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Messages - Dragoneer22

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Woo for mature audiences. Personally, I don't care. It's their decision if they want to look at something or join something, and if they have a problem they should say so, that way it can be addressed. If a kid sees something is labeled MATURE he should decide on his or her own if they want to view it.

I've been dying for a game similar to shadowrun though. Urban fantasy is awesome.

TO be honest, FH is starting to SUCK.

They took out the chat, they took away our privilege to make OOC threads.

And the game is so %@$(*^Y@$%#(*T&*(@#% *Dies for too much profanity because I havea a freedom of speech*

Well despite the traumatizing agony that is slowly degrading my emotions to nothing but psychotic rage, yeah, I'm slightly more fortunate than you.))

THis is more backed up then a cow with a bottle up it's butt.))


Stuff happened while I was off watching Sword Art Online....))

I just joined, and I'm still coming up with my character...))

Are you on that site Aster? I just joined and I'm trying to come up with a character.))

And independent website sounds good actually. And once my journal entry has been up for awhile I'll replace it with an advertisement. All so, why make the leader male? Why not a woman? I already have Desmond's act to the revelation.))

((Oh shitaki mushrooms did I?))

News Archives / Re: About our Blastchat
« on: July 08, 2013, 06:07:53 am »
I hope to see the chat back up eventually, since I personally dislike the game. Though I have seen some users that really abuse the chat. So, I understand taking it down because you can't moderate it.

Please put it back up when you can though.

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