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Messages - RoxasXIII

Pages: [1]
I'll put in an app, too!

User Name: RoxasXIII
Char Name: Citoka
Element: Water
Gender: Female
Personality: Citoka tends to be a bit more aloof than others, disappearing for periods of time, yet never going very far. She often closes herself off and rarely trusts anyone, avoiding relationships higher than "acquaintance." She is quiet, but is not afraid to voice her opinion. She rarely starts fights, but will fight if challenged.
Skill: Citoka prefers to use her teeth and nails over anything else. She analyzes her opponents before any physical fighting begins, but if attacked by surprise she has to make and maintain a far enough distance to do such an analysis.
Background: Citoka has been alone since she was old enough to hunt for herself. The social isolation has left her unable to properly interact with others and form relationships. Living alone did, however, strengthen her body and mind, allowing her to survive countless challenges.

((Background is a bit of a WIP...))

I am curious what the minimum amount of sentences would be. I type about as formal as possible, but personally I only like to do long posts on forum rps, not ingame rps.

Introduction / Um... Hi...
« on: February 21, 2011, 07:16:42 am »
Hi people. I will probably end up lurking on here, rather than being really social.
Um... I am into several Shonen Jump mangas and animes, mostly Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Bleach, Buso Renkin, and Nora. I've been extremely interested in Japanese stuff lately and I'm gonna start taking Japanese for my foreign language credits in high school during the summer. I love video games, right now as in: most games by Valve, Kingdom Hearts, and Lost Via Domus. I have two golden retriever dogs, a black cat, and a guinea pig. I love to draw. Now I'm just rambling...
I have a deviantArt, but there's not much digital art:

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