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Messages - Heartsky

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I heard someone earlier mention the conflict with Brokami's ENB and since my friend downloaded it and could then use the ENB, I don't know if it has been fixed. Has there been any update on this? Is anyone else still having the same problem?

It's just that this mod is so convenient and Brokami's mod is so beautiful, it's a real tragedy to have to choose between the two. Still, it's a fantastic idea to create a preset sync for FH and I know both I and many of my FH friends use it regularly. :D

Hello there, I would just like to know whether or not you are still doing (free) requests? If so I would like to know if you would mind making a map for me (well one Extra large connected to three small).

Map Request Application -
Map Name: The main map would be called 'The Forest' (I know, how original) and the camps could just be called 'Camp' (whether it is enclosed in rocks or bushes, e.g 'Camp surrounded by bushes', once again so original XD ). Mothermouth would just be called either 'Mothermouth' or something like 'hidden cave' or 'dark cave entrance'.
Map Size: Sizes- || Extra Large + 3 Small.Medium||
Map Use: Warrior cats
Public or Private?: Private
Special Meshes: WoW meshes, Jayfeather55's stuff (e.g prey),  Sly's den, other types of dens, Wombat converted meshes (only a few, I find they can lag a lot for other people), any other variety of foliage and vegetation meshes and objects.
Extra Details: EXTRA AREAS: Okay, so here's the gist of it: Since it's based on warrior cats, would it be possible to have three mini maps? Two for the clan camps, one for mothermouth (sort of thing) or whatever - since this will allow more detail in the camps with minimal lag etc) it will connect to the main map through (black material portal) bushes and for mothermouth the cave. CLAN SIDES&AREAS: I would like the map to be split into two main sides, one for each clan. I would like there to be clear different areas, each with as much of it's own characteristic as possible (e.g pine forest areas -each with trees of different heights if possible and colours; oak forest areas -same as with pine, different meshes from objects packs and all at different heights, as tall as possible without too much lag. For example one would be 2X2X2, another 1.5X1.5X1.5, another 1.5X2X1.5 and so on; then areas with rock formations (using a variety of meshes and dens that will with a bit of luck blend in); swampy/marshy areas -tall grass etc. In the center of the main map could there be the gathering, preferably with a way to get across without swimming (logs, stones, I don't mind). Each clan area (each half of the map) will be separated by a river or something (that branches off a little) and like aforementioned, I would prefer variety to specific themed areas, but maybe one could use terrain textures slightly darker. The area type (e.g swamp) should change quickly to a different type (e.g forest) so that it doesn't require the map to be too large. MOTHERMOUTH-AREA: It would be best if it has some kind of twist or turn at the entrance that leads into the main cavern that has a crystal of something. No sky for this area. CLAN CAMPS: As I said before, could it be possible to have two camp maps connecting to the main map. The area would be surrounded by bushes for one, rocks for the other. I would like a highrock for each, though it would be best if the position varies slightly. It would be best if each den had a different appearance, each suited and recognizable (herbs -from jayfeather55 or someone else- for the medicine cats den, the leader's den slightly higher than the others with moss hanging over the entrance). Fresh kill with prey meshes at the center of the camp. Elder dens could be inside a log or trunk mesh. For one of the camps, use solid rock dens, the other, try to use more of a bush formation of dens (with plants forming a roof though). Each nest in the den would be best if it was placed so that it was flat to the ground (meshes like moss could be used), however I would prefer it if each nest was treated like a den, with bushes -no collision, make it possible to get inside nest- forming a cover and surrounded by rocks -collision- or something close to that. OVERALL VEGETATION: Plenty of different types of plants, lavender, bushes and so on. Many can be clumped together and found at the base of trees. LONER DENS: The occasional loner dens could be found in either territory, please make them as detailed as possible with 1-2 nests inside, try to make them very small though like the clan nests. SECRET AREAS: As I believe I mentioned a river, try to add things like waterfalls and maybe a little area hidden underneath them or areas hidden by rocks or trees and so on.
That's it I think, you don't have to include all of this but I tried to be as specific as possible. XD Feel free to change any parts of this or whatever.
Height Map Request Application -
Type of terrain: Terrains- || Forest  with a bit of islandy-ish look at times ||
Certain water bodies: Main river that branches off. A few small ponds here and there. A main lake area that surrounds an island (for clan meetings) - the lake doesn't have to be too big though.
Extra Details: Well, try and have areas of varying height, for rocky areas maybe have them on a mountain area-ish (however make sure you can run up them or whatever or there is a stone path leading up). Try to give the land as much shape as possible without having 'floating trees'.

EDIT>>> As for the terrains, could it be possible to use wombat terrains and realistic grass textures and textures  found here I don't mind too much which specific ones you use, but please make them seamless. Try to use one of the complicated terrain masks so that all six terrain types can be used. For help with this (if you need it, just in case)  go here

That's it I think, if you can't do it, don't worry, I am just wondering if you would be willing. ^^ If you do decide to make it, please give me occasional updates to let me know that you are still working on the map. If due to the set back (I read your earlier messages/posts) you are unable to do the map, please let me know. If you need anything to be clarified or an example given, just ask. Thank you for your time.

Game Help / Re: Map Help
« on: September 04, 2012, 09:38:48 am »
Did you make sure if you had any extra groups of objects that you put the .fho file in? That allows others to see the objects for example:
The object files that are classed as "OBJECT file" to the right allow you to have the options menu in map maker, hence in exporting this file is not needed.
Also, if the normal .fho file does not work, you can go to object maker to try and re-export them, just click of one of the object in the folder and then export and it will export the whole folder. The .fho file for the object folder can then be found in "exports" (due to overwriting reasons, I suggest you move everything in there into a temporary folder so as to get the .fho file separate.
Try replacing the old .fho files with that, hope this helps :) (Sorry if you had already figured this out)

Game Help / Re: Preset Help
« on: September 04, 2012, 09:24:47 am »
It's probably because of the material file:
I don't know if you have already solved the problem.
Only the preset_11 and preset_12 files have the right coding for wings (maybe preset_10 too).
As for that tutorial, are you sure you put the number where it has the "#"?
You are meant to save it as preset_5equip.png or preset_5equip.jpg.
Hope this helped, I have no idea if you solved it or not yet.

Game Help / Re: Presets not being seen by other members
« on: September 03, 2012, 02:04:10 pm »
I think I have a similar problem.
I have a laptop and a computer and it is the same with both, I can see it but my friends can't, my account can see it but their's can't. My friend also tried exporting their preset on my laptop and it didn't work either. I tried asking for help in the game as well, still no luck. I exported my preset again (after deleting the current .fhp file) and that didn't work either.

Game Help / My presets don't work
« on: September 03, 2012, 12:02:36 pm »
. My presets do show up for me on any computer (with the .fhp file) in-game.
. I have tried deleting the current .fhp file and exporting again.
. I have asked online and rl friends to try it on their computer, it doesn't work for either.
. I have tried exporting it on both my laptop and my computer, neither work.
. My friend exported one of their presets on their account and theirs didn't work either.

I could really do with some help with this problem, my name on dA is "Skylandy".

Game Help / Re: FeralHeart won't let me change my map textures!!
« on: July 20, 2012, 03:20:05 pm »
Well, I had the same problem, I managed to fix it by getting up the options (when you open FH sometimes a window comes up, there are two versions, just keep trying to get the right one (try cancel and try again) and there was an option that said RTT Preferred Mode, on mine it starts as FBO, when I tried PBuffer FH crashed but when I tried Copy I was able to see terrain textures ingame. I am not sure if this is the same problem or if it will work for you, it worked for my 5yr laptop (now I have a new comp that works with FBO setting) so it may or may not work for you, plz let me know if this helps :)

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