho Tunnel by the crystal.
Bio: Nevermind, I dont need a  bio. Once I start roleplaying with him that will be his past. Cause it'll take place as he's forming outside the crystal in Ficho Tunnel.
Parents: None. But he see's the crystal (In Ficho Tunnel) as his "Mother". (The crystal created him...o.O  )
Abilities: He creates this little force-feild type-thing around his paw, it glows light-green, and he hits things......with it. Pretty perdictable. lol XD Another thing he can do is make a green-shield around himself. And....he can heal himself (Not instant heal though. He can only heal a tiny bit. Cause no one likes powerplayers. Another thing he can do....Make his eyes glow a light-green. Not sure what that does but it sounds And, he can levitate things to. (As long as its not to big and heavy, he can do it. E.g:....a rock. o.o  One day, when he's older he will also grow wings. But for now he's wingless.
Also..if you start seeing Volko run around (Witch will be me Roleplaying with him, alone...) feel free to join in! (Use proper grammar if you do though..>_< )
Ok....thats it for now.

Game Discussion / Re: Wings And Flying In General
« on: May 03, 2012, 02:08:00 am »
I would like them better if they were more realistic...
I don't mind them though. I just wish they gave you an advantage over wingless characters..

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Mesh requests
« on: May 02, 2012, 09:55:04 pm »
Ok, thanks. (Insert more words here)

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Mesh requests
« on: May 02, 2012, 09:04:14 pm »
Ok, but do you mean on Google or on the FH forums?
And what do they need to be converted to?

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Mesh requests
« on: May 02, 2012, 08:51:43 pm »
Ok, awesome. I'll look for Lava textures after I'm done looking for models. (...Don't get why some models need you to buy them in order to use it though....)

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Mesh requests
« on: May 02, 2012, 08:44:59 pm »
I was asking if someone could make them. o.o
I'll also try google though and do what you said.
Also, I don't know coding, or how to use blender. (I tried it many numbers and complicated lines and stuff....e.e)
If I do that to the water, will it affect the other maps water to? Or will it only do that for my map?

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