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Messages - mally587

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Game Help / Re: Preset Question?
« on: July 12, 2013, 01:20:26 am »
Yes, it helped me out alot! Thanks so much. :) I'm going to go do that now.

Game Help / Preset Question?
« on: July 12, 2013, 01:02:32 am »
Hello to all of Feral Heart. My simple question is...

How do I successfully give my friend the fhp file to a preset of mine so that they can see my preset?

I'm sorry if the topic is in a wrong place or is wrong somehow, or if the question is noob-ish. I'm new to posting threads/topics.

But I'd really appreciate the help! Thanks for reading!

o.o Bluefall, have you finished mine? :o

I'm not meaning to rush, Just wondering. Please tell me When you are. x3

Just a reminder, Send the link to "ImlazyandIknowit" On dA. <3


:O Can we get screenies?

Presets & Markings /
« on: September 09, 2012, 11:28:38 pm »
Oh alright XD Lemme tell you.

It's "[email protected]"


YAYAYAY! Now I'll be Checking dA For the Link probably like, 24-7 x3 Bluefall, Your awesomesauce. -Lunge-

<3 Is mine done? I'm not rushing, Just wondering. Considering I've been pacing around All day XDD

-Epic Huggle-~

Presets & Markings /
« on: September 09, 2012, 08:20:30 pm »
Sure, You can just Email it to me. That's easier XD

I'm pretty sure I don't have my Email hidden, Just click on my name and It should show my Email on my profile.

Thank you so much! <3

Presets & Markings /
« on: September 08, 2012, 05:57:55 pm »
Hey! ^^ I'm the One who Requested the Blue/Black Preset with UNSC.

I believe you sent a PM, but My FH is Acting up and I can't receive them..

Hopefully, Would you be able to Send the Link on dA?

My user is "ImlazyandIknowit" 

:) Thank you.. Hope you can. x.x

YAYAYAY!! <3 -Total spazz- I'm going to Stalk this Page nowz.

You are the Best. Evah.

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