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Messages - RecklessRed

Pages: [1]
Alright, finished! I didn't mean for it to take so long. I kind of got sidetracked. >.<
Here is the download, and some additional pictures.
I don't believe I'll do another one right away. But I may come back for more~

Character name: Finnian - Finni, Finn
In-game username: Vampire313
Species: European Wolf, Canis Lupus Lupus.
Breed (dogs only):
Gender: Male
Age: About two years and three months
Desired rank: Subordinate
Appearance (pictures are optional):

Personality: Rather outgoing, agile, he tends to look on the bright side of things. Although he almost never backs down from a fight, and he can get rather violent. That's mostly because he would love to die, would love to just give up. Finn tends to hide his true self under his smile, and put up barriers between him and other wolves. He doesn't necessarily like to get involved with others, but because of his mostly fake exterior he appears kind-hearted.
Background info: He was born in a small pack, and had only an older brother. Being aggressive and hungry for power, and tired of being the omega, broken and beaten, his brother snapped and became homicidal. Finnian watched his brother ravage the pack, ripping apart everyone. Only a six months old pup, Finn was helpless to do anything, and crouched in fear as his brother turned on him - and got a bullet in his side. Finn cowered in the bushes, and watched the hunters take his brother away. Unable to fend for himself, Finnian almost died, but managed to make it to a new pack, who took him in and kept him alive. Finn's been with that pack for the rest of his miserable life; The Last Wolves. Every few nights he has nightmares, imagining his brother tearing out the throats of his packmates, and his brother's spiteful howl as the hunters drove off with him.
Relatives: Older brother - Finnian's not sure still if he somehow managed to escape the hunters or if he was killed.
Mate: Not yet.
Other info: He has two different coloured eyes; one, amber, the left one, blue. And are you sure you don't need a roleplaying example? xP
Ah, yes, and I can never get on FeralHeart on Mondays or Wednesdays.
Preset download: Preset by moi.
Password: Haggis

Okay, finished~! I hope you like it. If you want something changed, don't be afraid to ask >.<
Here it is.
Also here's some additional shots.
And how about the next one - I'll try the second to last one.
Paw Pads:

I've started making presets, I'm in need of some more to do. :D
I wouldn't mind making a few of these, if you could throw in a bit more information? Namely, I'll start off with the first one, what color paw pads, eyes, and tongue/mouth would you like?
Oh, and, here are the two presets I've made before:
First and Second.

EDIT: Also, do you have a specific fur texture you like?

Finished Maps / Re: Peaceful Paradise :Public Use:
« on: September 29, 2013, 12:12:53 pm »
This is a wonderful map you have here. ^^
Nice job, love the set up. Downloaded so I hope to see you there at some point~ :3

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Underwater Realism
« on: September 20, 2013, 10:05:40 pm »
Awesome, it'd be so cool if you could change that! Nice idea with the seeing in front of you part, too. C: This would be a really cool change. Such as in Last Cave, not just custom maps, I've always though since it's dark it would be cool to have murky, black water, where you couldn't see too far in front of you. ^^

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Paw size anyone? :D
« on: September 20, 2013, 10:02:48 pm »
This is a wonderful idea. ^^
And actually just today I was thinking how it would be cool to customize the size of paws. Some characters, like my lion character main, would be awesome to customize the paw size :3
I'd definitely like to make his paws larger. Or in the case of one of my lionesses, make them smaller. Great idea. :D

I'd be interested in joining? If it's allowed, I'd like to use the character that's in my signature, but if it needs to be more realistic I can do a different character?

Request a Preset/Marking / Looking for some presets
« on: April 20, 2013, 02:06:51 am »
So, I'm looking for some presets.

Number one, I'm wondering... can you do items on presets?
If so, I'm looking for a dark gray wolf or lion with black "side" or "side half" hair/mane. Then with a dark blue with a tint of grey scarf, striped with black. That's it. ^^

Maye change with more presets when I think of them... If you want a payment, I can offer things on Chickensmoothie, Pokefarm... or I can cuddle with you in-game? :3

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