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Messages - Warrior345

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It seems this roleplay has died. It's a shame, I did love the idea of it. Maybe it'll be recreated or the idea reciprocated one day. One can hope.

Marcus Nate Cullenway is out!
Unless of course this is resurrected, in which case Marcus Nate Cullenway is still in!
Really he just has one foot out the door.

I'll stop talking now.


Marcus Cullenway

Marcus groaned softly, slumping back into his seat. His request was ignored, not that big of a shock, but still. He glanced around the room one last time, hoping to see someone approaching him. Which, to his surprise, someone was. Adrin Mullen. She was a prize, alright. His eyes looked her up and down, almost hungrily.

"Hey there, sweet cheeks." Marcus greeted her, despite the risk of her just turning back around, leaving him with the ropes still bound around his hands. She didn't, and instead she dug out a pencil sharpener from her pocket. Marcus looked at it, questioning it silently on whether or not that could free him. He shot a puzzled look to Adrin, but she took no notice as she fumbled with it.

"You tell anyone, I'll kill you."

She hissed at him, before placing the blade from the pencil sharpener into his hand. He grinned, looking up at her. "My lips are sealed, thanks, darling." Marcus said to her, not even caring for the possibility of her grabbing the blade back. He was never the smartest subject. But nonetheless, Marcus started to slide the blade against the rope, laughing to himself as it cut away the rope.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: August 01, 2014, 03:12:48 am »

Hilarious! xD


Marcus Cullenway

Marcus wasn't handling the pain very well. He was curled in fetal position was best as he could on the cushioned chair. Through grit teeth he would occasionally groan as another wave of pain overtook him. The burning in his lungs hadn't lessened any, if anything it had increased. The majority of the pain was in his chest, but every few minutes it would explode, going into his hands, head, legs. Everywhere. It was excruciating.

Even though his mind was centered on the pain wracking his body, Marcus couldn't help but listen to the conversations that were happening throughout the room, or, rather, the one conversation that was happening. Ever so slowly he forced himself to look up, to look at all the other subjects, most in varying states of pain, while some were handling themselves rather well.

Uncurling himself, Marcus sat himself 'properly' in the seat, stretching his legs out and wincing once another wave of the burning shot through his body. With every breath the pain in his lungs would worsen. Other than the pain that had taken over his body, Marcus was fine. His arms ached, but only because he hadn't stretched them, well, he couldn't. Rope was still binding his arms together tightly. Marc cursed under his breath. "Anyone happen to have" He shuddered as pain struck throughout his body again. Swallowing slowly he continued his sentence. "Super strength or something? I'd love to be able to stretch my arms."


Marcus Cullenway

Marcus had been quiet throughout the wait. Eyes flicking over all the bodies in the room. Occasionally pausing on one, smirking and nodding to himself. His hands were bound with rope, to prevent him from attacking any of the girls in the room. Every so often he'd pull at the restraint, trying to break the bond. It wasn't exactly what you call comfortable, and the red marks that were growing on his wrists from his tugging. He could see the chatter that was commencing between them all, no attention being paid to him. Marc pulled harder at the rope, delight spreading across his face as it slightly started to fray slightly.

"Marcus Cullenway."

Damn. Marcus stood, turning his eyes to the others in the room one last time before walking to the scientist that had called his name. He hadn't felt nervous at all, confident he would be fine. But suddenly his stomach was filled with killer butterflies. Still, he shook his head, and continued to the scientist. "Any chance you know what I'm gonna get?" He asked as he passed, even though he knew she wouldn't respond.

The lady led him down the corridor, pausing once or twice to check something on her clipboard. "Ah, here we go. In you go!" She chirped, ushering him into a room. Marcus was unnerved by her cheery tone, rather, he fake cheery tone. Still, he didn't complain as he was pushed into the room. "The doctor will be with you in one moment." What, was he at the dentist's? He snorted, eliciting a sharp glare from the lady before she slammed the door shut.

He made himself walk to the chair in the middle of the room, listening to the slap of his feet against the floor. Marcus hadn't been able to sit, when the door that had just previously been slammed swung open. "Hello! Hello!" The "doctor" called. He wasn't a doctor, a doctor treats people. He is a scientist, a mad one. "So," He paused to look at his clipboard. "Marcus! How are you today? Nervous? Don't be, you'll like your powers I guarantee it." He wouldn't give Marcus the time to answer any of the questions he was asked.

The "doctor" picked up a shot filled with a deep, dark red. Maroon, if Marcus remembered his colors correctly. "Ah, red, the color of love. The "doctor" said, shooting a wink at Marc. "Now, you're about to be in a lot of pain. Your powers, well, one of them, won't work if we give you pain killers. But, you're a big boy, you can handle it, right?" Marcus gulped, looking up at the doctor with fearful eyes. He just smiled at Marcus, before pushing a button on the table, and three male nurses came into the room. "If you try to resist, we have these three gentlemen here to restrain you."

Marcus held sill, as the needle was brought closer to him. He was frozen by fear, and soon to be pain. The needle was forced into him, aimed at his chest. Pain exploded all over him, a line of swears exiting his mouth. He could only hope that he would faint, so he wouldn't have to suffer through the rest of this. But to no avail. The doctor waited for him to stop writhing around, before jamming another needle filled with a dark green liquid into his arm. More pain shooting all across his body, and a very urgent burning in his lungs. The more air he tried to breathe in the more it burned.

See, not that bad." The doctor said, as if he couldn't see the boy that was moving wildly around on the table. "Take him to the activated room. Oh, and make sure his hands are bound tightly. The rope seems a bit loose." Two of the nurses picked up his fidgeting body, while another replaced the damaged rope with a new one. They took him to the room filled with the other activated subjects, and sat him in a chair near the front, before leaving without a word.


Marcus Cullenway

Full Name: Marcus Nate Cullenway
Alias(es): Marc, occasionally even Cullen.
Age: Twenty years old (12/9/1993)
Gender: Male

Personality: Marcus is a mix of many things. Many would describe him as lustful, a total player, and those he's been personal with saying that he's both agressive and possesive. He does lust after others often, and it doesn't take much to draw his attention. Just a slightly suggestive glance his way will have him in your personal space, forcing you against him. He's been given a nasty punch many times by guys defending the girls, seeing that they're helpless against his strength. Marc is a bit of a daredevil, often doing things just for the rush of doing so. He likes to the center of attention, too, so picking fights is something he enjoys doing, both for the thrill and attention.
-Running his fingers through his hair
-Biting his lip, often in a seductive fashion
Appearance: Oh, Marcus is quite the stud. He's tall, tan and devishly handsome. At the top of his 6'4 frame, he has dark brown hair, always gelled just so. Eyebrows that curve brilliantly over his chocolate brown eyes that can make nearly anyone swoon with just one glance. His cheekbones are ever so slightly defined, giving a full yet near chiseled sort of feel. His lips are full, pursed into a pout even when relaxed. Marc has a body that is just as attractive as his face. Well defined muscles line his 160 pound frame, a six pack easily seen beneath the majority of his shirts. And, just to show off, he wears his pants just low enough for everyone to see the 'V' that is molded by the muscle into his hips.
History: While Marcus surely gives off the perfect past, prep parents and boarding school vibe, his life was, well, not that great. While he doesn't remember much from the years before he was brought to the Projects. At the grand age of 11 he was brought here, one of the youngest to ever be tested on. Though, it was sort of a last resort. See, he was from a very poor family, and there cannot be enough stress on 'very poor'. They could barely afford gas station food let alone a house. They were on the street, homeless. When talk of the Projects arose, his parents did what they thought best. So, they signed off to science, and hopes that he'd would have a better life, despite being tested on.
Crush: None, unless you count lust as a crush, in which case he has a "crush" on everyone.
Relationship Status: Single
Subliminal Seduction
The ability to to project seductive thoughts into subconscious and/or otherwise seduce subjects. A sub-power of Love Manipulation, Sexual Inducement and Subliminal Messaging.
The user can project seductive thoughts to the minds of others, speak with subliminal seductive power behind each word, and/or stimulate the brain's pleasure centers by touch, voice or thought. This can be used to attract and seduce any subject one desires, because the subject receiving the thoughts would believe they were the ones thinking them.
Marcus holds the power of seduction, a power seen useless by many. However, he finds it invaluable. The key to fulfilling his insatiable lust. Oh, and of course, getting others to do his bidding. Just a simple thought could force anyone to kneel at his feet. Though, of course, it isn't just as easy as thinking phallic thoughts, he must make eye contact with the target, while having contact with their skin. While in the future, when his powers are stronger, he could potentially keep their affection forever, for now it only lasts an hour at most.
The power to reduce or remove the need for bodily necessities.
Users physical needs are greatly reduced or completely removed. These needs include air/breathing, sleep/rest, food, drink, bodiliy evacuations, shelter from enviromental effects and their lack (heat/cold, dryness/wetness), etc. User is also able to stay unmoving without normal effects this would have.
Marcus also possesses the power of self-sustenance, a power that is seen great, even possibly divine, by others, unlike subliminal seduction. The limits of his power, however, are great, and will remain that way until the very far future as his body must adapt to his newfound ability. While he does not require food/drink/sleep, his body will still pain him until he satisfies those needs, despite being able to survive without them. The only need that his body has fully let go of is breathing, though, only for a few hours at time, before he must draw another breath.

Supporter of the Heroes Project?: Yes. But only because he feels obligated to. He doesn't like the fact they don't give him a choice, his freedom, but at the same time, they saved him from the street. So he feels as if he has to support the Project.
What do you want to do with your Power(s)?: While he'd prefer to live a cross between living dangerously and a normal life, he knows that if the government called for him, he'd be there in a heartbeat. Whether it be good or bad, he'd end up doing as they say. Of course, though, he'd love to live recklessly, using his powers mindlessly, like they were nothing. But, he can't. Simple as that.
-While known at the Projects for being one of the youngest to be brought there, he isn't very popular among the other subjects, mostly known as the pervert who greets the woman with "Hey there, sweet cheeks."
(Hope it isn't too late, I feel like I'm cutting it close, since their powers are being actived in, what, ten minutes? I may have gone just a bit overboard with his appearance, but it fits with his main power, seduction, so, I hope that cancels out the perfect sort of aspect to him. I also hope it's alright for him to have been brought into the Project at such a young age, I read through the posts about the storyline/rules/plot and didn't find anything against it, other than a line stating young adults were brought there for many years, yet that doesn't really add up to the characters since the majority of them are 19-21, some even younger, a few older)

Stories / Do you wanna hear a story?
« on: April 28, 2014, 04:55:25 am »

Do you want tah' hear a story?
Well, if y'do, sit down, cause' it's you're in for a ride.

The magic of dreams is that they always stay in the back of your mind. They don't stay on your mind constantly, and eventually... eventually they drift away, never to be thought about again. You don't have your nightmares breathing down your neck at all hours of the day and that is the way it should always stay. If nightmares were to be thought about at all times then we would all drive ourselves to insanity.

It was the same dream I always had, at least near the same. I was in a forest, large pine trees with thick trunks rising from the ground, their pine needles scattered all across the ground. You'd think it to be peaceful. Heh. This forest was never peaceful. I hated this dream, I always will.

I could hear it's screeches from a mile away, hell, you could hear it's screams from a world away. It was coming for me. I turned, I had to start running, before it could get any closer. I forced my legs to start moving, and started to flee. Already it's screeches seemed right behind me, they always did, but I didn't look back. No, I kept running, stumbling over the rough terrain.

My breathing was already getting labored, and I had only gotten about 15 yards from where I started. It's screams had only gotten louder, it sounded as if it was in my head. I had run through this forest every day for as far as I can remember, yet it always seemed to change, nothing ever looked the same.

I had reached a clearing, the trees surrounded it like a circle, and as I stepped deeper into to I could see out of the corner of my eye where I came sprout trees, seemingly out of nowhere. I slowed my pace, taking in everything, it didn't seem like I was in a forest anymore, more of a canyon except instead of surrounded by rock surrounded by trees. The ground was very dry, and was too light colored to be dirt.

I found myself standing in the middle of it all, when suddenly everything disappeared. No. Nothing disappeared. Instead, I was falling, falling down a pit that went to who knows where. I willed myself to wake up before I landed, this had never happened before! I shut my eyes tight, waiting for the impact that never came.

OOC: So, what do you think? This is just a little prologue to the story, the actual chapters will be much longer. xx -A.J

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Dawning Legacies (Open and Accepting!)
« on: October 09, 2013, 09:33:33 pm »

Tara walked down the ailes, many of which were now empty. "It looks like we have some, though not much." The girl said, grabbing a half full bottle.
"Here, give them a teaspoon each, no more, no less."
She said holding the bottle out for Raven to take.(short)

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: The Labs (DNA/Gifted Roleplay Accepting)
« on: October 09, 2013, 09:07:38 pm »


"Hey you, wanna buy something? No? Then scram!"
Character Name:
Rachel Jackson Schmidt
R.J is a rather happy person, loving her life even if she has nothing besides the clothes on her back. Though like an onion she has many layers. R.J can be untrusting, often judging at first glance. She can also be rather stubborn, not budging once she makes a decision even if she's wrong.
Smarts isn't exactly her strong point, often having those 'blonde' moments. At school she played the school rebel, skipping classes and setting off fire alarms.
The 20-year old is really a grudge holder, holding grudges for long periods of time before even thinking about letting it go.

-Is skilled with knives
-Can work well alone
-Makes the best of the worst

-Grudge Holding

R.J hasn't had the worst life, but she honestly she hasn't had the best either. When she was really young her father walked out on her mother and her, and without her father's income the two were quite poor. Realizing this her mother got another job leaving R.J often alone. This caused a rough relationship between R.J and her mother. So instead of staying at home the girl would leave, exploring the city.
Then her mother lost both of her jobs, leaving them broke. So they had to move to a house that was in a rough neighborhood. The 'ghetto' as most people call it. Money was tight, so R.J caught herself often stealing from passerbys and then selling things in back alleys for cheap.
Things were going moderately well, having enough money for rent and food, but then her mother caught a fatal disease, cancer. It grew fast, reaching stage 4 in a matter of months. The little money R.J could collect wasn't enough to pay for surgery and her mother passed away later that year.
Now alone R.J finally took up another job, though not many would even consider hiring her. So only surviving on the little money that she could collect it seemed like a godsend when this new gameshow appeared. The few weeks that it took to choose the contestants seemed like an eternity and when R.J was chosen it seemed like a road to luxury.

Get us outta here!

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