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Messages - Wolfalisk

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Re: The ongoing search: The music of FeralHeart
« on: October 18, 2013, 05:54:02 am »
Oh very helpful :) in my iPad, I have a app called Shazam or something, that identifies music, and shows the music. I uninstalled it. I don't know if I will install it again... But someday I will.
+floof and +favorite in the browser owo


I haven't listened to it since people are here and  I don't want to scare them. xD
Well, is that the music?

This is indeed the song, but as you'll read in my first post, the information provided by the person who uploaded that video seems to be incorrect. I found the group "Immediate Music", but neither the album nor the song name appears on their website or in their list of songs/albums.

I knew that Plains 2 was from The Last of the Mohicans, and I knew that one of the Caves music was called Moon Temple, but I didn't know about any of the others. This is some cool info. :)

Thanks a lot! Just for clarity's sake though, I'd just like to remind you that while the song is named "Last of the Mohicans," it doesn't appear in the movie's soundtrack as it appears in this game. The song we know and love comes from an album that (to my knowledge) has no affiliation with the movie.

Game Discussion / The ongoing search: The music of FeralHeart
« on: October 14, 2013, 10:39:28 pm »

Game Help / Bad Token/Can't Connect to Server
« on: August 19, 2012, 07:40:50 pm »
Let me preface this by saying that I have read the other help threads regarding this issue, but I wasn't able to find a solution.

I am able to log on just fine, but when I choose a character and am transferred to the loading screen, I am told I have a "Bad Token" or that I cannot connect to the server.

Some important things:

This is character-specific. I can get into maps just fine with some of my characters, but there's one that I cannot connect with. I've already remade them once due to the same error.

I don't have any other connectivity issues other than this; I am pretty sure this is not caused by my end.

I do not remember the specific map that the error occurred on, nor do I remember which map it occurred on last time.

As I said, I looked through the forum for similar threads which were basically met with "Lol wait for server reset."

I'm hoping I can get a better solution here than having to remake my character everyday or wait for the server to reset.

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