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Messages - gemsbokian

Pages: [1] 2
Game Discussion / Re: How Old Are The Floofs In FearlHeart?
« on: April 22, 2014, 08:07:30 pm »
It's amazing that younger kids (under 12) are so mature. In other games, the kids in them are horrible! I really love the maturity of the community here. :D At least I feel like I'm in the same boat with everyone...

Game Help / What is FeralHeart+ and how do I get it?
« on: February 03, 2014, 04:25:34 pm »
So, I heard about something called Feralheart+ with new maps and features. What exactly is it and where do I get it?

The game apparently cannot be updated due to Kovu leaving. So then why does this board exist? It's nice for people to voice their ideas, but what's the point if none of it can be implemented? ;-;

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Lion manes. :3
« on: July 21, 2013, 04:25:54 pm »
There IS a lion mane... I saw it. :P

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: FeralHeart App
« on: July 20, 2013, 05:09:09 pm »
Hey, ROBLOX and Minecraft did it! Why can't we?!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ideas and Such
« on: July 20, 2013, 05:07:49 pm »
I thought we can't get new stuff due to Kovu's 'absence'?

I love it! So good for roleplaying, and it would make FeralHeart more realistic than WolfQuest, and a lot less glitchy! I wish they had more roleplaying stuff like this! ;-;

Game Discussion / Re: When typos go horribly wrong...
« on: July 20, 2013, 03:43:42 pm »
Why do the J and H keys have to be so close together? ;-; The thing with the 'sec' happened to me when I was texting my friend. I was mortified! ;-;

Game Discussion / Re: Keeping A Good In-Game Reputation
« on: July 20, 2013, 03:40:23 pm »
How about this:
Don't yell or call people off on their roleplay style. Everyone does something different, and as long as it follows the rules, it really doesn't matter. ;D

Game Discussion / Re: When Things Go Terribly Wrong...
« on: July 20, 2013, 03:27:48 pm »
Eep. Yes, it has happened to us all. I feel your pain.

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